Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Artemis Ch. 16.5 Nighttime in the Daytime - 12/31/10 03:41 PM
Happy New Year! I hope you enjoy. Just a few more parts to go!

Staring at Clark, Perry knew he was looking at a love struck man. But this could work in the paper’s favor. He wouldn’t make it easy on them, though. He swiveled back and forth in his chair, as if pondering all the consequences of such a decision. Finally, he leaned forward on his desk and was satisfied at the sound of two indrawn breaths. “All right.”

Lois and Clark turned to each other with expressions of joy.

“But!” Perry interjected and enjoyed watching their faces fall and expressions become wary.

Pointing a stern forefinger at Clark, he announced, “You have to prove your writing ability to me and the timeless of your submissions. We work on strict deadlines here.”

Clark nodded eagerly. That he knew he could do.

“And,” Perry continued loudly, “You will not be partnered with Lois.” He really enjoyed the look of distress they gave each other. Oh, this was just too easy. “I want to see what you can do by yourself. If you prove yourself to me, then and only then, you can be partners.”

Lois and Clark chorused together, “Agreed!”

Even if he had the lowest salary, Clark was happy to have a paying job at all.

Chapter 16.5 Only You Beneath the Moon or Under the Sun

Lois and Clark emerged from Perry’s office and stood in the space between their Planet desks and just stared at each other, smiling.

Lois broke the silence first. “What now?”

“It’s been a long few days – heck a long week and month. Even make that months. Let’s go somewhere and just be together.”

The coy look on Lois’ face took Clark’s breath away. “I know just the place. And we haven’t been there in a long time.”

“Lead on my lady.” Clark went over to the coat rack and retrieved Lois’ coat. He held it out to her so that she had to turn her back to him and put her arms through the sleeves. Gently lowering it over her shoulders, he removed a hand from her shoulder raised the back of her hair to place a soft kiss on her neck. Her resultant moan almost undid him and he had to smother the impulse to whisk her in his arms out the windows right then and there. His second impulse he did act on. Lowering his arms to grasp her around her delicate waist, he pulled her tight against his hips and thrust against her backside. She leaned her head back into his shoulder and exposed the long stretch of her neck.

Obligingly, he lowered his lips to her offered throat and kissed her. “Thank you for your great idea,” he murmured as he kissed her throat. “You are a genius! A gorgeous genius!”

“Elevator, now!” she whispered into the shell of his ear, which was conveniently next to her mouth. “Perry’s not going to wait forever to come out of his office!”

Releasing Lois, Clark laid a hand on her lower back and gently, but swiftly, propelled her up the ramp to the elevator bank. He left his hand on her lower back as he pushed the button to call the elevator to their floor.

When the car arrived, he pushed her gently but quickly into it. They hurried into the elevator and Lois pushed the button for the lower garage level, and then plastered herself against the wall by the control console. Clark was at the wall on the opposite side of the now closing door and he looked to be fairly vibrating in place.

They stared intently at each other, as if waiting for some unspoken permission. As soon as the door closed fully, Lois threw herself at him. Deftly catching her around her waist, he brought her up to his eye level. They stared hotly at each other.

“You caught me,” Lois breathed.

“I’ll always catch you, anywhere, anywhen, Lois,” Clark replied equally breathless. Again marveling at the effect this woman had on him, he began to devour her with his fervent kisses. Relief and euphoria swept through him. Relief at the fact he had survived saving the world and Lois, and euphoria at having her his.

Lois was really enjoying this, feeling pride at them being able to work together in the future and be with each other as much as humanly – or nonhumanly – possible, but she was dimly aware that she needed to breathe some air or soon pass out. There was also an insistent dinging sound faintly in the background and quite a bit of cold air coming at her. Pulling away from Clark’s kiss, she slowly realized that the dinging sound was a result of Clark holding the door open with his body.

“Perry’s coming down to the garage. We need to get over to the Jeep.”

On the word, they were next to the driver’s door of Lois’ Jeep. Looking up at Clark’s face as he still held her, she noticed the wry grin on his lips.

“It took us a while to walk here,” he said with a smile.


Rapidly unlocking her five locks, Lois opened her apartment door for Clark, flicked on the light switch, and then held the door open as he eagerly entered. Walking quickly to the middle of the living room, he then turned to face her and stood to wait for a clue from Lois. He was rather confident he knew what was going to happen, but he waited for her to give the signals. For her part, Lois was busy at the door securing the locks and snicked the deadbolt home with a flourish.

