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Posted By: carolm FDK: Ficathon: Expect the Unexpected, 1/1 - 12/29/09 06:56 PM
[I'm not seeing the fic post on the site - probably due to the loss of service issues - but you can go directly to it by clicking here .]

This was inspired by something Cat says in S1 that I've never seen explored. Something about 'Did you and Superman join the old mile-high club on the space station?'

And by Jenn's prompts of course.

Anyway - FDK goes here smile .

I liked it.

You've got me wondering, now, about backstory - Lois *knows*! So she must have figured out that CK=S very early on, right? Unless there was another colonist transport that was going to be bombed, that happened after Lois found out the big secret in show canon.

P.S. I can't stand Tang. I think it's nasty.
I thought it was that Lois already knew about Clark's powers, she just didn't know the costume yet. So Carol, which is it? smile

This was an unexpected story! I actually like the title. It fits.
I changed this just now:

She shrugged and turned away from me, heading into the kitchen of the brownstone and starting a fresh pot of coffee.
I'm thinking it's about S5 Christmas. Those colonists didn't stay there forever I'm sure so at some point some other colonists' transport would have gone up... As for why it's being bombed... It's Lois and Clark - who knows wink ?
I haven't read the story yet, but it's weird that the story isn't listing. It might have something to do with this: Possible Loss of Service . I'm not extremely computer literate, but I know that if I enter a note on a patient at work at just the right time, the note is saved on one server but not the other and so essentially it ends up being "lost". So try reposting the story.
I'm guessing that's what it is Nancy - I figured I'd give it a bit and see what happens. The link is here and the TOC is visible... If it's not up as normal tomorrow, I'll repost it...
Just remember to keep a copy of whatever you post these days (stories, FDK, etc.) on your hard drive in case it is not saved. smile

Now the link for the story is showing up. Ah... computers.
That was brilliant, and definitely unexpected! When you switched to the coffee scene, I wasn't sure what you were doing and thought maybe it was something like the Exquisite Corpse. Once it clicked what was going on, I was very impressed! Kudos to you! clap
And also, um, because she's who I was assigned.

Remembering Newton's First Law of Motion, I slowed myself and the ship down long before we neared the space station.
Imagine what would have happened if Clark hadn’t being paying attention in science class?

I raised an eyebrow. "Tang?"
This is so funny on so many levels. How many of you remember the commercials about Tang being taken into space with American astronauts?
Gemini astronauts
Apollo astronauts
Moon beings like Tang, too
Space shuttle

I wouldn't be able to reenter the atmosphere too quickly as it wouldn't protect her from the heat of reentry.
How did he protect her that time he took her into space? I've always wondered about that.

"My parents were fighting again. I needed to get away. Get some space."
Now that’s what you call space, Lois.

So did Clark not originally have a cape? I like the the mixing of seasons. But after reading the other feedback, I see that this could have been another launch - not the one we saw in season 1. Maybe Supes did such a good job the first time they just asked him to start doing it all the time.

Awaiting part two.
Cute story and the title is apt when we suddenly realize they have the brownstone. Maybe it's like a second honeymoon for them drool You know, revisiting where you first met. I'm glad you put Lois in a spacesuit to get back. It's not the heat of reentry so much as the lack of oxygen and nitrogen in space.
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Ficathon: Expect the Unexpected, 1/1 - 12/30/09 01:48 AM
Oh, that's so unexpected! For myself, I have a fondness for the totally absurd (hey, Queenie!), so I'd like to think that this is not S5, but S1, and that Lois suddenly knows Clark's secret anyway. Yes, that would be totally absurd (particularly if Lois isn't throwing a fit about being lied to), but hey, that's what absurdity is about...

Carol, you said something about about Lois and Superman possibly joining the Mile High Club. Could it perhaps be happening here?

"I have to take you home. You can't stay on the space station."

She sighed as she sucked some more of the orange concoction out of the drink pouch. "I know."

Half an hour later, she was in space suit,
And please don't tell me that the two of them were doing something else during that half hour! Let me enjoy my fantasies, please?

My parents were fighting again. I needed to get away. Get some space."
And she did get some space, too! Space and the Moon! laugh

And speaking about space and the science of space...

Remembering Newton's First Law of Motion
Clark remembers it, but I don't! I can see I better brush up on my Newtonian mechanics. Ah, but I sure appreciated this little snippet of science here, Carol! laugh clap

Thank you for this delightfully unexpected little delicacy!

[Linked Image]

Okay, I’ve been thinking back and forth about this, but I finally decided to do this step by step instead of a big summary smile

"What do you think?" I asked, walking into the living room of the farmhouse.

Dad turned around on the couch, looked me up and down skeptically before nodding. "I guess it works."

She put her arm around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder. My arm automatically went around her shoulders as we watched the colonists' transport prepare for takeoff.

Suddenly, though, something went wrong.
So far, it’s according to plan.

Of course, Lois was there, gaping at me. Great. Just what I needed – on so many levels.
clap One could possibly even argue, that it was a cleverly evil thing you did there wink

Wonderful ficlet, Carol clap

As for what some of the other FoLCs posted:
Awaiting part two.

And please don't tell me that the two of them were doing something else during that half hour! Let me enjoy my fantasies, please?
Ann, that is a fantastic idea clap

This was a lot of fun. For my part I was thinking S1 through much of the beginning. Then, based on the ending it appears to be S4+.

Question: Who wanted to bomb THIS transport and why?

I guess it doesn't matter but it did set up the confusion nicely.

The whole premise was funny. Only Lois would react to this:
My parents were fighting again. I needed to get away. Get some space.
by actually finding a way to get off the planet.

I loved it. clap

As for the title, I think it stands as-is.

I thought this was very poignant:
"I know I shouldn't need them to get along. I have you. I have your folks. What more do I need?"

"Parents who know better." I kissed her forehead softly.
Very nicely done, Carol! thumbsup
Nice fic, Carol.

I like the switch from the confusion of thinking we were in S1 - but it wasn't quite right - to post S4.

The bit about Lois being despondent over her parents' behaviour was great - so was Clark's response.

Posted By: BJ Re: FDK: Ficathon: Expect the Unexpected, 1/1 - 01/03/10 08:22 AM
I've been trying to avoid reading the ficathon stories until mine is done (or at least drafted), but I am weak. blush

I loved the correlation to the Pilot and was fooled until the end. Loved this bit:
"My parents were fighting again. I needed to get away. Get some space."
Literally. Lois Lane is my hero. laugh

Carol - I'm so glad I didn't have time to BR this for you before you posted. As in my sleep deprived state, I didn't understand it at first. Only when I went and read the feedback did I realize that it was just me. blush Then I was able to go back and read it without all the confusion.

I particularly loved the bit about Lois needing some space and the whole scene with Clark holding her and telling her that she needs parents that know better was very sweet.
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