Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm Ficathon: Expect the Expected, 1/1 - 12/30/09 09:42 PM
Um, yeah. So this is for the Great Pink One, too. Cuz the Great Pink One rocks. And cuz so does my new mixer wink .

So here we go. Also 1000 words. Also unbetad. All mistakes are Jenn's fault. Yep. That's it...

[BTW - skip the last five minutes or so of Family Hour...]

Expect the Expected

I hadn't *really* thought that I'd stay on the space station, but being the only reporter on a transport for three days before it docked with the space station would be quite a coup. Clark would miss me but he'd be proud I'd gotten a good story.

I'd thought Mom and Daddy had been getting along much better over the last... six months. Ever since the whole nonsense with Fat Head things had been better, but the explosion had come – as I'd known it would. We were going to spend Christmas in Smallville with his family so her parents, since they were getting along, had come over the weekend before Christmas to do dinner and exchange gifts. Clark had been called away to a fire and one thing had led to another. The next thing I knew my parents were fighting about all the times Dad had missed holidays with us.

They'd left still bickering and, simultaneously, planning their cruise for Christmas weekend. Clark still wasn't back so I'd gone to the Planet to try to do some work – losing myself in a story was just what I'd needed. I'd called Martha and told her what I was doing. I knew Clark'd fly back to Kansas to take a shower – that was his regular routine anyway. If we had company and he needed a shower, he'd head to his parents' house. Martha would tell him that he didn't need to rush back – they'd been working on a new cape for him, one that wasn't quite so heavy; they'd have some time to work on it since my parents had already left.

I hadn't told her why.

I'd gone to work, called Bobby back, he'd told me that he could get me on the transport but I had to go immediately. That was a no-brainer. It was a good thing I had. The whole thing was eerily similar to my first meeting with Superman. If I hadn't been there, I couldn’t have shorted out the wiring like before and no one would have known anything was wrong until the thing exploded not long after takeoff.

Once Clark got there, things had gone a little bit differently. I hadn't kissed him the first time. I'd seen the twinkle in his eyes at the 'you know I’m a reporter' thing. He hadn't expected me to hide out and go on up to the station. I didn't think I'd get to stay long but I did get a few quotes and drink some of that nasty orange stuff.

Now, two days later, we were in Smallville, just waiting for Clark's parents to get back from town. We were earlier than expected so...

We'd headed to the kitchen to get a snack when Clark had caught me off guard, kissing me soundly. Only once I came up for air did I realize that I'd inadvertently stopped under the mistletoe.

One kiss had led to another.

And another.

And I was really glad that Clark's door had a lock on it.

I was curled up next to him, my head on his chest as his fingers played with the hair at my temple.

"Are you really okay, honey?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Did you really have to go to space to get some space?" There was amusement in his voice. Between work and Superman, we hadn't really had a chance to talk. There had been emergencies he was going to skip so we could talk it out, but in the end, they were too big. The minor rescues had only come when I was busy.

I looked up at him. "I knew I wouldn't be gone long. Couple of days at most before they would have called up Superman to bring me home. They don't have enough supplies for an extra person for very long and no escape pods or anything... It wouldn't be the first time, you know." That was true. Clark had brought a couple of people back over the years – mostly due to medical emergencies that couldn’t be handled as well on board. "I knew you'd come for me," I told him softly. "You always do. From you, I expect the expected." I smiled at him.

He kissed me. "Instead of you – expect the unexpected?"

I just smiled.

A few hours later, the party was in full swing downstairs. I met – or remet – many of Clark's friends. I was enjoying myself immensely, as I talked to Abby Ross – the wife of one of Clark's best friends – when I saw a blonde woman kissing Clark in the kitchen. His arms were outstretched; hers were around his neck.

"Uh, that's Lana," Abby told me. "Looks like she caught Clark under the mistletoe."

Clark put his hands on her waist, pushing her away. It looked like it was a fairly intense – albeit short – argument over what had transpired. The blonde looked mad but Clark was furious as he stalked off.

I'd have to do something about that. I excused myself, heading towards the table laden with all sorts of goodies. I used the ladle to get some eggnog sipping it as I looked for Clark. He was talking to Pete but I could still see the strain on his face.

"Clark," I said in a soft sing-song voice, my mouth hidden by my cup.

He looked up and at me, startled.

"Meet me under the mistletoe?"

A slow grin crossed his face as I sashayed towards the kitchen. A minute later, I was in his arms, kissing him like only I could – or at least like I could in public. But definitely something Lana could eat her heart out over.

I smiled sweetly at him, picking my drink back up and taking a sip without ever taking my eyes off Clark's.

I spewed it back into the cup. "What is this?" I asked between coughs.

He shrugged, his eyes twinkling. "It's tradition and you grabbed the wrong cup."

"But what is it?"

Clark grinned. "Tang."


Screen name: EditorJax

Three things I want in my fic:
1. An unexpected kiss.
2. Sam and Ellen bickering (but it can be indirect).
3. The egg nog somehow being replaced by Tang.

Preferred season(s)/holiday [if applicable]:

Three things I do not want in my fic:
1. Lois or Clark dating someone else.
2. Jimmy interruptus.
3. Song fic.
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