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Posted By: anonpip FDK: Boy in Black, 38/? - 10/31/09 09:52 PM
Comments please? I'll get online to respond to them eventually...
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Boy in Black, 38/? - 11/01/09 03:20 PM
Fun part, Nancy! It had some of everything, internship articles, superhero-issues, Clark issues. clap

“Like what?” I asked. “Or are they a secret?” Lois paused, clearly trying to decide whether or not she could tell me. “I won’t steal any of them,” I told her, then wondered if I wanted to hear them. If she had several and I promised not to steal them, that was several ideas I was eliminating. What if I found one of them on my own later? If I didn’t know that Lois was considering it, it would still be fair game. Not that it was likely that we’d think of the same thing, but maybe…

“Something like that,” I smiled at her voice. “I thought maybe we could go off campus for dinner. A guy in my art history class mentioned an Indian place nearby and said there’s a really nice coffee house next door that has live music on Fridays and Saturdays.”
O-oh, something tells me you're either going to have Clark leave her on the date, or leave her in suicide slum, allowing her to get into a real pickle.

“Yeah, she is. Ever wish you could play a musical instrument?” I asked, trying to remain focused on the here and now with Lois rather than the guilty feeling in the pit of my stomach as I pictured the people in Florida hurriedly packing up as many of their belongings as they could.
Knew it dizzy But I didn't expect him to stay. So I guess it's going to be the slum-thing?

“Help!” A voice called from somewhere outside. I glanced at Lois, but she hadn’t heard it. I guessed it was coming from further away than I had thought. I tried to shut off my super hearing and focus on Lois. “Help!” the voice called again.
shock Already?

“Mmmm hmmm…” she replied, caught up in what she was doing. Now if only she could stay caught up as long as I was gone.
spider This doesn't sound too dangerous for now, so is Clark going to get out of this one last time before you drop he big shoe?

Posted By: sarahg Re: FDK: Boy in Black, 38/? - 11/01/09 09:05 PM
i'm annoyed at clark - yes, he could help, but he needs friends too. so frustrating!
Posted By: robinson Re: FDK: Boy in Black, 38/? - 11/02/09 08:22 AM
Another great part. It is interesting to see Clark's struggle as a young adult - wanting to help vs wanting to have friends, girlfriends etc. It gives it an interesting twist to me a reader since it is Lois and not just any girl.

And the struggle with Clark is more does he want to do the same thing with Lois that he did in his last relationship. Not that Lois is his soulmate. I do not think he has recognized that yet.

Keep it coming

Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: Boy in Black, 38/? - 11/07/09 09:50 AM
Happy Saturday! Thank you for the feedback! It was good to read during my spare minute or two this week.

Michael - Thanks! I didn't expect Clark to stay during their date either, but it turns out that's one of the differences betweent the Boy in Black and Superman. The BiB is not known, so no one calls out to him. As a result, Clark doesn't need to run off as much.

Sarah - Yes, Clark does need friends, but at least from canon Clark we can imply that he doesn't prioritize that over his need to help others. Thus the frequent moves before settling in Metropolis.

Kathy - That is correct. Clark does not see Lois as his soulmate. Not yet, anyway.
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