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Posted By: MLT FDK - Nowhere To Run - Part 4 and 5 - 02/05/10 05:32 PM
Hope you enjoyed it.

ML wave
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK - Nowhere To Run - Part 4 and 5 - 02/05/10 06:51 PM
Good explanation about the diaries.

Not nearly enough to get through a blizzard filled weekend though...

Superman sorta skated... Wonder if Henderson knows unofficially other things he doesn't know officially. He didn't become an inspector because he could yodel you know...

So are you really going to make us wait until Sunday? What would encourage you to post more sooner than that?
Posted By: cookiesmom Re: FDK - Nowhere To Run - Part 4 and 5 - 02/05/10 08:33 PM
I loved it!

But it was much, much too short. I'm sorry to complain when you've been so kind to post it but you're like the drug dealer who gives the client just enough to get them hooked, and then they keep craving more . . .

Glad Lois is starting to get some memories back.
Posted By: MLT Re: FDK - Nowhere To Run - Part 4 and 5 - 02/05/10 08:55 PM
Well, I'm thinking of posting the next part tomorrow night because I'm not sure I'll be able to post on Sunday.

ML wave
Posted By: MLT Re: FDK - Nowhere To Run - Part 4 and 5 - 02/05/10 09:21 PM
Actually, I just took a look at what I posted, and you're right. It is an awfully short section. So I'm posting the next part tonight - and changing this for feedback to both parts.

ML wave
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK - Nowhere To Run - Part 4 and 5 - 02/05/10 09:42 PM
And now we expect tomorrow's post tomorrow and Sunday's on Sunday and so on and so forth.

Leave it to Lois to be sneaky and conniving and try to convince Clark she remembers wink . But of course he'll know she doesn't really remember everything until she remembers Superman...

Posted By: cookiesmom Re: FDK - Nowhere To Run - Part 4 and 5 - 02/05/10 09:52 PM
Now that's better, thank you.

It looks like their time on the island could go on for quite a while. I wonder how the Planet is doing without either of its star reporters? And is Superman managing to avoid Henderson now? What's going to happen when there is a major emergency that keeps Clark busy all day?
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK - Nowhere To Run - Part 4 and 5 - 02/05/10 10:34 PM
Ooh, 2 parts in a day! Love it!

What I don't love is operation fool Clark...he better see through this facade!

Posted By: QueenOfAces Re: FDK - Nowhere To Run - Part 4 and 5 - 02/05/10 11:37 PM
I just read all five parts. I absolutely love the premise of the story. No easy fixes here. You give Clark a horrible dilemma, and he sets aside his normally strict respect for the law to do what's best for the woman he loves. Of course, Lois has always managed to get him to bend the rules a bit, even early in their relationship.

I'm also enjoying how you have shown Lois' true personality emerging. Of course, her stubborn streak and suspicious nature are working against her, as she's still working from the premise that she loves Max. It will be interesting to see how her little plot to fool Clark will work out.

Looking forward to more!
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK - Nowhere To Run - Part 4 and 5 - 02/06/10 12:09 AM
Great parts!

I loved that Lois could could have forced Clark to take her back to Metropolis by refusing to eat. I loved that Lois didn't realize that this option was open to her.

I loved seeing bits and pieces of Lois's memory return. I loved seeing her appreciate aspects of Clark, and I loved seeing her getting comfortable around him. It's certainly like seeing Clark trying to win Lois's trust and affection all over again.

But Lois still clings to the idea that she loves Deter, although I loved her realization that she couldn't remember actually hearing Deter profess his love for her.

And now Lois is going to try to fool Clark! What is she up to?

Waking up to two parts! hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper

He had really hoped to avoid seeing this particular gentleman during his visit to the station.
Why not drop off the perps at a different precinct?

“Just keep her safe, would you? I might actually miss her if anything happened.”

Still, he was right. And, no, she no longer worried he would try to poison or drug her. After all, if he wanted to force her back to the cabin, he certainly would have been able to do so when he’d delivered breakfast while she’d been sleeping.
Actually, making her feel safe before slipping her a something would be a far better choice.

So maybe that was worth letting Kent gloat over whatever imagined victory her return to the cabin gave him.
Love the way Lois tries to outmaneuver Clark. Of course, for now, Clark's a step ahead but the question remains when Lois starts getting back to normal.

He’d much rather see her with Deter and not in her right mind than dead. That was a no brainer.
He could still try to find a doctor to hook her up on a nutrition drip. Better choice than having Deter start invasive therapy dizzy

Besides, all of that had changed. Regardless of what she might - and she emphasized might - have felt for Kent before, she now knew only one truth - she loved only Max. Her thoughts about Kent meant nothing..
Well, in fanon these thoughts are quite well known...

although he had to admit, he did like her current password system. ‘Clarklovesme’, followed by ‘Hereallydoes’ and finally, for the highest level of security, ‘Andiloveclark.’

Still, he kept his head down, refusing to let her see any hint of a grin when, after looking at him, she reached over and picked up one of the dates and took a wary bite.
The food-stuff is hilarious laugh

She stepped further into the room, allowing him to finally see the lines of her face. “And the bedroom belongs to me. Under no circumstances are you to set foot inside without my direct authorization.”
He can still float laugh

“Good! Now that that’s settled, I’m going to go have a shower. The dirty dishes are sitting outside on the picnic table. I assume you’ll be taking care of them.”
So, Clark's going to make sure she's safe once again. After all, showers can be dangerous places.

