Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Alisha Knight That Little Sister of Mine 1/5 - 08/15/09 07:09 AM
That Little Sister of Mine
by Alisha Knight
Rated PG-13



Thanks to Carol for BRing this fic.

Standard disclaimers apply – I don’t own any part of Lois and Clark or any Superman universe.


Part One


Clark left the police station with a smile on his face. Another criminal was about to be brought to justice due to the evidence gathered by Lane and Kent. He always felt better about helping as Clark somehow. Sometimes catching crooks as Superman felt like cheating - plus if Clark Kent did it, he usually did it with Lois at his side. Or slightly to the front; their partnership was equal, he knew that and yet she still managed to be the one in control, but only because he let her. He sighed contentedly as thoughts of Lois filled his head. She was busy quizzing Bobby Bigmouth about their next big story and he had been sent to give their evidence to Henderson as her interests had turned to their forthcoming breakthrough.

A heartbroken sob broke through into Clark’s consciousness and he looked round to try and find the source on instinct. On a nearby bench was sat a young brunette, whose head was hidden in her hands as she tried to stop the tears that had brought her to the reporter’s attention. Clark glanced down at his watch. He was supposed to be meeting up with Lois at the Planet in five minutes, although he knew it would only take him a few seconds to fly there, but he would feel bad about just walking by and ignoring the poor woman who was obviously distressed. He weighed up between his guilt and Lois’ wrath, and decided to risk it.

“Is everything all right?” He asked as he stopped beside the bench.

“Oh,” she sniffed and rubbed her eyes. “Yeah. Sure, I just... Clark!” She exclaimed as she finally looked up and recognised the man standing in front of her.

“Lucy!” He was equally as surprised to discover the identity of the woman. “I didn’t realise it was you. Lois didn’t tell me you were back in Metropolis.”

“She doesn’t know,” Lucy’s eyes darted wildly as she looked around the street. “She isn’t with you, is she?”


“Good. I just... I’m not ready to see her yet.”

Lucy’s shoulders slumped again and Clark could see she was trying to hold back her tears. They didn’t know each other that well, Lucy had left for California before he and Lois had really become friends, but he couldn’t leave Lois’ little sister sitting there crying.

He sat down beside her, carefully leaving a noticeable gap between them. “Do you want to tell me what the problem is?”

Her head moved in what he supposed was a shake. “Not really. No offence, Clark, I know you’re a nice guy, I just don’t really know you.”

“Fair enough,” he agreed. “I don’t know that I’d want to tell a stranger my problems either. Do you want to come with me back to the Planet? I’m sure Lois--”

She snorted as she interrupted him. “--Would take great delight in telling me ‘I told you so’. I’d rather talk to you than her about this.”

The following silence stretched out between them. Clark was certain that Lucy was wishing he’d go away and leave her alone and he was determined not to until he was certain she really was OK. He was shocked when she broke the silence by asking him, “Are you and Lois dating yet?”

“Huh? No, why would you think that?”

Lucy sniffed and lifted her reddened eyes to look at him. “You’re all she talks about. Not that we talk that much but when we do and she’s done telling me what I’m doing wrong, all I hear is ‘Clark and I did this’ and ‘Clark told me that’. She hasn’t sounded as happy for years as she is now.”


Clark couldn’t help the grin that spread itself across his face until he caught sight of the glint in Lucy’s eye. He’d seen it before in Lois’. It meant that she was deliberately trying to sideline him in an attempt to change the subject. “Well, it’s just as well one of you is happy because it would be a terrible thing if Lois was upset as you seem to be.”

“I’m not telling you,” Lucy mumbled in a rather Lois-like way.

“I’m not asking you to, not if you don’t want to. I’m just not going to leave you here like this.”

“Boy, you really are a boy-scout.” Lucy rubbed her eyes on her sodden tissue before putting it back in her jeans’ pocket. She stood up and stretched. “Fine. I want ice-cream. Coming?”


“Thanks, Jimmy. I owe you one,” Clark said as he turned off his cell phone and returned to his new companion.

Lucy was much happier now than she had been when he’d first stumbled across her. She’d gone to the bathroom and fixed her make-up so that it was hard to tell that she had been crying and she was currently vigorously attacking her vanilla ice-cream. She could tell that Clark had been surprised when she had asked for vanilla.

“I’m not Lois,” was all she had told him, with a sharp look in her eyes that told him she knew exactly what he’d been thinking. He said nothing and paid for their treat, then rang Jimmy as soon as they had sat down to tell him he’d be late back to work.

Lucy licked the back of her spoon and studied her unwanted companion. She understood now why Lois found the guy so frustrating, he was *too* good. Not only had he not walked past and ignored the crying woman like other normal people did, he’d even called work to tell them that he’d been held up. She knew that she wouldn’t have bothered and she couldn’t see Lois doing it either.

What she didn’t understand was her sister hadn’t snapped him up. It was obvious that he was completely in love with her sister and she was extremely fond of him in return, probably to the point of being in love with him as well, plus the guy was a total hunk. Clark Kent was the kind of man Lucy thought only lived in books, the complete opposite to every single boyfriend she’d ever had. In fact, it was amazing that he was still single when he first came to Metropolis.

