Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LNCroxmysox COTOC Redux (5/6) - 12/29/10 01:42 PM
* * * * *

Lois couldn’t sleep. She paced her apartment in her pajamas, every once in a while glancing toward her window in the hope that Superman might arrive to give her some shred of information.

Justin had been gone for nearly twenty-four hours, and so far, no one had been able to locate him. Whoever had sent the ransom note was demanding his money by noon the following day. Would Superman show up? Would he pay the ransom? Would Justin come home safely?

“Hello there, missy!”

A voice at the window nearly sent Lois through the roof. She had been hoping for Superman; she certainly wasn’t expecting... HIM. Maybe leaving her window open wasn’t such a good idea anymore, not with all manner of Superbeings flying around Metropolis these days.

“Mind if we talk for a bit?” he said, stepping into the living room. “It’s a lonely night.”

Lois swallowed hard. “Wonderman... um... actually, I’m really tired, so maybe this could wait--”

“Oh, I suppose,” Wonderman said, looking forlorn. “But I have some information for ya!”

“What kind of information?” she asked, her reporter’s curiosity piqued.

“About that little boy. I think I know where he is. Or, at least, where he was.”

“Where?” she cried.

“Now, wait a minute,” Wonderman said. “You don’t think I’m just going to give it away, do you?”

Fury colored Lois’s face. With anger swelling inside her, she barely trusted herself to speak. “You-- RAT!” she hissed. “A child is in danger, and you won’t even help unless I... I don’t know... PAY YOU? You’re SICK! Get OUT!”

“Well, now, I didn’t say I wanted MONEY,” Wonderman said, holding up his hands. “I just thought, a pretty little lady like you... a revered bachelor like me....”

“You thought wrong!” Lois said.

“Hmmph!” he said. “Well, I can take a hint!” Wonderman stepped toward the window, ready to fly out, but he was stopped by something solid.

Lois was sure she was dreaming, now. Here she was in her pajamas, and not one but TWO supermen were standing in her living room. This was a bit too surreal.

“Superman!” she exclaimed.

Wonderman looked from Lois to Superman, then rolled his eyes. “All right, y’all, look... I wasn’t gonna just give it away, but I can see I’m outnumbered here. I have some information about that little boy.”

“We’re listening,” said Superman.

“Well, see, now, I was visiting my folks earlier… well, payin’ my respects, like I do when I feel the need, and I heard a child’s voice. Wasn’t sure where it was comin’ from, but I heard it.”

Lois looked annoyed. “A child's voice? That could have been anyone!”

“Well, now... I’m right certain I heard a woman sayin' the name “Justin,” and I know that’s the name of that little boy who’s missing. Of course, she also called him “little brat,” which kind of put me on edge, see, ‘cause I don’t think anyone should be talkin’ to kids that way, no matter how naughty they are.”

“And where was this?” Lois asked tiredly.

“Perpetual Pines. Kind of on the northeast end.”

“But you say you didn’t actually SEE Justin?” said Superman.

“No, but I tell ya, we need to have us a talk about this whole x-ray vision thing, because I can’t seem to get it to work right half the time!”

“Did you call the police?” asked Lois, rolling her eyes. “Or the FBI? Or anyone?”

“Sure I did!” Wonderman said. “But....”

“Let me guess,” said Superman, “You tried to negotiate a deal out of them.”

Wonderman looked indignant. “So maybe I did! And I would’ve got one, too -- except by the time the police got down to the cemetery, I guess they couldn’t find anyone.”

“I’ll pay a visit to Perpetual Pines and see what I can see. Maybe the police missed something. You should try to get some rest,” he said to Lois. “And you,” he said to Wonderman, “come with me.”

“What for?”

“I want you to show me exactly where you were when you heard those voices.”

“Oh, all right,” Wonderman said. “Though you ought to know the place -- it’s the same place where we were struck by--" he stopped, glancing at Lois, wondering if he was giving a bit too much information away.

“By lightning?" Lois finished for him. "Wait! That happened at Perpetual Pines?! Clark and I were there the night of the thunderstorm, too! And I saw somebody that night... near that big mausoleum. Also, there were guards on duty that night -- maybe one of them witnessed what happened to you two. Maybe....” Her head was spinning with all this new information. “I want to go with you,” she said.

“I don’t know....” Superman said.

She tilted her head to the side and gave him one of her sweetest looks. “If you don’t take me with you, I’ll just call Clark and we’ll end up driving down there anyway, so....”


“We’re wasting time!” she urged.

As they flew toward the cemetery, Lois mused that if anyone’s eyes were trained toward the skies at that very moment, they would witness a very strange sight indeed. Two Superheroes, one red, yellow and blue, one turquoise and orange, and a reporter in her pajamas, all out for a late-night flight. Then her thoughts turned back to Justin Driver, and she scolded herself for becoming distracted. She needed to focus.

