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Posted By: anonpip FDK: Boy in Black, 36/? - 10/09/09 10:06 PM
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK: Boy in Black, 36/? - 10/09/09 11:46 PM
Liking it!

“Thank you, Clark,” he said. “There isn’t much we can do with this. With just photos it’s hard to prove much…”

“But, you can see the marijuana…”

“We can’t prove it’s marijuana from the picture,” Officer Billings pointed out gently.
Poor Clark! You know it and I know it and Officer Bilings knows it, but it's not what you know, it's what you can prove!

Lois in Suicide Slum - yes, Clark, I think it would be a very good idea for you to escort her or at least hover around. Could this be the opening for a big revelation?

And I'm glad that Lois took the plunge and told Professor Matthews. It was hard for her (which you described well) but it needed to be done. And in the future, she'll know she did the right thing and she'll have this behind her to help back her up.

Perhaps by dinner time I would have thought of a good cover story.

“Clark? Where were you?” Lois asked nearly the instant I opened the door. I stopped and stared in silence. I guess I’d need that cover story sooner than I expected.
Tee-hee! Clark, you should have thought of that on the flight back from LA! With all respect to our Clark, he doesn't seem all that quick on thinking on his feet (at least to make a plausible excuse.)

And you're ending this on a cliffhanger...*growl*
Posted By: BJ Re: FDK: Boy in Black, 36/? - 10/10/09 06:31 AM
It was nice to see the plot move forward on all three fronts in this chapter - the drugs, the construction and the beginning of the end for ethically challenged Paul. I'm eagerly awaiting more information on all three.

“Clark? Where were you?” Lois asked nearly the instant I opened the door.
Tell her. Tell her. Tell her. Then float and offer to take her flying. You know you want to. Just do it. Do it, now!
Posted By: amberlea Re: FDK: Boy in Black, 36/? - 10/10/09 08:43 AM
I'm with BJ - do it!

I am concerned for Clark and Lois in this story...on the one hand, Lois hasn't suffered most of the hurts that defined her canon trouble with relationships. On the other hand, they both are a decade younger than canon. So I'm a little nervous about where this could be going and how it's going to get there. I personally think Clark should use Lois's courage in going to Professor Matthews as inspiration for his own courage in telling her the truth!

I am very much enjoying this story!

Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Boy in Black, 36/? - 10/10/09 12:14 PM
Nancy, didn't we just have the cliffhanger-talk? smile1
Posted By: sarahg Re: FDK: Boy in Black, 36/? - 10/11/09 08:53 PM
Posted By: robinson Re: FDK: Boy in Black, 36/? - 10/13/09 07:27 AM
Another great part. I am still enjoying the story very much. Several questions are forming in my mind. Will Lois and Clark ending up working together on Lois' story. Will boy in black have to save her? Or will it end with Clark leaving and going traveling and then they reunite at some point? Will the budding romance last?

So many questions and no answers. Need the next part soon, hopefully.

Wonderful part.

Have Chili Your Way, Every Way
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: Boy in Black, 36/? - 10/13/09 09:41 PM
I'm sorry for the slow response. I have to admit that as my maternity leave draws to a close, my interest in activities that don't include my daughter dwindle. I'm sure I just need to settle into the new norm, but right now, I'm all baby, all the time (with a small percentage of time going to my husband who I've also seen much more of the last few months). (I'm sure my RL friends are SO pleased with this. :rolleyes: )

IolantheAlias - Interesting - Clark's escorting Lois to Suicide Slum as a basis for the revelation. Maybe...

Sorry about the cliffhanger. It just made a good breaking point.

BJ - Thanks!

I think it would be funny to rewrite the next chapter to go more like you suggested...

"Well, actually Lois, I was in LA. Did I mention I can fly?" I could see the understanding dawning on Maddie out of the corner of my eye, but I was focused on Lois who looked like she was trying not to laugh.

"You can fly, huh?" she said, her hands on her hips.

Deciding that it would be more efficient to show her than to tell her, I walked over to where she was sitting, slid my hands underneath her and lifted her into my arms. I floated several feet above the others in the room, and glided outside. "Where do you want to go?" I asked her, trying not to laugh at the look of surprise on her face.

"You can fly," she said quietly, still in awe.

"Well, yes. That is what I said," I told her.

"Wow. Um... you'll take me anywhere I want?"

"Yup," I grinned at her. "The Great Wall of China perhaps? The Great Barrier Reef? Or I could take you to Switzerland for some chocolate?" Her eyes lit up at that. "Switzerland it is," I told her, and we took off.

I did, however, decide to go a different way. (And sadly, that little tidbit is the most writing I've done in weeks.)

Amber - You know I hadn't considered that too much - that by starting this a decade earlier, Lois hasn't suffered the hurts she had earlier. I think that probably shapes who she is, but less than her age and other life experiences (or lack thereof).

Michael - Sorry. I can say that I think I wrote this chapter before the cliffhanger talk, but honestly, I'm not sure there aren't other cliffhangers coming. They just make such good chapter endings.

Hmm... I'm not sure if I'd mentioned that Prof Halkuff is a woman or not. It very well may be just something that I know. Like the fact that she's tall and thin and has dark, curly hair. Sometimes I forget that not all these details are in the story...

Sarah - Sorry, more is coming. I had hoped to increase my posting frequency sometime, but since I haven't written anything in weeks and am down to 5 chapters of buffer and I start work next week (which should severely limit my free time), it doesn't seem wise right now.

Kathy - All good questions, although only one is even close to being answered.
Posted By: sarahg Re: FDK: Boy in Black, 36/? - 10/13/09 09:45 PM
sigh, a girl can hope though, right?
so clark will tell lois he can fly, hmm...
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