Lucy looked back down at her bowl as she dug her spoon into the ice-cream. Maybe he had an ex-wife and kids hidden away somewhere that no one knew about. “Are you the exception that proves the rule?”

Clark shook his head. “I’m sorry?”

“You know. All men are jerks, apart from you apparently. So are you a jerk but really good at covering it up, or the exception?”

Clark smiled in triumph. “Aha. You’ve got boyfriend trouble, right?”

Lucy dropped the spoon into the bowl and sighed. He worked with Lois, of course he wouldn’t miss a hint like that. “Don’t you need a boyfriend to have boyfriend trouble?”

“Not necessarily,” he replied. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“No,” she sighed, “I guess it would be nice to talk about it. I just wish there was someone to talk to. I know I can talk to Lois and she’ll listen and be all nice ... until I get over it and then she’ll have a go at my bad taste in men. Like hers is any better! I mean, OK, so half of my ex’s are behind bars but none of them were anywhere close to Lex Luthor...” Lucy trailed off as she saw a brief look of pain flitter across Clark’s face. “Sorry. I guess Lex is kind of a sore point for you. I didn’t think--”

“It’s OK. Really.”

Lucy didn’t really believe him but she didn’t want to press the matter. “My most recent ex, recent in the sense that we broke up last night, just before he was arrested for a robbery. That’s not the worst part, though. I was kind of fed up with him anyway. The trouble is, I’m supposed to go double-dating with him tomorrow night.”

“Can’t you just call it off? Say you’re ill or something?”

She shook her head. “No. It’s with my best friend from high school, Rebecca. We had that kind of love/hate friendship, you know?”

“A little.” Clark replied unconvincingly.

“So, she’s just got married to the greatest guy in the world. Honestly, you’d think he was Superman the way she talked about him! So I told her that I was in this really serious relationship and we came back to Metropolis to see Rebecca and her guy. Then Anthony had to go and rob that store and now she’s going to rub her fantastic new husband in my face when I’m sitting at dinner on my own.” She started attacking her melting ice-cream again in frustration.

“You’re not really that upset about Anthony, are you?” Clark asked her with a grin.

“No. He really annoyed me on the flight.” She paused as a thought struck her. “You know Superman, right? Lois said you had this amazing talent for being able to contact the guy.”

“Yeeesss...” Clark replied in slow horror.

“Any chance he’d be my date? That would definitely put me one up on Rebecca.”

“I doubt it.”

“Yeah, I didn’t think so either.” Lucy smiled at him, hoping to prove to Clark that she had only been joking about him asking Superman. From the dazzling smile she received back, the message had been received and understood. Wow, Lucy was glad she was sitting down because that smile had turned her legs to jelly. Seriously, how had her sister been able to stop herself from... Lucy’s thoughts were turning in a direction that were best suited to when she wasn’t in a crowded cafe with the object of them.

“What about you?” The question was out of her mouth before she could really consider the impact of it. Damn that smile of his!

His face suddenly because suspicious. “What do you mean, ‘what about me’?”

“You’re not seeing Lois, right? So, you’re single?”

“Er, Lucy, I--”

“No!” She quickly interrupted him, not wanting to hear another man tell her he wasn’t interested. “I didn’t mean... you know. I need a date for tomorrow night and I want Rebecca to see me with a really great guy, which you seem to be. And as my sister is currently too dense to realise that she wants you, because she does in case you were wondering, so unless you are seeing someone else, which you could be for all I know--.” She cut herself off and rolled her eyes. “God, I’m sounding like Lois now. I don’t know any really nice guys, they’re all jerks. So, if you’re free tomorrow night, I’d really appreciate it if you’d pretend to be my date. I know you’re not interested in me like that, I’m Lois’ kid sister to you. And that’s fine, I just--”

“OK. I do have one question, though. How mad would Lois get if I pretended to be your boyfriend for the evening?” Clark asked her, with a wicked glint in his eyes.

Lucy recognised it and matched it with one of her own. “Oh, very. You *are* her best friend, and I’m sure she’s very possessive over your time.”

“Yes,” was all the reply she got.

“Although, winding up Lois can be very hazardous to your health.”

“I’m aware of the risks,” Clark replied with a smile. “So, tell me about this dinner.”


Lois closed down the document on her computer and rubbed her tired eyes. She picked up the note she’d found on her desk when she’d returned from her meeting with Bobby. ‘CK said he’s going to be late getting back. Sends his apologies - Jimmy’.

An hour later she’d asked Jimmy to tell her exactly what Clark had said when he’d called. “Just that something had come up and he wasn’t sure when he’d be back,” was all the reply she’d received.

Now two hours had gone by and she really needed Clark to look over the article they were supposed to be writing together. She ripped the note in half and flung it in the trash in an effort to try and make herself feel better. It didn’t work.

