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Posted By: mozartmaid FDK Prisoners 7/10 - 10/25/10 01:27 PM
I was trying to think about the properties of crystals and wondered if there would be 'dust' per se if large stone is dropped. I've decided that it's possible, looking at a piece of K like in the 'Green Glow of Home' ep... If a hunk of K that size was dropped, I THINK K-dust would be probable... do you agree?
Posted By: Plain Jane Re: FDK Prisoners 7/10 - 10/25/10 03:43 PM
Although crystals don't actually make dust, small chunks could fall off and embed themselves into her clothing and could be trasnfered to other locations around Clark's apartment. Rocks make more "dust" and crystals just fragment.

But its still a great next part of the story. I'm glad she found out Clark is still alive and that Lex didn't re-capture her. smile
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: FDK Prisoners 7/10 - 10/25/10 05:21 PM
I second everything that Plain Jane said!

I like how you showed Lois was so at the end of her wits that her tracking in the K-dust -- something that under normal circumstances she'd easily have been able to handle -- made her fall to pieces. The proverbial dromedary-injuring straw.

Posted By: lcfan99 Re: FDK Prisoners 7/10 - 10/25/10 05:27 PM
If you take into account the fact that Kryptonite is a fictional crystal, I think it would be fine if it left dust when it was dropped…. :p Besides, it makes a good plot point!

I’m soooo glad Lois made it safely to Clark’s apartment. And I’m glad that Martha was there to help her. Now even if Clark doesn’t find out for himself that she is alive, Martha can tell him.

Looking forward to part 8. laugh
Posted By: L Re: FDK Prisoners 7/10 - 10/25/10 05:28 PM
Great chapter - one minor quibble - if a dead woman shows up alive, you don't want to wait until morning to alert the authorities or her family! It makes more sense that Martha would call henderson and get him to come down asap.
Posted By: KathyB Re: FDK Prisoners 7/10 - 10/26/10 12:01 PM
Catching up on parts 6 & 7. Good thinking on having Superman go to the Planet and contact Bobby. In fact, I got a kick out of Bobby not even looking at Clark's face because he was so enthralled by the authentic Italian food, LOL.

As for part 7, I didn't mind the K-dust part ... I bought that it could happen (heck, who knows what Lex might have done to the K during his experiments on it?) and I liked the panic Lois went through when she realized she'd tracked it all through Clark's apartment. smile

I'm also delighted that Martha knows Lois is alive and was able to fill her in on what happened to Clark. thumbsup

The only part that didn't ring true for me at all was Martha telling Lois "there's nothing we can do until the morning". Given that Lex has been knocked out with a temporary tranquilizer and that Clark is presumably locked up (since Martha doesn't know about his deal with Henderson), the very FIRST thing they should do is call Henderson and tell him what they know. Waiting until morning will give Lex time to wake up and escape and Lois, of all people, should know that. Not to mention they are in a place that Lex will likely think to look for them. They need Superman to be released and start looking for Lex as soon as possible, not wait until morning when the trail has a chance of vanishing.

Looking forward to part 8. smile

Posted By: ladymoira Re: FDK Prisoners 7/10 - 10/26/10 02:22 PM
If you plan to have the k-dust affect Clark in some way because it *is* trailed throughout his apartment and it's part of your plot, I wouldn't worry about it. We've all stretched the imaginary boundaries of how kryptonite affects Clark, or its different uses.

If, again, for the sake of plot, that you need Lois to not contact Henderson until the morning, I might change around that Lois just sort of fainted from sheer exhaustion and relief that Clark wasn't dead like she was thinking. Then Martha was busy caring for her until she woke up the next morning. Just a suggestion.

I'm enjoying this!
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