Only then she turned and leaned against the door, looking at Clark with heated eyes.

Fixing her with his gaze, he slowly divested himself of his suit coat and threw it behind him absently in the direction of the couch. Then he removed his glasses and placed them carefully on the end table. Only then he began walking toward her.

Lois saw the grace in every movement he made as she lounged against the door. She loved this man with every fiber of her being. The tension between them built as he moved slowly toward her. He moved up to her, still standing a little away from her. He was so close she could feel his rapid breath. He reached up his right hand to cup her left cheek and then slowly moved closer. She closed her eyes in anticipation of the kiss and he obliged with a slow taste of her mouth. Sliding his hand down her lovely neck, he moved both hands to remove her coat and slide it down her shoulders to pool on the floor by the door, still kissing her with increasing fervor.

Without her coat, Lois began to shiver. Foggily she realized it was not only because of his kiss, but because it was really cold in her apartment. Reluctantly, she put a hand on his chest and pushed a little. Clark stepped back with a question in his eyes. “I haven’t been here in so long, the heat hasn’t been on much. It’s cold. We need to turn up the heat.”

Clark’s answer was one of his illegal smiles. “We can do that,” he said in a throaty growl. The double entendre was clear. “Go over to your thermostat and turn it on. Then just stand there, very still, for a moment.”

Walking over to the wall by the fish tank, Lois said, “Well, at least the fish stayed warm with their own heater.” After turning on the thermostat and adjusting the temperature to something suitable for very little clothing, Lois turned and asked, “Why do I have to stand still?”

Her mouth hung open as she watched Clark super walk around her living room and kitchen. She caught a brief glimpse of his eyes glowing red as the room began to warm. He stopped and looked at her with normal color eyes and titled his head toward her bedroom door. Finally understanding what he was asking, she simply said “Yes, of course.”

Clark walked in the bedroom, and then soon came back out. Lois assumed he had heated the bedroom too. He certainly was handy to have around, in more ways than one. She was still obediently standing by the fish tank, waiting for him.

“You can move now. It’s safe.”

“What if I can’t?”


“Move. What if I’m rooted to this spot? What then?”

A smile quirked his mouth. “I’ll come carry you off?”

An answering smile came to her face. “Where would you carry me off to?”

“Tahiti?” He moved closer to her and pretended like she was a frightened fawn that might run away through the forest at any moment. To match the thought, he held out a soothing hand. “But, barring that, your bed?”

She struck a mock thoughtful pose, right elbow posed on her left hand and her fingers tapping her face in thought. She just loved teasing him. He was the most powerful man on Earth, who had just saved said Earth, and she could tease him and be perfectly comfortable doing so. “You know, I think I’m in the mood for some coffee.”

That brought Clark up short in surprise.

“Coffee?” He almost choked on the word. Coffee wasn’t what he had in mind. He certainly did have an ulterior motive in heating up her apartment so quickly. But he could see the tease in her eyes and loved her the more for it.

Although he was rather new to his life as Superman, he really disliked the distance and awe with which the public greeted him. He felt more human when he was just in plain civilian clothes. And he loved that she treated him as human and teased him. On the other hand she certainly didn’t object to his super skills during lovemaking. So he would play along. Clark cleared his throat and said, “Coffee would be good. Right now. Warm us up on the inside, as it were.”

Lois didn’t miss the extra emphasis and intense look when he uttered the word, “inside.” She blinked, and then began moving to the kitchen with an exaggerated sashay in her hips.

For his part, Clark didn’t miss the extra wiggle in her hips. A sudden surge of blood to his southern parts made him grab the back of one of the kitchen chairs. He had to consciously ease his fingers away to keep from breaking it.

Lois smiled slightly at the sight and moved over to her counter and started building coffee in the coffee pot. She had a fondness for this counter top ever since their first encounter on it before she knew he was Superman. Or actually, it was before he was Superman.


In a haze as she made the coffee with a smile on her lips, Lois remembered that Clark had brought over croissants, hot croissants, the morning after the black SUVs had chased them following the White Orchid Ball. She had admired his look in a crisp blue shirt and brown dockers as she let him in her front door.

