Lois & Clark Forums
FDK goes here smile .

Tomorrow's post - probably before now...

Thanks smile .

Hi Carol!
I just want to say that I don't like Sarah. I really, really don't like Sarah. I do however love Lois's appearance and the state of the suite when Sarah arrived. I'm also hoping that she bought Lois's story and realized that Clark was not available. She will then go to Lt. Ching, and together they will take back New Krypton from Nor and his cronies. Right? Right?
I understand Lois's apprehension at the commitment, but at least she's not running.
Sarah amuses me, but then again I'm in for a New Krypton disaster any day. I think you're just dangling her in front of us to be evil for kicks. laugh

(Yay evil)
Heh, as you may have figured out, I'm a sucker for stories with a "Take that, romantic rival!" scene in it, which makes this one very satisfying. *g*

(And for those of you wondering what Sarah looks like, I beta-read this story for Carol and she won't even tell me what she looks like. Which just makes me all the more anxious to get more of B III in my box to find out if she is who we worry she might be. wink )

But you're making me rewrite so much of it


Carol [who refuses to admit publicly that Kathy is totally right to do so but has SO MUCH to do before being gone for 12-14 hours on Tuesday for the reveal/free concert that she doesn't know when she'll get it done - too bad she doesn't have the iphone yet and could write it in an email to herself or something while sitting there...]
Dear Carol's husband,
Please buy your wife an iPhone.
Her Readers
I love this part:
She opened the door, surprised and annoyed to see Sarah standing there.

"Good morning," Lois said as the other woman stood there. She was suddenly very glad that she was wearing Clark's clothes and looking like she'd just woken up.

"Morning." Sarah looked around and behind Lois at the room. "Is Mr. Lane here?"

Lois shook her head. "He, um, left earlier. He wasn't sure when he was going to be back." She gestured to the room. "Won't you come in for a minute and show me what you've got?"

Sarah hesitated before nodding. Lois glanced towards the bedroom, glad she'd left the door wide open, leaving the clothes on the floor and a very messy bed fully visible.
Sarah sure seems to be getting quite a view of the "apparent" relationship. Assuming that this IS Zara, maybe she'll just decide that he's not "Kryptonian" enough for her to bother with. smile1

It's amazing that they have come this far and this is the first time Clark will have taken Lois flying. That just feels so weird. dizzy

So... since in the next 4 hours I need to:
Finish folding/put up laundry
Find power cord for video camera
Clean up house
Make signs for reveal tomorrow
Finish making list of things to do/get

And then between 6-9 mow and go to Walmart...

[while finishing watching PML and working on the edits for Kathy from BIII...]

I'm going to respond/post now wink .

Mel - Why does everyone insist that Sarah = Zara? /sigh/

JD - /more sighs/

Kathy - hehe. Who even knows if *I'm* sure what Sarah looks like? You got more this morning, *may* get some more tonight but don't count on it - so it'll be at least Wed - if I don't spend all of Wed recovering from tomorrow...

Mel - LOL! A friend is giving me her original one but it'll be Sept before I can activate it...

Bob - lol! They've only known each other a week and he was hit with Kryptonite twice since then... Flying coming right up smile .

*sigh* Carol all I wanted to do was work quickly through the FDK for today and finally start back on my own WIP. And then, what do I see when I refresh my browser? *sigh*

But I'm digressing... to something I should post in a little while...

Okay. I'm on the Zara-wagon, too. Sorry blush

"Good morning," Lois said as the other woman stood there. She was suddenly very glad that she was wearing Clark's clothes and looking like she'd just woken up.

Loving it.

Hmm, I think that about covers it. And besides, I'm distracted by that Lucky 13 on the other thread wink

See you in a bit, Michael
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