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"When does he get soap and water?" Lois asked.

"He doesn't."


"Because he's not here for a vacation."

"I want you to get a bowl of water, some soap, a washcloth, and a towel, and take them into the cell."

Shadbolt made no effort to hide his contempt. Lois wasn't sure if it were directed at her or at the prisoner. "Why?"

"Because they are my orders."

I can see how this would be difficult for some people to read. But I am very intrigued! What happened to Lois? How will she reach Clark (they reach each other!?) after all he has been through. My only question is about this description:

He was very tall. His posture was straight and his shoulders broad. That, and the lack of grey in his hair, gave him an illusory impression of youthfulness. He was probably over fifty - but, in different circumstances, he could have appeared to be a decade younger.
Is it because of all he has been through why he appears so old? frown

And thanks for the preview of compassion that is to come. It is certainly needed!

Can't wait to see where you take us!
Wow! Again! This story promises so much. I can't wait to read of Clark's reaction the first time Lois steps into his cell... or will she order him brought to her office? And what has happened to M&J after all this time???

Looking forward to part 2.

Excited for this story...Curious how it works out in 8 parts, or is it a multipart series?
hahaha, I like how Trask was killed by a simple incident such as getting struck by a bus.

Your writing shows very well what is going on. My emotions are hooked and involved, and I am enjoying the setup of the story.

I'm really looking forward to her first physical encounter with him. Based on your teaser, I'm going to guess that her first method to that will be to show him humanity by allowing a sponge bath. Will he be feral with her? Aggressive, because that is the treatment he's received for the past 7 years?

Whatever emotional trauma she's been through, it sounds like that will be the key to open up her sensitivity to caring about her assignment.

I can't wait to read more! smile1
A very interesting beginning to a very original story.

Can Clark be 'saved'? Will Lois ever recover from whatever brutality that forced her to withdraw into herself?

Of course they will, but watching the process is what this story is going to be all about, and should be quite a ride.

Tank (who wonders why Moyne killed those other two assistants and blamed it on Clark)
Very intriguing and I'm hooked (although my imagination is going wild with ideas about the surgery and Lois' trauma ... could her best friend have been Claude?)

Great part and everything is excellently written (is it bad that I was happy when Trask was killed?). I hope Lois redecorates the office! It sounds quite depressing and I don't really think Clark killed those two agents.

Oh, and I'm soooo happy that Lois is the consummate agent (but then again, who else could it have been?)

Looking forward to part 2! smile
Very interesting start. I cannot wait to see what happens next. Hint, hint. - Once a week is just plain too long to wait between chapters, especially in a story such as this. smile

My imagination has been running wild with the operation, too. I have all sorts of ideas, each one worse than the one before. I'm guessing all of them are completely off-base, and that it won't be anything near as horrific as I am imagining.

I also wondered about the two dead agents. On the one hand, Clark has been kidnapped by a maniac, held against his will, and systematically tortured (both physically and mentally) for the past 7 years. Killing in an attempt to escape would be, in my mind, justifiable homicide. On the other hand, it doesn't sound like Clark - especially the maiming of the body and the brutality of the act. So, I'm waiting to see exactly what transpired, and how much of Trask's report is truth, how much delusion, and how much outright lie.
oh this is amazing!!! I agree, once a week is just too long between chapters! *yes I'm greedy*

REALLy looking forward to the next chapter when Lois 'meets' Clark
Whatever her reasons, she had been firm in her resolve that she wished to remain in Metropolis for an indefinite period.
Huh help dizzy

So, for now, she would observe - from the distance and safe sterility of her office.
Same as we get to observe from the distance of an FDK thread until the time for the next session draws near. wildguy grovel


You've left so many unanswered questions. What happened to Jonathan and Martha? Where did Clark get those torture marks? Will they fade in the sun, or are they permanent? Was Trask really that stupid or did Moyne push him? If Moyne did kill two (maybe three?) other agents, was he obeying orders or does he have his own agenda? What about Lois' best friend? What happened to her to make her need to hide in Metropolis for a long while? How long will you let us twist in the wind before you answer these and other pressing questions?