Lois remembered telling him to put the proffered breakfast, “Over at the table. Not being totally inept, I did start a pot of coffee in case we wanted more. Coffee that is. I’d show you around, but you’ve been here before.” Her voice had been light and teasing and she had a large smile for him.

“Well, yes. I was here. But it looks a lot…er…dryer and brighter now,” he had returned in a similar manner. Cups and dishes were laid out on the table and he sat and poured two cups from the thermos he carried. He noticed that a pile of rather bedraggled sugar packets and dry creamer from various restaurants was in the middle of the table along with a bowl of artificial sweetener packets.

Lois saw him look at the pile and shrugged, “I don’t have much in my cupboard as you know.”

“It’s fine, Lois. I can take it straight if I have to.”

“Ah, a manly man.” Lois sat.

His smile grew larger. “Probably it would be a good idea to use whatever is available. This is Kona Coffee from the Big Island of Hawaii. It’s got a kick to it, but I figured we needed it after last night.” He fixed his coffee with two sugars and a creamer.

“Well, if you find me walking on the ceiling after drinking it, you’ll know it worked,” Lois winked, putting in an artificial sugar packet. “I’ve had Kona before and it can give a real buzz.”

Clark had said, “It sure does. Great for all night jobs. And here are the croissants.”

He had then opened the bag and the aroma had sprung forth. Even now, Lois still remembered that smell. She had sniffed the aroma and delicately picked up a croissant and had put an end in her mouth and bitten down, rolling her eyes in ecstasy at the taste. That didn’t keep her from noticing that Clark’s jaw had gone slack at her expression.

“These are wonderful! Where did you get them?”

“From a French bakery,“ he had mumbled around his own croissant.

“Here in Metropolis? Of course, what am I saying, they have to be from here.” Remembering this now as she made the coffee, she laughed at herself. Of course, they could have been from France.

“Yes, the Boulangerie Francaise over by the corner of 14th and Whalen,” he had replied.

“Never heard of it. Here you are a newcomer to Metropolis and you find the best French bakery in town. How did you find it?” Lois’ eyes then had fixed on Clark’s fingers as he licked the butter off them after eating his croissant. She watched his eyes stare at her mouth as she used her tongue to remove the dripping butter from her lower lip.

Lois had brought over napkins to the table and Clark quickly had picked up a napkin and started wiping his right hand. Lois had looked at his very large masculine right hand. At that very moment she had wondered what he could do with that hand and how it would feel on her body. Then she thought it could probably span her whole backside and she had found out she was right.

Now that she knew how that felt, she was turned on even more by the memories as she still stood by the counter and watched the coffee brew. She remembered that Clark had then gone to the counter to get more coffee, even though the thermos on the table was still there. She had suspected that she had had an effect on him.

Lois had gone over and could feel him shaking as she had touched him. “Clark, I want to thank you for last night, for getting me home safely,” she remembered saying softly.

“I’m just glad you are feeling better today,” he had said to the coffee pot. Lois’ emotions had been in a turmoil. She knew what she wanted to do was the thing she shouldn’t do. She had turned him to face her.

“You kissed me once.”

“That was a cover for an investigation,” he had protested weakly.

“But I didn’t know that and I enjoyed it.”

“But what about your…”

Lois had put her finger over his lips to silence him. Then he had opened his mouth and sucked her finger. She was a goner at that moment. Her knees had suddenly given out and he had caught her around the waist and brought her up against him. She had instantly felt his hardness against her stomach. Now, tonight, Lois wanted to repeat that whole experience with a different conclusion.


‘What was Lois doing at the coffee pot, just standing and staring,’ Clark wondered. Suddenly, he couldn’t resist her anymore and moved up behind her, slowly trailing his fingers down her spine as she had done to him seemingly eons ago. He felt her tremors. He gasped as Lois pushed her hips back into him. She began to move her hips against him, back and forth and side to side. Side to side was definitely the winner in his view.

Clark kissed her neck and breathed into her ear, “Is it really coffee you want, Lois?”

She moved her hips away and Clark felt the loss. Then she turned into his arms and said to him softly, “I have a certain nostalgia for my counter her ever since the morning after the White Orchid Ball.”

Ah, he knew where this was going. Well, hoped he knew where this was going. “Is that so? Nostalgia for what,” he inquired softly, pushing his hips into her to let her know he was definitely interested in the counter too. Not to mention the sofa, the table, the bed, and maybe even the ceiling.

