Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: MissyG New -- Strangers V: Kissing Friends - Part 7 - 12/04/03 09:01 PM
Part 7

Lois sipped her champagne and glanced impatiently around the room. Smoothing the front of her dress down, she wandered to the large window that faced the lake and watched the lights twinkle along the opposite shore. In spite of all the gaiety and celebration, there was still something missing, someone missing.

The whole evening up to this point had been lovely - the dinner had been delicious, the atmosphere was perfect, and her co-workers had actually congratulated her on her and Clark's Kerth nomination.

There was probably a very good reason that they were speaking civilly to her tonight. It wasn't hard to figure out that since she was the only one of the nominees to show up, her coworkers were forced to speak to her instead of Clark.

He had called her that afternoon to inform her that he was going to be delayed. His parents' flight was arriving in this evening and he needed to get them settled in his apartment before he could attend the Kerth celebration.

She supposed that was a good excuse - it was refreshing to hear that he had a good relationship with his parents, something that she never had - yet one fact still remained. Clark wasn't here to share the celebration with her.

The night was turning out to be a dud.

The clanging of spoons on champagne glasses startled her out of her thoughts, along with few rowdy cheers. Lois could see a few people back-clapping someone by the entrance, offering their congratulations.

She stood up on her tiptoes hoping to confirm her suspicions and tried to see above the crowd. A tall dark head was the recipient of all the attention and a familiar one too. Clark had arrived.

Her whole body was suddenly filled with anticipation, and she felt alive again. She'd missed him so much during the time he'd been away. The past few days had only confirmed how much she was ready to have him back in her life, back in her arms. She wet her lips nervously and took a hesitant step towards the crowd.

No, it was better if she stayed in one spot - Clark would find her eventually. She'd just keep him in her sight and hope to make eye contact with him.

Clark accepted the congratulations and the claps on the back good-heartedly. His colleagues were so supportive of his achievements, of his and Lois' achievements, he mentally corrected.

He had hated being away for so long, but there had been so much work to do with the fundraiser. There hadn't been time to court Lois as Kal like he had first anticipated; finding sponsors had been fairly easy, but time consuming. He had so many particulars to work with, yet felt most of the main details were out of his hands. Trusting the people he had chosen was proving to be hard, but he had to have faith. After all, they were on the same team.

Someone handed him a glass of champagne, and he mindlessly grabbed hold of it. Lois was here. He could hear her heartbeat on the far side of the room, beating rapidly. He couldn't tell if she was upset, or...

After catching sight of Lois leaning casually against a large picture window, his breath caught in his throat. Her dark eyes pierced the distance between them and he could hear her heartbeat accelerate - just about as quickly as his own heart was beating.

He took a couple steps towards her, but Eduardo grabbed his hand and shook it good-naturedly, halting his progress.

"Congratulations, Kent," the older man greeted. "Glad to see you're on the way to winning another one for the Daily Planet. Great job!"

"Thanks, Eduardo," Clark smiled. "We haven't won anything yet."

"But you will, buddy," he grinned back. "You're miles ahead of the competition."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, but most of the credit should go to Lois. She kept me going when I broke my ribs. I wouldn't have made it without her." His last statement had more than one meaning, and Clark knew that his face was telling a tale of its own.

A knowing smile flashed in Eduardo's eyes. "I'm sure it works both ways. You two make a great team. Any chance that you'll work together again?"

"We're trying to work things out. It's coming together slowly." His eyes sought Lois' as he spoke, and Clark felt his cheeks flush, realizing that he wasn't talking about working together anymore.

"I'll let you go," Eduardo motioned his head towards Lois. "I think someone is waiting for you. Give her a congratulatory kiss for me."

Flustered, Clark plowed on through the crowd. How did Eduardo know? Was he wearing his heart on his sleeve already?

He looked over the crowd to find Lois again, and catching her eye, felt his heart turning over in response. Her lips moved, and with his super hearing, he saw and heard her whisper, "Hurry up, Kent."

Resisting the urge to fly over the crowd, he picked his way slowly through the masses and was almost by her side when Perry tapped loudly on a microphone, interrupting the pianist playing in the background.

"Ahem! Everyone! You old goats stop flirting with the fillies and listen up!" Perry's voice boomed out.

"Now I know this was rather strange to a lot of you to have a party before anyone has won an award, but I believe in giving credit where credit is due. Every one of you nominees deserves praise for your hard work and dedication to the Daily Planet. I'd like everyone to raise their glasses to our own, Lois Lane and Clark Kent for their article on the Lex Luthor corruption, Pete Gates for the series on sports medicine..."

Perry talked on, and although Clark was appreciative of the honor, he was longing to be with Lois. It was impolite to turn his back on his editor, so he decided to stick out Perry's speech until a time when all eyes wouldn't be on them anymore. He could be patient, not too much longer, but it would be worth it.

At last came the raising of the glasses and everyone toasted, the clanging of the crystal filling the air like many singing bells. Clark downed his glass and found himself at Lois' side without realizing how he got there. He hadn't wanted the first time seeing her as Clark in a few days to be in front of the whole newsroom. The crowd was gawking at them, the gossipmongers ready to grab any tidbit they could glean to become fodder for the next coffee break's conversation.