Not only is Clark going to have to learn to trust Lois, Lois is going to have to learn to trust Clark. Right now, she can't lean on any of her three "associates," especially Moyne. She'll have to watch her back when he's around.

Very good title and very good setup. I think we're in for a very entertaining ride.
Posted by Borgship:

Please Post Sooner! You have caused the MB lurker to come out and post! I am SO intrigued with this story, my hubby is out of town and I want more!

And since I am here writing, thank you for "Aussie Rules" I so enjoyed that story. In fact a couple of weeks ago I was channel surfing in the dead of night and found a "Footy" game on the TV. Go figure! Right in the middle of "Happy Valley, Utah U.S.A" I watched the whole thing and even followed what was going on due to your story. It was a lot of fun, so thanks twice. My "American Football Team" is not doing so well this year and I am going through MAJOR DEPRESSION since it is the season of living and breathing football! Maybe I need to move to Austrailia.

Thanks again.....
Borgship smile
I've just moved it in here as there's an established thread for feedback on this story, so it may as well join the other posts, and I've deleted the new thread. smile

Is it because of all he has been through why he appears so old?
Yes. Or perhaps that is what Lois was expecting. wink


the first time Lois steps into his cell
No comment ... just musing over what you said ... cool

Kyla It's definitely a series of stories. I won't get this worked out in eight parts. I'm currently writing part 3 of the second story.


hahaha, I like how Trask was killed by a simple incident such as getting struck by a bus.
Me, too. I didn't need him anymore. I couldn't write this because I wasn't in Trask's POV, but to me it seems fitting that he was probably planning something horrible to do to Clark instead of concentrating ... then ... squish! Gone.


but watching the process is what this story is going to be all about
Yep. I don't think this is a torturefic. If anything, it's an after-the-torture-fic.


Oh, and I'm soooo happy that Lois is the consummate agent (but then again, who else could it have been?)
True. If it's going to be a Lois and Clark story, Lois had to be in there somewhere.


Once a week is just plain too long to wait between chapters,
My posting schedule is twice a week. huh However, I love your enthusiasm!

Re the surgery - I can't know what you're thinking, but I don't think it will be as bad as some of your ideas. When I wrote it (knowing what I was refering to), I didn't even realise the potential for really awful possibilities.

bellarase 'Meeting' ... uhm. I can say it won't be a 'shake-hands-and-mutter-pleased-to-meet-you type meeting! wink

Michael I loved all the huh huh , Michael. The start of a story should have questions. Hopefully, by the end, there will be answers!

Thanks for the wonderful FDK, everyone. I need to keep a buffer - not only for my peace of mind, but I'm still going back and adjusting bits early in the story - but I'll post as quickly as possible.

Sorry, I got distracted and thought I'd answered everyone blush


Not only is Clark going to have to learn to trust Lois, Lois is going to have to learn to trust Clark.
Spot on. Both are damaged. Both need to learn to trust again. This isn't a one-way street.

Borgship Welcome out from lurkdom!

Next part will be up ASAP.

Re the footy - so glad you enjoyed Aussie Rules and even saw a footy game on TV.

Thanks, Terry and Borgship.

I also wondered about the two dead agents. On the one hand, Clark has been kidnapped by a maniac, held against his will, and systematically tortured (both physically and mentally) for the past 7 years. Killing in an attempt to escape would be, in my mind, justifiable homicide. On the other hand, it doesn't sound like Clark - especially the maiming of the body and the brutality of the act. So, I'm waiting to see exactly what transpired, and how much of Trask's report is truth, how much delusion, and how much outright lie.
I had the exact same reaction. We all know that Clark just isn't a killer - but he's been provoked and tortured so much... could the leopard change his spots?

It's a measure of Corrina's genius that I'm wondering!
Very compelling tale. Cannot wait for more. I know Clark did not kill those men, and cannot wait for Lois to figure it out and try to prove it, too.

We're all trying to be patient here, but you definitely do NOT make it easy!!! hyper
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