Lois stuck her finger into his mouth and he tongued it, and then sucked on it softly, like a Lois popsicle, looking her in the eyes and waiting for her next move.

She removed her finger and put both arms around his neck. Clark easily lifted her onto the counter away from the coffee pot and stepped between her outstretched legs.

He remembered what he said before, “Are you sure you want to do this, Lois?” This time he said it with confidence, rather than insecurity.

“Very.” She kissed him. He responded by cupping the back of her head and invading her mouth with fervor. She again encircled him with her legs and crossed them behind his back.

Just as before, he was lost, lost, lost in the world of Lois Lane. Lois responded by sucking his tongue like he had her finger.

As before his knees were giving out. Lois was the only woman that had ever affected him that way. This time he just felt so very, very lucky to have her and have her alive and well.

“Is it warm enough?”

For a moment Lois couldn’t figure out what he meant. “Warm enough?”

Clark kissed her neck, and then trailed kisses down to her blouse front. “In here. For me to take your clothes off.” Leaning away from her, he said with a smile, “I assume you want a different ending than the last time we were in this position?”

Lois looked at him and smiled. “Most definitely. But I’ve really gotten fond of this counter top.”

“Let’s build better memories,” he whispered as he began unbuttoning her blouse.


Lois watched Clark as he watched himself slowly, leisurely unbutton her blouse. This seemed a good time to ask. “So why did you slow us down last time we were here. I sure wanted you that morning.”

“And I wanted you, in the worst way. Well, really the best way.” He paused in his work on her clothing and looked at her, sincerity and strong emotion shaping his features. “Lois, no woman in the world has ever affected me like you do. Your look, your smell, your touch entrance me. My knees weaken when we kiss passionately. My mind fogs and all I can think of is what it is like to make love to you, to please you, to hear you cry out my name in ecstasy. Even that morning I knew I needed you to complete me, to make my life whole, to feel totally human. But your mother called and left that message for you.”

Clark pulled back a little and Lois felt the loss of his touch. “I realized I was about to ravish with lust the bosses’ daughter, and that I shouldn’t do it if I ever wanted more with you. And at the moment I definitely wanted more. Lots more.”

Pulling him back toward her, Lois grabbed his tie and began slowly, teasingly, pulling it from around his neck. “Well, I sure didn’t know my Dad was your boss. I didn’t even know what he did until just before you went out to demolish the two parts of Nightfall.”

She began undoing the buttons on his shirt. She reached the end of the visible buttons and pulled the shirt out of his pants, just like before.
“Ravish with lust, eh?”

Clark nodded in affirmation. “Yes. Definitely with a lot of lust.”

“How about now? What’s your lust-o-meter?” She finished his buttons and pushed the shirt off of his shoulders to let it fall on the floor. “God, you’re beautiful,” she breathed as his chest was revealed to her eager sight. As before, but now with more freedom, she reached out and stroked his magnificent chest.

Clark groaned. “I think the lust-o-meter just went up. And speaking of up, I am, and you’re overdressed.” Reaching over he pulled Lois’ blouse out from her trousers and removed it, throwing it casually over his shoulder. He stared at her with an expression of awe. “You are just so beautiful, Lois. But still overdressed.”

Lois reached behind her and unhooked her lacy, nearly transparent bra that she had carefully selected in hopes of a good reunion with Clark. She didn’t remove it, but just let it rest on her ample bosom. She had never before heard the sound she then heard from Clark. A bit uncertain, she asked, “You like?”

“That is,” he choked out, “without a doubt the sexiest thing I have ever seen in my life. I like – love- you naked, but this is just – sexier.” With that he reached forward, not with his hands, but with his mouth and licked just above her bra. He pulled her closer and nosed the left bra strap off her shoulder, then pulled the bra with his teeth to whisper across her left breast, revealing just that breast to his heated gaze.

Lois leaned back into the cabinets and arched to present more of herself to him. Oh, he felt good. “Ohh, more, both.” Her mind was leaving her, her world sinking into just the sensations Clark was giving her.

Looking down, she saw Clark’s dark head at her breast and wanted more. She removed the rest of her bra and threw it in the direction of the kitchen chairs.

Against her chest, he rumbled, “I guess you like that?”