She was so beautiful in her classic black dress. The fabric clung to all the right places, the tiny slit on her skirt, revealing just a hint of her shapely legs. Her hair was swept up into a classic chignon with soft tendrils plucked away to soften the style, revealing an incredible expanse of kissable skin on her neck.

"Lois." Clark swallowed hard as he tried to remove the lump in his throat. "Would you like to dance?" He held out his hand to her tentatively. Strains of a popular ballad were starting to float around them. "We don't have to, I mean, with everyone watching, but I'd love it if you gave me the honor."

Old fears flared up quickly. Lois wanted to hesitate, she wanted to run, to get out while she still could, but she summoned up enough strength to speechlessly nod her head. She reached out to take his hand and moved into his arms as she had done a thousand times before in her daydreams.

She stared at his lips, looking into his eyes was way too dangerous she decided, so she settled on his lips. The fine lines and fullness of his lips were mesmerizing; they were barely parted, and the ends were slightly curled up in a dreamy smile. Mostly people made eye contact, never having the chance to study someone's face this closely, but she wanted to taste them, feel them upon hers, brand his kiss into her soul.

"I've missed you," he whispered honestly.

"Missed you, too," she croaked. Caught up in her trance, she lifted her hand to trace his bottom lip, but her hand was captured as Clark slowly brought their semi-outstretched hands to his chest.

He automatically drew her in a little closer as his other hand around her waist tightened protectively. Liquid heat began growing inside as she remembered how those lips had wreaked heavenly havoc on her mouth and body so long ago. Maybe it was better to not think about those times now, not when she was so vulnerable to him. Lips put on hold for the moment, Lois let her head rest on his shoulder as they swayed slowly to the music, unaware of nothing but each other.

Lois released his hands to wrap both of her arms around his neck. He had one arm around her waist and the other at the back of her neck, cradling her. Clark found his face nestled in her hair, the clean scent of it almost overpowering him. Branding this moment into his soul, he memorized everything he could about the way he was feeling, the music that was playing, the way she felt in his arms, the smell of her...

Although Clark was unaware of it, he was driving her crazy. His fingers were lightly stroking the fine hairs at the nape of her neck, causing wonderful sensations to well up inside her. She lost all sense of who she was, her knees were becoming weak, her heart was beating in her throat. She buried her face in the hollow of his neck, absorbing the smell of his cologne mixed with his sweat. Who is this man she was so desperately in love with? A top notch reporter, a kind gentle man with a propensity to tease her, devilishly handsome, and by the way he was holding her now, cared for her almost as much as she did him. Her hand crept up to entwine in his hair, kneading the strong muscles in the back of his neck.

Clark's knees trembled at her touch. It took all his mental resolve to hold back, not to crush her in his arms. What did all this mean? Could it be true? Was this the magic back from the days when he first met her? Did he dare to become bolder, to give into the magic that was happening between them? He'd fought it before and wasn't sure if there was enough resolve in him to resist any longer. He lowered his head and shrouded his face in her hair.

Clark was sweating. Fires, earthquakes, meteors and multiple disasters never elicited the response Lois was now kindling inside him. He desperately wanted to loosen his tie, but Lois would have to be moved so that was out of the question. Of course he'd held her before, recently, but this time was so different. This time there was something else, a different level of awareness that had never been there before. He then became aware that he was subconsciously tracing the back of her neck with his fingers and then tried to project all his feeling into those simple movements. <Feel it, Lois! Feel how much I love you!> He turned his face slightly and tenderly brushed his lips into her hair.

Lois felt his breath in her ear, inhaling and exhaling as they swayed to the romantic lyrics and dreamy music. She didn't know what was happening around her, all she knew was that her senses were on overload. She tilted her head slightly to the side, silently pleading with him to do something with those lips. Why did this feel so right? What is it about this man that made her want to stay in his arms forever?

"Sing for me, please," Clark whispered huskily. "I remember you have the most lovely voice."

Sing for Clark? She'd done it a million times since the White Orchid Ball, but only in her dreams or when she was alone. They were close to the piano, and Lois left Clark's arms for a moment to whisper into the pianist's ear. The musician nodded and smiled at Lois knowingly as he modulated into another key and song.

Her voice started out barely audible, but then the song began tumbling out as the lyrics began to touch her.

Sometimes I wonder why I spend
The lonely nights,
Dreaming of a song,
The melody haunts my reverie,
And I am once again with you,
When our love was new,
And each kiss an inspiration..."

"Inspiration... " Clark murmured as his arms tightened around her.

"But that was long ago,
And now my consolation
is in the stardust of a song,"
Lois sang softly.

"Beside a garden wall,
When stars are bright
You are in my arms;
The nightingale tells his fairytale
Of paradise where roses grew,
Though I dream in vain
In my heart there always will remain
My stardust melody,
The memory of love's refrain."

