Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm FDK: Backwards III: House of Lane, 32/32 - 11/23/09 08:18 AM
Thanks again to Kathy! Oh the directions I had started going... /sigh/

This is MUCH better because of her! Much much better!

I would like to say that any ideas I had, I had BEFORE Bob posted in FFR about 'what if Lois went with him' etc.

Thanks to all of you for sticking with me!

Carol [who isn't quite sure what to do now that she has nothing to post... Not sure when the last time that was - 2 years ago? And the 1-2 shot isn't done but she's working on Nano now...]
Posted By: Karen Re: FDK: Backwards III: House of Lane, 32/32 - 11/23/09 08:24 AM
Hey, waitaminute, waitaminute, you can't just leave it there ambiguously! Did they go or didn't they? I guess this means another sequel?
wildguy wildguy Yeah! What Karen said. wildguy wildguy
A really great story, with lots of sequel wiggle room left! Thanks Carol. It seems we never really get to the end of any of these tales. That means my reading materials are safe for a while longer.
Great Story, we we get another one ?
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Backwards III: House of Lane, 32/32 - 11/23/09 09:28 PM
Carol, fantastic was that!

Pardon me while I collapse in giggles over my own joke; yes, I'm lame enough to start my feeedback backwards. Anyway, fantastic series. Between Smallville and Krypton, you covered all my favorite storylines! This is definitely going to have to be a re-read in the future.

Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK: Backwards III: House of Lane, 32/32 - 11/23/09 10:06 PM
This has been a wonderful, wonderful series of stories. smile1

But even without the Kryptonian adventure, it has been a very entertaining journey.

Hold it! I just read it again and now I'm confused. Are they on the transport ship? I thought they were at home. Are they off to Krypton after all. I feel so confused. whinging

Edit 2:
the couch designated for them
Okay, this sounds awfully Kryptonian to me. They are on that ship, aren't they? Fine! Then I demand you get back here ASAP and write #4!

Carol, that was a great ending of *this* part of the Backwards story.

As far as the ambiguity goes, I came to the same conclusion as Bob, the 'designated couch' screams transport. Of course, I first read your FDK-FDK, so naturally I was a bit biased in my expectations:
Michael - Hmmm.... Backwards IV: Lois gets Powers...
And I am SO going to read Backwards IV clap When are you going to start posting?


PS: Yes, I'm in total, utter denial and not even considering the possibility of a creative break, no current story in the works, RL, non-LnC fiction, or any other activity that does not result in the regular posting of new stories blush
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: Backwards III: House of Lane, 32/32 - 11/26/09 03:25 PM
Should I be hiding? wink

Karen - hehe. Did I live it ambiguous? Really?

Michelle - those are some nice little friends you have smile .

Angelsgmaw - Thank you! As for future reading material... um...

CainCrazy - we'll have to see on that one...

JD - I thought you were channeling Yoda wink . Glad it's on your reread list smile .

Bob - Hmmm... I didn't steal any ideas from that thread but should 4 ever get written, I may steal the title wink . And, um, well, it was really, sort of meant to be ambiguous...

Michael - hehe. I'm not quite sure what to with myself... I am working on my OF at the moment but still feels a bit weird...

Yes, it's ambiguous. No, I don't know what happened. I knew that I wasn't going to be writing 4, whatever it was anytime soon and wanted to leave it open in case a plot line just begged to be written either way. Seeing Lucy Kent trying to get used to her sister being supreme Poohbahette on a new planet might be fun. However, there's always the possibility that some earth bound plot could strike my fancy as well.

Anyway, unless and until I decide to write something you are free to imagine them happy wherever you wish wink .

Thanks so much for sticking with me for the ride!

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