“Like isn’t a strong enough word. More!”
Willingly, he obliged.

“Take me to bed, Clark, and ravish me with lust there.”

Clark carried Lois onto her bed. She never noticed that he had turned down the sheets and warmed them as he laid her on her bed.

In the background she heard Frank Sinatra singing Cole Porter’s ‘Night and Day’ as it played softly on the bedside radio. Slowly they made deep satisfying love to each other, some of it to the beat of the music.

like the beat, beat, beat of the tom tom
when the jungle shadows fall
like the tick,tick, tock of the stately clock
as it stands against the wall
like the drip, drip drip of the rain drops
when the summer showers through
a voice within me keeps repeating
you, you, you

Night and day you are the one
only you beneath the moon or under the sun
whether near to me or far it's no matter darling
where you are
I think of you
day and night, night and day
why is it so that this longing for you
follows where ever I go
in the roaring traffic’s boom,
in the silence of my lonely room
I think of you
night and day, day and night
under the hide of me,
there’s an oh such a hungry yearning burning
inside of me,
and this torment won’t be through
till you let me spend my life making love to you
day and night, night and day

Clark came awake almost instantly as his sensitive hearing kicked in. He estimated it was about 3 a.m. and Lois was spooned against his front as they lay together in her bed. He smiled into her hair at the memory of last night. Raising his head to see her clock, he saw it was 3:14 in the morning. Again he heard a knocking and a soft voice call out “Lois!”.

Kissing Lois’ shoulder to wake her up, he said, “Wake up, sweetheart. Someone’s at your door and wants in.”


“Wake up, Lois. Someone’s at your door and wants you to open it.”

Lois pushed her hips back into him.

“LOIS! Wake up! Not for that! Someone’s at your door.”

“Well, look and see who it is,” Lois mumbled, moving her hand up to her face to scrub it awake.

Obediently, Clark lifted his head and looked through her wall, fish tank and door to see a woman, dark hair, about Lois’ size, knocking on the door. One of the fish swam by and blurred his view a bit. “Well, it’s a woman, about your size with dark hair. She did get through the front door of the apartment building to get up here. I think the deadbolt is keeping her out.”

Lois sat upright suddenly and swung her feet over the bed. “Lucy,” she muttered. “It must be Lucy, my sister. What is she doing here at...at…?”

“3:16 in the morning,” Clark supplied helpfully.

“Just a minute!” Lois called out in a loud voice. Clark winced. For a small woman, Lois could really produce a lot of sound.

“Since she’s your sister, she probably needs something. I’ll stay here and get dressed. It’s almost time for a patrol anyway. If you want me to meet her, just call for me.” He watched her take her robe out of the closet and slip on some slippers.

Lois muttered, “Dang, it’s cold in here again. I’ll kick up the heat as I go by. You sure keep me warm, lover.”

Smiling at the endearment ‘lover’, Clark watched in appreciation as Lois threw on a nightgown and then a robe. Sleeping in the altogether with Lois was one of his pleasures. “Hold still a moment, Lois, and I’ll warm you up.”

Lois obliged and sighed in relief as she felt soft warmth all along her back. “Who needs a fireplace when I have you? Well, I need to see what my sister wants at this hour. She’s supposed to be in LA!”

Storming out the bedroom door, she called again, “Hold your horses! I’m coming already.” She flicked on the lights and heat as she walked by. She picked up her coat, still in front of the door from last night, and threw it in front of the bookcase. Still being cautious, although she was sure it was Lucy, she looked through the peephole and then slid the deadbolt off and opened the door. Her ire ratcheted down a peg as she stared at her disheveled and obviously tired sister. “Come on in, Lucy. What in the world are you doing here at this hour?”

Lucy walked in dragging a large duffel bag with her. She dropped it in the middle of the living room and just stared around. “You got a new couch!” Then she noticed a man’s jacket on said couch. Looking toward the dinette, she saw a tie hanging off the back of one of the chairs. Next to it was a lacy bra. On the floor beside the chair was a woman's blouse and a man's shirt! With wide eyes, she turned to Lois and whispered, “You have a man here?”

Lois relocked the deadbolt, turned and walked over to Lucy and said equally softly, “So?”

“Ah, erm, nothing. I just never knew you to do that. I –ah- need a place to stay for a while. I just got off the bus and walked here.”