"Does it have to stay a memory, Lois?" Clark whispered huskily. "I remember, and it was beautiful. What we shared, what we started, was breathtaking. What we could have... "

"I remember too," she said quietly and tightened her arms around his neck. "How could I forget?"

Clark felt her shift her head to the side, and he lowered his head to kiss the area below her ear. As he planted soft, gentle kisses on her neck, he felt her heart beat faster beneath his sensitive lips. Her taste was sweet, and her sighs were telling him that for the moment she was content. In the back of his head, he knew he shouldn't be kissing her, but he threw those thoughts out of his mind and gave in to the feelings that were overwhelming him. They needed to talk.

The dancing couple was totally oblivious to the stares that they were generating by the others in the room. Perry's mouth was hanging open at the fire-hot connection that his top reporting team projected. He wasn't sure whether to be shouting for joy or rushing over to break them up. Lois was completely surprising him, her vexatious attitude toward her coworker was no secret to anyone and this complete turnaround had everyone in shock.

He had a gut feeling that Clark harbored something for Lois - his eyes gave him away when he looked at her - but the display of raw emotion that was evident in the way they were holding and touching each other, well, that was something else. Like a dam finally giving way to the pressure. Not even Elvis looked like that with Priscilla. Perry lasered with his eyes anyone who threatened to disturb them. The whole room of people shifted over to the side at his glares, leaving the couple to enjoy their private moment without disruption.

Lois greatly underestimated the power of his lips on her skin. It was fire. Every kiss burned sweetly as his gentle touch stirred up feelings she'd long tucked away as memories. Needing to do more, she lifted up her face that was leaning against his neck to press a longing kiss against his jaw line.

Clark pulled away slightly and cupped her face with his hand and tilted it upwards till their eyes met. What he saw there was totally incredulous; her eyes said it all. They were darker than he had ever seen them before. Could that actually be desire reflecting in them or were they mirroring his own? With his eyes not leaving hers, he traced her lips with his thumb slowly. Did he even dare to? He lowered his face...

As Lois' face was gently being lifted up to meet his gaze, she was totally unprepared for the unabashed adoration that she found in his deep brown eyes. Just like before. Never before had a man looked at her this way. Not Claude, never any of the few men she casually dated; no one, except Clark. As he lowered his face down to hers, she stirred up her courage to meet him halfway into the kiss. Her head exploded into a million stars as the room started to spin around her.

They had ceased dancing when Clark had lifted her face. She met him with such a fury that it took his breath away. He lost all reservation and gave into all the passion and love that had been building for such a long time.

Out of breath, they pulled apart and found everyone was staring at them. Clark stood there blushing with his mouth open as Lois grabbed his face with both hands, looked at everyone smugly, and kissed him soundly on the lips once more. Collecting herself, she straightened her dress and swiftly left the room.

Clark stood flustered for a couple of minutes. The people in the room were blocked out of his mind as he tried to stop the room from spinning in his recovery from the kiss with Lois. What kept pounding through his mind was that she had run out on him. He had blown it! He'd pushed her to the limit and now had ruined all the confidence she had built up since he had kissed her in the hotel room.

What was more important was the stark fear in her eyes as she drew away from him. Fear that he never wanted to see in her eyes again ever since that day in the newsroom when she had accused him of stealing her story. The look in her eyes after she had kissed him moments ago was fear, like a haunted animal whose only choice was to run to the nearest burrow. He felt his heart tear in two.

She was still scared... scared of him. Scared of what they could have.

He walked over the window and stared down at the lake. Lois was down below, her silhouette dark against the light shimmering on the water and she was still - like a cutout figure from a picture perfect background. Leaning on the rail, only her hair was moving as the light breeze toyed with it. A large hand landed on his shoulder, and he turned around to face Perry.

"Perry, I ruined everything. She's never going to forgive me."

"Nonsense, Clark. Forgive you what? By golly! Even a blind man could see how much you care for that girl. She loves you too. Work it out."

"Really, Chief?" Suddenly elated that someone noticed that Lois could possibly be in love with him. "But love? I don't know. Maybe I should wait."

"Son. If you don't want to lose her, you better scoot on after her now. I don't have time to lecture you, just get out of here."

"Perry..." He stared at the older man for a second, then a small smile turned up at the corner of his mouth. "Thanks."

"Anytime, son," Perry said as he smiled at his top reporter. Ah, young love! He looked around for his wife. Perhaps a quiet stroll in the moonlight was in order.

Clark walked down to the water, his heart pounding even faster with every step he took towards her. What had he done? He'd kissed her in front of the whole newsroom crowd. They had so much to talk about, yet he had given into his emotions. This was getting way out of hand. Now she was upset, and it was his fault - again. When was he going to learn?

But Perry was right; he had to talk to her. Letting her walk away upset was just compounding the situation. He was tired of running away from her and playing these cat-and-mouse games. Tired of loving her so much it hurt, and being afraid to touch her the way he wanted without wondering if she would push him away.

Tired of secrets, duel identities and unwanted promises he couldn't keep. It was time to end this: first as Clark, then as Kal.

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