In fact, earlier today, she’d come out of the bathroom and announced that she needed tampons. Not that she really had, of course. Her period was still weeks away. Hopefully she would be back with Max and on her way to France with him long before then.
Hmm... weeks sounds like more than two, probably three. So, was the bitchy Lois from the first day of her kidnapping related to a sort-of medical issue? And will she get bitchy again in a couple of weeks?

Apparently, he’d thought of everything.
No, I'm sure he hadn't.

The only real argument they’d had since she’d moved into the cabin concerned her coffee. After that second morning, when he’d used it to bribe her into eating her breakfast, he’d refused to give her coffee. According to Kent, coffee was to be avoided when one had amnesia. She’d pointed out, very logically she thought, that it wouldn’t matter if she had amnesia if she completely lost her mind. He had not been persuaded. She’d had to resort to a strike, refusing to do or eat anything before he’d been willing to compromise. Now she was allowed one coffee in the morning in exchange for which she would drink herbal teas for the rest of the day.

The physical exercise, on the other hand, was something she did find useful. Not that stupid exercise regime Clark had originally come up with. That had been scrapped on the first day. They’d been in the cabin doing jumping jacks. And... she still wasn’t entirely certain what had happened. But she’d suddenly been over-come with a powerful feeling, as if she were in jeopardy. She’d found herself subconsciously speeding up her pace, as though she thought a bomb might go off if she tried to stop.

A slow smile began to curl at the corners of her mouth as a plan began to take shape. Operation Fool Kent was about to go into effect.
Yeah, without the Superman-bit it will be obvious. But the bigger question is, will Clark believe her vows of love. And will Lois try to seduce him to proof she's 'healed'. After all, right now she doesn't have her old set of memories and values. And even if she doesn't have any buried memories of it, it still could jolt something awake inside her laugh


PS: It's already Sunday in the Chatham Islands.
Posted By: lcfan99 Re: FDK - Nowhere To Run - Part 4 and 5 - 02/06/10 05:21 PM
Lois Lane with a plan scares me! smile However, Clark should be able to tell it’s a ruse. Or maybe it will grow into being something more than a ruse! laugh

The bit with Henderson made me wonder if he knew more than Clark suspected.
Was it Henderson’s imagination that Kent was actually leaving finger shaped indentations in the wood?

Henderson gave his head a shake. Obviously, he needed a vacation if he thought someone could leave finger indentations in a solid mahogany table just by squeezing - well, other than Superman, of course.
This is from part 2, but I wonder if it got Henderson thinking…

I loved that Clark bribed Lois with French croissants.

It’s interesting that Lois is having flashbacks, but none of Superman. She remembers arguments between her and Clark, but not that they were about him being Superman.

I agree that it’s almost like in the old days when Clark had to gain Lois’ trust. However the big difference is that back then, Clark didn’t really do anything to lose Lois’ trust (other than lying about Superman). Here Clark has kidnapped her. While it may have been the best thing to do in this scenario, it made Lois distrust him. But, I’m hopeful that in the end, she’ll think it was worth it.
Posted By: flowerpot Re: FDK - Nowhere To Run - Part 4 and 5 - 02/06/10 06:15 PM
hee scheming Lois.... can't wait to see what she has in store for poor Clark smile

hmm, if she's been brainwashed, can she logical "outthink" her way out of it?

if all the logical evidence and her heart is telling her to trust clark, would it be enough to overcome the lies that have been placed in her head?
Posted By: sarahg Re: FDK - Nowhere To Run - Part 4 and 5 - 02/06/10 07:47 PM
this is torturous!!!! you are evil!
Posted By: MLT Re: FDK - Nowhere To Run - Part 4 and 5 - 02/06/10 10:16 PM
Well, glad you guys are all so excited about Operation Fool Kent. Will it succeed or fail? Well, I can tell you this: it may succeed, or it may fail, but it will be... interesting. laugh

ML wave
Posted By: elizabeth Re: FDK - Nowhere To Run - Part 4 and 5 - 02/06/10 10:20 PM
Another two awesome chapters! I'm looking forward to this Operation Fool Kent! Could be a lot of fun! Please post another couple of chapters soon! Pretty please?! smile1
Posted By: traceylynn Re: FDK - Nowhere To Run - Part 4 and 5 - 02/08/10 07:46 AM
I love this story, ML. Just keeps getting better and better. I love all the little lines you toss us to show that Lois is slow regaining her memory - like when she looked up at the stars and almost felt like she was floating up there with them. Aw, flying with Clark memories. Let's have more of those!

And she remember them being on the island together! I haven't seen that ep in a while, but now I want to pull out my DVDs because I love that scene between them. "Because I hear the guy who wants to marry you is really, really terrific." Love that part - and I'm glad Lois is beginning to remember just how terrific he is (although I'm sure there is lots of denial and pushing away of those memories to come...this is an ML story, after all.)

Okay, so that was part 4, onto part 5...did you do a lot of reading up on amnesia for this story? I like seeing Clark doing what he can to help her memory, even if it's just a certain type of tea. It fits his character perfectly. (Although, PS - the last part made me want crossiants for breakfast this morning. Too bad there's 2 feet of snow outside and I can't get them!)

Aw, I was hoping that she would remember what happened after she told him that she wasn't cooking because of lack of talent. If I remember correctly, she showed him that she had other talents that he would enjoy (before Jimmy rang the darn phone off the hook). Maybe that's the best thing about this story - Jimmy can't possibly interrupt them!

Awfully interested in this Operation Fool Kent... because I'm pretty sure it's going to turn into Operation Fall In Love with Kent. And that is something I'm pretty pumped to watch...er, read. smile

Tracey smile
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