They landed near a group of large, ornate headstones. “This is it,” said Wonderman. “This is where I heard the voices earlier.”

Superman put his mind to listening. He had to tune out the sounds of wind, late-night traffic, and an owl hooting nearby. “Nothing,” he said sadly, after a few minutes.

“Me either.” Wonderman looked around. “Well, I guess I’m sorry to have brought y’all out here. My, but I’m hungry. There’s an all-night pub just down the street... anyone up for a drink?”

Indentical glares were sent in his direction.

“Well, sorr-ee,” he said.

“I’m just going to make sure we’re not missing anything,” Superman said. “Stay here, and I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

As soon as he took off, Wonderman grinned at Lois. “Looks like it’s just you and me now, little missy.”

“I’m going to check out that big mausoleum over that way,” Lois said quickly. “Tell Superman where I went, would you?” She hurried off.

The nearly-full moon was casting an eerie glow over the cemetery, but Lois was grateful for the light it provided, anyway. She mentally kicked herself for not bringing along a flashlight. Still, she could at least take a look and see if there were any shadowy figures hanging around the mausoleum again tonight.

As she came upon the structure, a particuarly cold breeze hit her head-on and chilled her to the core. Something about this place gave her the creeps. Oh, the cemetery itself was fine, nothing to be afraid of. But this particular section -- something was not right, here.

Something propelled her forward, and without stopping to consider the consequences, she went for the mausoleum door. It was unlocked. She pulled it open and stepped inside a chamber. Blackness engulfed her.

What am I doing? she thought. This was crazy. This was probably home to a family of skeletons, trying to rest in peace, and here she was, disturbing them. Besides, what did she hope to accomplish in the dark, anyway? She backed outside quickly and shut the door carefully. She stood there for a few moments, just staring at the building. There was something about this place that was tugging at her. She decided then and there that as soon as the whole Justin Driver case was solved, she would come back here to do some investigating -- with a flashlight. And maybe with Clark, too.


She let out a yelp. “Oh, gosh, Superman, you startled me!”

He didn’t bother to remind her that he’d asked her to wait with Wonderman. It didn’t matter; he knew her too well. “What are you doing here?” he asked.

“Oh, I just thought -- well, never mind. Did you find anything?”

“No,” said Superman. “I know it’s morbid, but I checked all the fresh graves, just in case.”

“Oh gosh,” said Lois. “I never even considered that he could be....”

“Yeah, but nothing. I think I should take you home and keep searching the city.”

It was nearly 4am, now, so Lois agreed. Back at her apartment, she managed to nab about two hours of sleep before she was up again, showering, eating breakfast, and getting dressed. She arrived early to the newsroom, and was pleased to see Clark already there.

“Have you heard anything?” she asked him.

He shook his head sadly. “Not yet.”

She told him about her late-night adventure with Superman. He seemed interested, but looked disappointed when she told him they hadn’t found a thing, despite the possible lead from Wonderman.

“I just feel so awful,” she said. “We have no leads, nothing to go on... I mean, I know the police and FBI are on the case, but it just seems like WE should be able to crack this....”

“Lois Lane?” A messenger had just arrived, and was holding out an envelope. “Would you sign here, please?”

“What’s this?” Lois asked.

After signing for the object, Lois ripped open the envelope. “Oh!” she exclaimed, when she saw what was inside. There was a piece of paper with a typewritten message on it. “Clark, another note from the kidnappers! ‘Four hours to go. Tell Superman to listen for our signal. We look forward to doing business with you.’"

"We should tell the police," Clark said grimly.

“And we should get in touch with Superman and let him know about this latest note.”

“Yes,” agreed Clark.

“You know, Clark,” Lois said thoughtfully, “it would probably be a good idea if you weren’t the only one who could contact Superman... however you do it. Really, how DO you do it? You call him, don’t you? Some kind of secret phone number? Well... what if something happened to you? How would I get hold of him then?”

Just scream, Clark thought tiredly. “Listen, right now, I think we need to focus on the case. You call the police, I'll contact Superman, okay? And we'll talk about... that... later."

“Fine,” Lois said, reaching for her phone. “Later.”

He hoped she wouldn’t really hold him to that, but knowing her....

As the noon hour neared, Lois began to feel fidgety. Clark had said he’d contact Superman, but how would things turn out? Would Justin be returned safely? Would his kidnapper(s) be caught? And where was Clark, anyway? A survey of the newsroom showed no sign of him. If he was off getting donuts again, she’d kill him. Or at least lecture him. She knew he had a sweet tooth, but sheesh. When things settled down, she’d have to set him straight. Chocolate bars in a locked desk drawer -- THAT was the way to go.