“You got off the bus and walked here in Metropolis at 3 a.m.! Are you nuts?”

Lucy looked like she was about to cry. “I had no choice. I didn’t have any money for cab fare and there weren’t any cabs anyway and I didn’t want to go to our folks. You know how Dad is when he’s awakened unexpectedly.”

Boy, did she. Lois remembered when they had called Admiral Lane in the middle of the night to begin evacuation procedures for the Nightfall asteroid estimated hit. He had not been a happy camper. But, true to his nature, he had sprung into action immediately and efficiently got the ball rolling with the various agencies involved in the complex and unexpected necessity.

Realizing she needed Clark’s help with her sister, she called out loud enough for any human to hear, “Come on out, Clark, and meet my sister, Lucy.”

Surprisingly, Lois heard a rather tentative and higher pitched voice through a crack in the bedroom door. “O.K. Lois, could you bring me my glasses, please? You know how blind I am without them. They’re on the end table. And, er um, also my shirt?”

Finding both items quickly, she grabbed the glasses and shirt and walked to the bedroom door. In passing she said, “Have a seat at the table, Lucy, before you fall down. We’ll get some coffee going.” She got to the door and rolled her eyes at Clark as he peeked through the slight opening. He just smiled and shrugged a shoulder, whispering, “the disguise, you know. And I couldn't really come out shirtless, now could I?”

Lucy was tired, but not brain dead. Based on Clark’s high pitched voice, she was expecting a dork to emerge from Lois’ bedroom. Her mouth dropped open when she saw Clark pass through the door, shirt on and his glasses now firmly in place, and smile at her. He was drop dead gorgeous and built like a linebacker. And that smile belonged on what they used to call a ‘matinee idol.’ She couldn’t help but give a tentative smile in return.

“Hi, Lucy, pleased to meet you. I’m Clark. I work at the Planet with Lois,” he said with just a smidgen of pride in his voice. “I’ll make us some coffee. We do that a lot around here.”

Again with the illegal smile and did Lucy just detect a hidden message in that last sentence?
Lois sat next to Lucy but also where she could watch Clark. Lucy couldn’t blame her. He was a lot to look at.

“So Luce, what’s the story? Why are you here and not still in LA? And do you want to take off your coat?”

Lucy broke down and started crying, fishing a dirty, wet handkerchief out of her coat pocket. “No, no, I’ll keep my coat on. I’m still cold.”

Clark set a cup of steaming coffee in front of her. “Here, this will help.”

Lois realized that was awfully quick, since they had turned off the pot before proceeding to bed. He had to have heated it with his vision.

Smiling benignly, Clark also set a cup in front of Lois. Squeezing her shoulder gently, he went to fix a cup for himself and sit at the table to hear Lucy’s story.

After taking several fortifying sips, Lucy began her story. “Harry the Horrible broke up with me before Thanksgiving and I couldn’t stay around Camp Pendleton any more. Everything reminded me of him.”

“Well, yeah. It’s a Marine base, duh.”

Clark gave Lois a look that said, ‘that’s a little harsh.’ Lois shrugged a shoulder in reply.

Lucy didn’t give any sign of noticing the byplay and continued. “So I hopped a bus, not caring where I was going, but there was nowhere to go but east. And I met a guy, and we started dating. But I was in Albuquerque and I know how Dad feels about inter-species dating!” Lucy all but wailed the last few words.

Clark froze with his cup halfway to his mouth, eyes wide. ‘Inter-species dating? What the heck did she mean?’

Motoring on, Lucy continued breathlessly, “Then the asteroid came and I was evacuated with the rest of the city. Jerry had to stay and work the evacuation. I don’t know where he is. Then, after Superman saved the whole city, I hopped the next bus out of the area and here I am.”

Taking Lucy’s hand, Lois took control. “What do you mean, inter-species dating?” ‘Geez, did a tendency for such things run in her family?’

Lucy grabbed some tissues from a box that had suddenly appeared on the table and explained, “Well, he was a nice guy from Kirtland. But he’s Air Force! Dad would eat him alive! At least Harry was a Marine and hence Navy related!”

Lois heard the thump of Clark’s cup on the table and turned to look at him, noting his surprised expression for the first time. She knew what he was thinking. If Admiral Lane couldn’t stand one of his daughters dating an Air Force officer, what would he think about the other sister marrying an alien from another planet?

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