She was just about to call Clark’s cell phone, when the elevator doors opened and into the newsroom walked Clark, laughing with a woman. Jealousy surged through her at seeing him so happy with another woman but she managed to convince herself that she was just angry that he’d skipped work to go on a date. With Lucy? The pair arrived at Clark’s desk and neither one of them had looked across at her even once. Anger fuelling her steps, she strode over to them as another wave of laughter rippled through the pair.

“So this is what was more important than your job. You know I’m seriously considering handing the story into Perry without your name on it.”

Clark leant back in his chair and smiled at his irate partner. “You don’t consider your sister’s happiness important?”

Lois gave her a cold glance. “She looks happy enough to me.”

Lucy gave Clark an affectionate smile. “Sure, I am now. I wasn’t when Clark found me. He’s been like my knight in shining armour this afternoon.”

“What happened? Got dumped by another rat of a boyfriend again?” Lois unconsciously moved closer to Clark as she spoke, her body language staking him as hers.

Lucy’s face darkened and she gave her an evil stare. “No. I dumped him. Clark found me crying and wouldn’t leave me alone until I’d cheered up. Can I stay with you for a few days?”

With an annoyed growl, Lois went back to her desk and picked up her keys. Freeing the Jeep’s key from its fellows, she handed them to Lucy. “Don’t leave until I get home. I will not be locked out of my own house ... *again*.”

Lucy pouted as she put the keys in her handbag. “I don’t get to drive the Jeep back to yours?”

“No-one drives the Jeep but me.”

Clark cleared his throat but said nothing as he went through the messages that had been left on his desk during his absence. Lucy gaped open-mouthed at her sister. “Clark’s driven your Jeep!”

“Not often,” Lois admitted, a little sheepishly.

Lucy took a breath to retort but then decided not to. She scooted off the edge of Clark’s desk where she’d been sitting and gave him a sultry smile. “Thanks for everything, Clark. You’re so sweet. So, you’re going to pick me up at Lois’ at seven tomorrow night?”

Lois couldn’t stop the very loud gasp that sprung from her mouth as Clark carried on their conversation regardless of her shock. “That’s what we agreed. I don’t have my own car, so we’ll have to get a cab... unless Lois will lend us her Jeep.”

Lucy exhaled and rolled her eyes upwards. “Maybe, if we’re both very nice to her and *you* promise to not let me drive.”

He laughed. “Miracles do happen.”

“Bye,” Lucy started to walk towards the elevators.

“Bye, Lucy. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Clark watched her until the elevator doors closed behind her.

Lois’ silence broke as soon as the doors had shut and Lucy was officially elsewhere. “You’re dating Lucy?”

“Kind of,” Clark looked up at her. “Did you want me to look at that article before you send it to Perry?”

“Yeah, it’s on my computer. You, my partner, are going on a date with my little sister?”

Clark stood up and walked over to Lois’ desk, with Lois following mindlessly behind him in a state of shock. “As I said, kind of. Why, is that a problem?”

“I--” Lois shook her head as she watched him bring up the file. “It’s just... Aren’t you seeing Mayson?”


“Does Mayson know this?”

“Lois,” Clark sighed in frustration. “I am a free-agent. I can see anyone I like.”

“But my little sister?”

“Look at it this way. If everything goes well, I could end up as your brother!”

Brother! The word sunk into Lois’ head and she tried to imagine it as a label for Clark. It didn’t work. Contrary to what she had once told him, Clark did *not* feel like her brother. <What word would suit him better, then?> her inner-monologue asked her with a smirk very similar to the one that Clark and Lucy had been using.

<Friend. Best-friend. He’s my best-friend.>

<Those are not mutually exclusive, brother and best-friend.>

<What word do you suggest then?>

Lois watched distractedly as Clark’s fingers moved rapidly against her keypad, correcting their article. <I don’t know, Lois? How about boyfriend, lover, husband?>

<No!> Lois nearly put her hand over her mouth when she realised how close she had been to saying that word out loud. <No.>

<Why not?>


“Does that look like it makes sense?” Clark’s question broke through her probing thought process bringing Lois instant relief.

“Huh? Oh, yeah. That makes much more sense than what I wrote. Why Lucy?”

Clark sighed and pulled a chair out for her to sit on. “It’s not a real date,” he told her as she took the hint and sat beside him.

Lois let out a small laugh of partial relief. “Oh. What is it then?”

“It’s me helping out your sister. She was supposed to be having a dinner with her recently-married friend and her husband. Trouble is, Lucy’s latest beau is behind bars, so I agreed to pretend to be her new boyfriend for the evening.”

“Still, why would you do that?”

He chuckled. “Because I’m a boy scout and like helping people out. So can we borrow your Jeep?”

“I’ll think about it,” Lois told him, suddenly feeling much happier about the situation. So Clark was just being Clark and Lucy was pretty much just being Lucy. It was a shame really, Clark would be good for Lucy but she was amazed at how glad she was that it was all a sham. She wasn’t going to dwell on that, however. Clark *wasn’t* dating Lucy, or Mayson, or anyone and that was good enough for her. Was it wrong of her to want it to stay that way forever?

To Be Continued...
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