She started as the phone rang. She snatched it up. “Lois Lane.”

“Wishing well. Centennial Park.” The voice was deep and robotic.

“What?” she said.

“The boy is there.” Click.

The boy is -- WHAT? What boy? Did they mean Justin? Was this some kind of joke? Joke or no, she felt compelled to follow the lead.

“Jimmy!” she called. “When Clark comes back, tell him I went to Centennial Park. I’ve got a tip.”

“Okay, Lois!”

As she drove toward the park, she wondered what the heck she was doing. Was she walking into a trap? It wouldn’t be the first time. Then again, who would dare attack her in broad daylight in the middle of a city park? Okay, there WERE people who would do that... in fact, if she had a dollar for every time she'd been attacked or kidnapped in broad daylight.... *Oh, for heaven’s sake!* she thought, *Just focus on the task at hand!*

She pulled into a small parking lot near the playground and began to jog toward the wishing well. Thank goodness she was familiar with this park. When she got to the clearing where the wishing well stood, she began to search for some sign of Justin. She saw a few joggers, a woman pushing a stroller, but no little boys.

Lois sighed with frustration. Then a horrifying thought clutched at her. Had the caller meant that Justin was IN the well? She raced towards it and peered down. “JUSTIN?” she called. “Is anyone down there?” She didn’t hear anything. Just as she was about to yell for Superman (darn Clark for not telling her a better way to do it!), she caught something out of the corner of her eye. A sneaker. A tiny sneaker attached to a leg, sticking out from behind a hedge.

Lois ran toward it. Her heart thumped wildly in her chest. She prayed he was only sleeping. She bent down touched the leg. It twitched. She got on her hands and knees and looked at the figure in the face. “Justin?” she said.

“Mommy?” the little boy mumbled.

He was alive! Groggy, but alive. His eyes focused on Lois and widened. “Where are we? Where’s my mommy?” he cried.

“It’s okay, Justin. I’ll take you to your mommy. Do you remember me? I came to your house one time. My name is Lois. Come on, let’s get you home, okay?”

Justin extended his arms and Lois took him in hers. He leaned his head against her shoulder as she carried him toward her jeep. She set him in the passenger seat and reached for her car phone. “I’m going to call for help,” she told Justin. “Just sit tight.”

“My head hurts,” the little boy moaned.

She started to dial the police, but then stopped and punched in the number for the Daily Planet instead. She tried Clark’s extension, but when he didn’t answer after three rings, she phoned Perry. “Perry, I've found Justin Driver. I know, I know... I had a tip, and he was right where they said. No, not yet. I will. Centennial Park, near the wishing well. Okay.”

Next she dialed the police. Within minutes, they were there. As Justin was checked over, Lois was questioned. She told the officers everything she knew, and when they asked why she hadn’t alerted authorities when she’d gotten the tip in the first place, she was quick to point out that she was a reporter... she got tips every day... most of them didn’t pan out... why bother the police? That answer seemed to satisfy them.

What a story! It was incredible, yet so very baffling. Why had someone sent the ransom notes, demanding so much money, and then just... let Justin go? And why had they taken him in the first place? Lois was dying for answers.

* * * * *

Back at the Daily Planet, Lois had just sat down at her desk when she saw her partner approaching.

“Clark!" she cried, standing up. "Where have you been!?"

"Covering Superman," Clark said glumly. “He was supposed to meet the 'kidnappers' at noon. But it was a ruse, they didn’t have Justin. They're in cust--"

“Clark, Justin’s been found!”

He stared at her, not comprehending.

“Seriously, Clark... he’s fine, he’s safe. But get this -- his powers are gone.”

“Gone!?” Clark's jaw dropped.


“Was he hurt? Was he okay? Where did they find him?”

“I got a phone call just before noon. They said I’d find Justin in Centennial Park. So I went, and he was there.”

Clark broke into a smile. “You,” he said, “are incredible. This is great! Where’s Justin now?”

“With his mom,” said Lois. “Or at least on his way to her.”

“So somebody just... left him in the park? Do they know who?”

“The police weren't able to get much out of Justin. They think he may have been drugged. He was acting a bit loopy after I found him, but he did give the police a vague description of the kidnapper. Apparently they're now looking for a tall, “mean” lady with short blonde hair."

“A lady?” Clark said. “But I was sure... I mean, what about that attorney?”

“Fennerman? I don’t know. So far nobody’s been able to locate him.”

“Wow,” said Clark. “So someone takes Justin, then just -- returns him? Why?”

Lois shook her head.

“And how could he have lost his powers?” Clark continued.

Lois shook her head. "I’d love to know.”

