Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm FDK: Backwards II: Return to Metropolis, 8/19 - 07/15/09 07:29 PM
FDK goes here smile .

Hope to get some more written tonight but I actually /gasp/ opened, read, edited and added to my original fiction [that is going to be this year's Nano project even though it's already started...]

Thanks smile .

Uh-oh. Why am I concerned that Lex Luthor will wake from his vegetative state and that Clark's Kryptonian birth-wife will show up?

(*waiting for other shoe to drop*)
Come now, Nano is *months* away! Focus! wink (We've got a Nano group in our homeschool group...pretty excited about it! I can't wait to see what my 6yo comes up with!)

Sorry, back to the fdk. smile

Um, it's good. I like it. (Sorry, a little brain dead tonight.) Is Lois going to manage to get any of her own clothes? She needs to "express her femininity!" (To paraphrase a quote.)

Until tomorrow!
Iolanthe wrote:
Why am I concerned that Lex Luthor will wake from his vegetative state and that Clark's Kryptonian birth-wife will show up?
Won't happen. This is Carol, remember? Light-hearted, WAFFy, romp-y Carol! She only does nice things to her characters and makes her readers grin with sappiness and sweetness.

Sorry about that. You still have plenty of time to surprise us, Carol, and I'm certain this won't be the last story in this series. You still have the one about Lex waking up, the one about Zara showing up with Ching, the one about the clone, and the one about Lois' PTSD (from whacking Trask) to write. This one will be gentle and sweet.

You'll leave the WHAMs for the next story.

And the one after that.

And the one after that...ad infinitum.
He moved closer towards her until he could brush a soft kiss across her lips. "No one is going to take me from you. Lex Luthor has a better chance of waking up from his vegetative state than of some alien girl has of getting her hands on me." He kissed her again, lightly. "And that's all the kissing you're going to get from me tonight."
Please tell me this isn't foreshadowing!
This chapter had some really sweet moments. They realize that they're falling in love, and Lois isn't acting as skiddish. clap
Cute hyper And they're talking about their worries dizzy Who are you? And what have you done with Carol M?

Michael, hoping last night's FDK will compensate for tonight's short one huh
Well, they've been framing the house for a couple hours now [they did a bunch of framing over the weekend - preassembling a bunch of it so all they have to do is put it up on site] but a storm is blowing through which makes it hard...


Iolan - would I do that?

Amber - Hope you enjoy what I sent you! Whenever you get to it smile .

Terry - exactly! You've got me figured out just right. At least until that last little bit...

Mel - honestly, would I do that to you?

Michael - aw! I guess...

Carol [who got a couple rounds of good news today]
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