Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Rac The Long Road Home Part 35 - Comments - 04/26/10 04:46 PM
As promised, here's Part 35. It may be a few weeks before Part 36 is posted as I'm about to move overseas and will need some time to get settled in and get my internet connection working. In the mean time, thanks to everyone who has read and commented on this series over the many years it's been going. You guys are the best!


I hope this is a good thing for you, Rac. I've never liked moving for any job, but sometimes it has to happen. Best of health to you and smooth sailing (or flying, whichever applies).

This really touched me.

She loved him because despite all of the brutality and viciousness that world had visited upon him, despite everything it had stolen from him, despite the story of cruelty that it had written into his flesh, he was at his core, still as caring and compassionate as he had ever been. His enemies on New Krypton had tried to strip him of everything that made him a good man. They had failed. He was Clark Kent. And so long as he was alive, so long as there was breath in his body, he would be the very definition of humanity and decency.
And this really made the small hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

Jiang said nothing in response. He would consider this phase of the operation when he could hold the item in question. Examine it for himself.
Chilling! And now we have to wait a few weeks to see if he does, indeed, have Kryptonite, and if so, how he plans to use it against Superman and/or Ultra Woman. Of course, the "item in question" might be a canister of Sarin, or a highly corrosive acid which dissolves human bodies without a trace. You're being most cagey with this info, and you're doing it just as Clark seems to have achieved a measure of regained confidence and our favorite couple are once again considering parenthood. I don't see how you could have devised a more cunning cliffhanger, Rac. My compliments.

Post the next chapter when you can and not before! We promise to be patient. This story is worth the wait.
Good luck on the move!

Another great chapter. With the meditation section, I like how you appealed to all the senses in describing what Clark had to tune out. Good description.
Posted By: TOC Re: The Long Road Home Part 35 - Comments - 04/27/10 12:42 AM
I second the others - good luck with your move!

As for your brilliant fic, right now I feel as if I don't know if I can go on reading it. The problem is that it is too well-written, too finely chiselled and psychologically felt, so that I care far, far too much about your characters to be able to bear what I fear is awaiting them. Personally I have never learnt the trick of having a "good cry" at a fictional story. If I cry when I read or watch something fictional, it is because I feel deeply, deeply hurt, heartbroken or horrified. One time when I had that kind of a "bad cry" in a movie theater was when I watched "Superman II", and I don't know how many times I have lashed into that movie with vitriolic bitterness in the folders here. The reason, of course, is that I so bitterly hated what that movie did to Superman and Lois, which is why I cried in the first place.

So I'm afraid that something horrible is coming up in this fic, something that will destroy the wonderful family situation that you have created for Lois and Clark. I don't think it will be a Lois deathfic, which is the kind of fic I loathe most deeply, but it could be a Jon deathfic, a Martha-and-Jonathan deathfic, a "new baby" deathfic or a "Lois and Clark's secret identities are blown sky-high and they will be forced to live like fugitives with their loved ones for the rest of their lives" fic. Or, indeed, it could be a Lois deathfic. Or a Clark deathfic.

But the thing is, I'm getting the most awfully ominous vibes out of this, and I can't bear to be so heartbroken over an LnC fic. So I think I'll sit this one out, at least for a while.

Posted By: DW Re: The Long Road Home Part 35 - Comments - 04/27/10 05:37 AM
I will also second the others - good luck on your move and hope you'll be happy!

Great part smile It seems like the other shoe had kinda/almost dropped - something bad will probably happen to the Kents.
Hi Rac! Hope everything works out as planned with the moving. The Triade clean-up crew certainly has me on the edge of my seat and I'll keep expecting this to be the green stuff until you prove me wrong help And I don't mind the angst, I just hurt if the toys get damaged dizzy

Posted By: Artemis Re: The Long Road Home Part 35 - Comments - 04/29/10 09:22 AM
Great part as usual, Rac. Just let us know when you get settled.
Posted By: Ray Re: The Long Road Home Part 35 - Comments - 06/02/10 05:39 PM
Rac asked me to post to let everyone know she made it to her new posting safely and is currently in a three week training course so her time to write will be severely limited for a while. Also her internet access is spotty, hence her request that I update everyone.

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