Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: KathyM Comments - And Back Again (6/10) - 11/19/03 06:41 AM
Oooh, I get to start the comments folder again! smile1

Wow. CC, I've said this before, I know, but it bears repeating. This is wonderful. Your writing is so powerful, and you do such an incredible job of conveying their emotions with just a few words.

Beautiful conversations between Clark and Lane. I really like the working relationship that they've forged. Much as I hate what all of this is doing to Clark smile1 Nah, I know that he won't, but it's a pleasant mental image for me to contemplate over the next few days, nonetheless...

Posted By: Supes1fan Re: Comments - And Back Again (6/10) - 11/19/03 07:03 AM
Ah-HA! Tempus is caught in the web of his plan now!! I ALMOST feel bad for him! NOT! Can't wait to read the scene where they catch up to him and shake him silly! goofy

Lois finally recognizes that it's guilt that has frozen her heart and crushed her spirit and she can't deal with the fact that Clark has forgiven her. I'm cautiously optimistic that she wants to go home and set it right.

Now Lane and Clark are getting along which is really not surprising since there is less pressure on them as a couple? Nice dialogue between those two. This was really funny:

“I do not…love…him. I…like him…a small amount.”
And the time window is broken!! eek Oh no!

Posted By: Saskia Re: Comments - And Back Again (6/10) - 11/19/03 12:58 PM
This is getting quite confusing? Who belongs in what world? Clark and Lane are getting along too good. But on the other hand, Lois wants to go back.

And then there's the problem of Tempus being stuck in one world, and the damaged time device in the other. Will AltClark be able to repair it? Will they catch Tempus? Will the all four get together?

And please, no Wells this time. I think you're setting this up quite nice to not have him around.

Anyway, really looking forward to more, CC, like tomorrow? wink

Saskia smile
Posted By: daneel Re: Comments - And Back Again (6/10) - 11/19/03 01:14 PM
yay!!! smile1

Jose smile1
Posted By: Tank Re: Comments - And Back Again (6/10) - 11/19/03 03:36 PM
Well that was an interesting development.

It give Lane and Kent something to do. Unfortunately, Lois will just have to sit and feel guilty.

I think you've finally managed to show why the two opposite couples can get along so well together. You have the built in attraction, but the emotional pressure isn't nearly so great on the opposite pairs as it is the other way. The way where the love exists on a much deeper level.

I look forward to the next instalment.

Tank (who wonders if it's too much to ask for the pregnancy to somehow, magically, disappear)
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: Comments - And Back Again (6/10) - 11/19/03 03:51 PM

Great part. smile1

That was really the bottom line. She had managed to rebuild her life. And Clark had, as well. Only his rebuilding hadn’t included a wife, or even a girlfriend. It had been an exercise in living without her, making his life purposeful without her. She had…married. And now, there was a baby. The only way to possibly hurt him more.
Now, she finally get it. :rolleyes:

Lois moved to uncoil herself from where she was huddled tightly. As she did, a square black object caught her eye. It was wedged under the refrigerator. It was unmistakable. It was the device that controlled the window. It was broken into pieces.
They can fix the box. I hope so! eek

“You know something strange?” She waited until he looked at her. “I mean stranger than all of this other stuff? I think of the four of us, my Clark is the happiest. It doesn’t make sense. He falls in love with this woman from nowhere. He marries her. She leaves him and is replaced by a…grumpier, harder version of her, and he still seems…serene. I don’t get that!”

“I get it,” he smiled.

“Enlighten me, Clark Kent. If I can’t take advantage of your Clark Kentness to get some answers then this visit is a waste of my time!” She glowered at him.

“He loves you,” he said simply. “You’re his Lois.”

“Is it that simple, really?” she asked caustically. “Because from where I sit it feels anything but simple.”

“It is and it isn’t.”

“I hate answers like that,” she groaned.

“He loves you. I love her. She loves me. And you…?”

“Watch it,” she warned. “I do not…love…him. I…like him…a small amount.”

He laughed so hard tears came into his eyes. “I’m sorry,” he finally faltered. “But this is just like time travel, like going back and asking my Lois what she thinks of the Farmboy she’s been forced to work with.” He wiped his eyes and chuckled softly. “I like him a ‘small amount,’ he repeated under his breath.”
Beautiful! smile1
Posted By: Laurach Re: Comments - And Back Again (6/10) - 11/19/03 07:10 PM
Ditto to all comments. Loved it and I want more! Laura
Posted By: NearlyNoelNeill Re: Comments - And Back Again (6/10) - 11/20/03 10:48 AM
I think this rocks! (And I'm also testing my new router because getting to these boards has been impossible half the time.)

Post more this instant!!!

Posted By: CC Aiken Re: Comments - And Back Again (6/10) - 11/21/03 04:18 AM
KathyM,Liz,Saskia,Jose,Tank,Maria,Laura,and Sherry,

Thank you so much for hanging in there! And for your very thoughtful comments.

I really appreciate it. And we're winding down, after today just 3 parts to go, whew!

(maybe next time I'll write a short story? angst-free, lots of waffs??)

Posted By: merry Re: Comments - And Back Again (6/10) - 11/23/03 06:55 PM
Sorry I'm behind
loved this
ditto others
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