* * * * *

Michelle Driver's happy reunion with her son was all over the evening news. Though Michelle had declined to give any interviews, Lois and Clark did hear that the Driver home would be guarded by police tonight and that all members of the media were being asked to clear their property. Maybe now -- especially now that Justin's superpowers were gone -- the family could get some peace. At least, Clark hoped so. He vowed to visit Maryston within the next week, as Superman, to help make repairs to the home and, with any luck, help the Drivers move forward with their life.

But there was still the problem of Wonderman. And the day after Justin was reunited with his mother, that problem got a bit worse.

Superman had just finished putting out a warehouse fire near Hobbs Bay when he heard a whooshing sound, a thud, and then, "Superman! SUPERMAN!" Wonderman was there, waving his arms frantically.

"What's wrong?" Superman asked.

“My sister! My sister is GONE!”

Superman stared at Wonderman in confusion. “What?”

“My sister, Wanda Mae! She’s a patient at Meadowlark Park. At least she was ‘til this mornin’! They called and said she’s... gone! She wasn't in her room and they have no idea where she is! And someone called my 1-900 number and left a message sayin’ they’ve GOT her. They’ve got Wanda Mae!”

“Calm down. Do you have ANY idea who could’ve taken her?”

“No, I... wait! Yeah, I do! I bet you anything it was her! That... that WITCH! Why, when I find her, I’m gonna....”

“Hold on a second. Who? Who was it?”

“The other day, as I was comin’ out of that bakery over on Schuyler, this woman came up to me and told me she knew who I was. I told her I didn’t right care if she knew who I was. Then she said she could make me rich beyond my wildest dreams. I told her I could that all right by myself! But she wouldn’t take no for an answer. She went on to say somethin’ about sharin’ my powers, that she knew," he lowered his voice, lest anyone overhear him, "how I got YOUR powers. She said she was a scientist and that she could... somethingorather about duplicating the formula for transferin' it to herself. I told her to go fly a kite."

“Why do you think SHE took your sister, though?” Superman asked.

“Because!" he cried. "I told her she had no leverage! That's what I said to her before I flew away! I mean, I certainly wasn't going to let her take my powers for nothin'! And don't ya see? If she really did know who I was, then she could've easily tracked down my sister... and taken her! Taken her so that I would do what she wanted!"

"Do you remember what this woman looked like?" Superman asked. "Do you think you could describe her in more detail?"

"Short, blonde hair. Sort of pretty, but not really my type. Mid-thirties, maybe. Thin. Blue eyes."

Short blonde hair? Superman thought. Justin Driver's kidnapper, according to the boy, had been a "mean" lady with short blonde hair. Could it be the same person? Yes, it was possible. If this so-called scientist indeed knew how Wonderman had gotten his powers, and indeed knew how to transfer them, then it would make sense that she'd need to kidnap -- or coerce -- someone with superpowers in the first place. First she'd kidnapped (with the help of Richard Fennerman?) Justin Driver, but something had clearly gone wrong. Justin's powers had gone away. Had they disappeared before, or after, she'd tried to acquire them? Or had she succeeded? Apparently she had not, because she was now needing Wonderman’s “help”.

"Look," said Superman, "If this scientist person wants you, she's going to have to contact you somehow and tell you where to meet her. When she does, I want you to alert me immediately. Call Clark Kent at the Daily Planet. He knows how to get hold of me. Can you remember that?"

Wonderman nodded numbly. "I wish none of this had ever happened!" he said miserably.

"It'll be okay," Superman said. He just hoped it would be.

* * * * *

"Hey Lois, where's Clark?" Jimmy asked.

"Isn't that the $64,000 question?" Lois muttered, not looking up from her computer screen. Her trusty partner had disappeared yet again.

"He's got a phone call...."

"I'll take it!" Lois said. "Line one?"

"Yeah," answered Jimmy.

Lois snatched up the phone. "Clark Kent's desk, Lois Lane speaking," she said into the receiver.

"Hey, Miss Lane... this is Wonderman. I was told to call this number and ask Mr. Kent to call Superman. Could you tell him that witch called me again? She says I'm s'posed to meet her at the big mausoleum at the northwest end of Perpetual Pines if I ever want to see my sister again! So, uh, well, tell him I'm gonna head on over there, would ya?"

"I'll contact Superman as soon as I can," Lois said, her heart pounding. None of what he was saying made any sense to her, but she knew she was on to something big. Something that had been meant for Clark. Something he had kept from her. Damn him, why'd he do that?

Though she had no idea what she was getting into, Lois knew that if this had something to do with both Wonderman and Superman, she was going to be there. Besides -- the mausoleum? She KNEW there was something to that place, and now she was going to find out exactly what!

She grabbed her purse.
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