Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm Backwards III: House of Lane, 26/32 - 10/26/09 05:13 PM
Crazy weekend is over smile . Crazy week is ahead! Trying to get my outlines done for school so I can concentrate on Nano starting late Sat night wink . I've done 3.5 chapters today with 4 to go smile . Hope to get some papers graded tonight and then finish Ch. 30 tonight, finishing USII and leaving 13-15 in USI to finish Wed.

Thanks, as ever, to Kathy smile . And remember, at least some of the breaks were her idea wink .

Last time

"There is no quandary, Lord Trey. The charge of abandonment must be upheld and since Lord Kal-El has abdicated his position, as his birth wife, I am entitled to remain as First Lady."

"But even though you were here, I had no idea who you were," Clark interjected. "You were Sarah, the researcher, not Zara the Kryptonian until yesterday. How was I supposed to know?"

Zara just glared at him.

"Lord Kal-El raises a good point," Trey admitted wearily.

"And you and Ching tried to kill me, my friends, my *wife*, and half the city," Clark continued as though Trey had no spoken.

"It is of no consequence whether he knew who I was or not. Not under Kryptonian law," Zara said defiantly.

Trey closed his eyes for a long moment. "Unfortunately, she is correct. It is the ruling of the Council that..."


"Wait!" Lord Nor interjected suddenly. If Clark didn't know better, he'd think he saw a hint of fear in Nor's eyes. But that couldn’t be right, could it? "Lord Kal-El's abdication was never formalized. Lady Zara interrupted before it was made official."

Trey nodded at Nor. "Then the ruling on the charge of abandonment would require Lord Kal to pay reparations and dissolve his marriage to Lady Zara as part of the abdication agreement. Because of the contradictory dates, he will not be bound by Intentional Abandonment penalties and ruling power would still pass to Lord Nor."

"I ask that the Council first rule on the validity of his marriage date to the Earth woman," Zara said, staring at her brother.

"For what purpose?" Trey asked her.

"The purpose is irrelevant. It is a proper request."

Trey nodded. "For the purposes of the abdication, the date on the certificate will be entered as the valid date of his marriage to his lady, with the date of abandonment as the date of the consummation of his marriage." He pounded the desk with the name plate. "It is so ordered."

Clark sighed as he listened to the conversation between Zara and Trey. He didn't understand the rules or laws or whatever it was they were talking about and finally decided he needed to speak up – to at least satisfy his own curiosity. "Lord Trey, please pardon my speaking out of turn, but I have no idea what *law* it is I'm supposed to have broken. I had no idea there were any other Kryptonians in the... *universe* until yesterday. How could I *possibly* have abandoned Lady Zara several weeks ago? And what about the threats she and Ching have posed to Lois, myself and the city? Ching held a... a... *gun* to her head and threatened to kill her."

Trey nodded. "I understand your concern, Lord Kal. First, the abandonment penalty that you will be required to pay will be... twenty of your dollars. Given the circumstances surrounding the entire situation that seems more than fair."

Clark nodded. He still didn't quite get it, but if twenty bucks would get this whole mess resolved, he'd pay it. He wasn't happy about it on principle – and he was sure Lois wouldn't be either – but it was worth it at this point.

"And what exactly am I supposed to do with twenty Earth dollars?" Zara demanded. "How does that make up for abandonment?"

"Consider yourself fortunate that Lord Kal does not yet fully understand Kryptonian law," Trey snapped at her. "I am quite certain that as soon as he does, you and *Lieutenant* Ching will be brought up on charges of endangerment. The only reason you have not yet is because none of us were here to witness those acts. Once this matter is resolved, I personally will discuss that matter with Lord Kal-El."

Zara glowered.

"Now," Trey continued, "on to the matter of abdication."

Zara stood again. "Lord Trey, it has been ruled that my husband, the next in line to be First Lord of Krypton, has abandoned me and been ordered to pay reparations. Under such a ruling, it is my prerogative to request that I be placed as First Lady in his stead."

Trey hesitated. "The request is denied."

Clark watched Zara and Ching carefully. Neither showed any kind of reaction to Trey's announcement. Did they have a Plan B? If so, what was that plan? The whole fight to the death thing?

"It cannot be. Lord Kal has not yet taken his position as First Lord. His is to be a preemptive abdication. As his abandoned spouse, the position of First Lady, without a ruling First Lord, is rightfully mine."

Trey pinched the bridge of his nose.

"She is right, Lord Trey," Jen-Mai said quietly.

"I am aware, Lord Jen," Trey told him. "But Lord Kal's abdication has not been made official. Under the abandonment charge, his marriage has been dissolved but the First Lordship passes through the House of El, not the House of Ra. He can still be installed as First Lord and then abdicate to the family of his birth wife once the installation is complete making Lord Nor First Lord."

"If he is going to take his office with the intent to abdicate then it is also my right to challenge him to a duel," Lady Zara said, a smug smile on her face. "A duel to the death with the one left standing to take the role of Ruler of Krypton."

Trey sighed wearily. "That is your prerogative. However, I ask that you reconsider. Given the... abilities you have both acquired on Earth, it seems unlikely that there would be a true winner and the losers would be the planet and the people of this city."

Zara ignored Trey and turned to face Clark. "I challenge your claim to the seat of First Lord, Lord Kal-El."

"I'm not going to fight a woman to the death, Trey," Clark whispered.

"You will not have to, *milord*. Lt. Ching will represent me in the duel," Zara announced.

"Then I shall represent Lord Kal," Nor said instantly, rising to his feet.

"That is not how the law works, dear brother, and you know it." Zara continued to stare at Clark. "It is your choice, *milord*. Abdicate and I will rule in your stead or fight Ching – to the death. If you win, I will bow out graciously as the law requires. If you lose, the Council will recognize my rightful position as First Lady of Krypton."

"Do I have a choice?" Clark whispered to Trey.

Trey shook his head sadly. "Your choices are to fight Ching or abdicate, allowing Zara to take control as First Lady. I am sure you are aware of the potential consequences of that choice."

"So it's me or everyone?"

"I fear it may be both," Trey told him, refusing to look him in the eye. "If Lady Zara takes over, I fear for both of our peoples, but Ching has trained with the Drei since his youth."

"Can't we play basketball or something instead?" Clark asked with a sigh, resigned.

Trey looked puzzled. "What's basketball?"

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