Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm FDK: Backwards II: Return to Metropolis, 7/19 - 07/14/09 02:20 PM
FDK goes here.

Tomorrow's post - probably about this time.

Thanks smile .

Carol [who really should be cleaning house...]
Hey, that’s so cool on OTOH. /me is still scared silly of archiving a tini-tiny 700k story goofy

"He could *fly* - who cared if he was hot?"
So she does all men who can fly? Explains why Lex tried to after he fell out of her graces.

"No. I came to Metropolis chasing Clark Lane," she pointed out. "He's my... boyfriend. Not Superman."
Lois being careful about Superman is interesting.

"I'll remember that when you want to go flying," he told her, shuffling the cards.

Lois grinned smugly. "Okay, Superman. I want to see my boyfriend in significantly less clothes than he was wearing earlier so I can ogle properly. The spandex doesn't cut it."
Uh, no strip poker, Lois.

She shrugged. "I didn't say anything about *naked*, did I?"
Sheesh, do you have to talk him out of it?

"I thought this wasn't strip poker."
/points to previous remark/

"Who said anything about stripping?" She waved a hand in the direction of the bedroom. "Go in the other room and come back in a pair of shorts."
Um,… Lois, strip poker does not imply a pole and music.

"You can wear whatever sort of underwear you choose," she told him flippantly. "I won't look."
So, does he have long underwear?

He sighed and walked towards the other room. "Can I at least wear socks so my feet don't get cold?"
He’s invulnerable…

"Not really," he said with a shrug. "I'm glad my girlfriend thinks I'm ogleable."

Carol, posting when I have access to an editor is just evil. FDK gets much too long :p Oh, wait, I can see the flaw in my reasoning and the problem with positive reinforcement laugh

Carol, I found myself both laughing and almost-crying at this chapter.

"What suit?" he asked, puzzled.

"The super suit. You know, blue spandex, red cape, underwear on the outside. Symbol of truth and justice the world over."
I always laugh at the "underwear on the outside" bit. Because it's true.

And almost-crying:
"The idea that so much of my future, my future happiness, is tied up in one guy scares me." She swiped at her eyes as she leaned against him. "What if we don't work out?"

"Why won't we work out?"

"Have any of your other relationships lasted?"

"Only one has to," he told her softly, his fingers brushing her hair away from her face. "Only one relationship has to last a lifetime. Like my parent. Like your parents. Like our grandparents. That'll be us."
It's so sweet and WAFFy!

Another fun chapter.

By the way, I hope your hubby catches the game-winning home run ball and brings it home to you as a sign that he totally regrets that you weren't there with him at the All-Star Game. Because you know he needs to grovel.
wink wink wink wink
Thanks Iolan. He's in the top row directly under the 17 [retired numbers under the scoreboard] in a Cardinals jersey Tshirt with 'Dad' an no 1 on the back. Near the batter's eye grass area.
Hi Carol. wave I’m still here. I’m supposed to be writing but… well…

Anyway, I love the way they are moving along in their relationship. This is the perfect blend of moving quickly and deliberately forward but still having a nontrivial dose of realistic fear and caution. Very nicely done!

I have two favorite lines here:
He strode – he always strode when he was in the Suit
he does doesn’t he?

Only one relationship has to last a lifetime.
That is such a beautiful thought. love

I second Bob on my two favorite lines.

I love the fact that 1) Lois would rather have Clark than Superman any day, 2) Clark displays zero sef-jealousy over Superman, and 3)Lois is up-front about her hopes and fears for this relationship.

She's gotten to know the complete person almost from the very beginning and that's what makes this such a refreshingly light little romp.

Romp on!

P.S. off topic: what does IIRC stand for, as in word count?
Thanks guys smile .

Head's killing me though so... This'll be pretty quick.

Michael - I love the long fdk - tis fun!

Iolan - awwww! And yeah - I got nuttin' from last night except 4 cranky kids who were up too late and up too early this morning for a dentist appointment [which was fine except for the zillion teeny tiny cavities where molars are TOUCHING each other and therefore nearly impossible to clean well enough - the resultant crying is what caused previously mentioned headache - just one more bill we don't need right now - but on the upside you can see my friends' house explode here .]

Bob - yeah well on the writing wink . I read two books today in an effort to forget the dentist [both of which I'd read before and one of which had a good plot but poorly executed in places, including to me to a degree the resolution]. Anyway... He does stride wink . And only one does have to last a lifetime [cuz there's just something wrong about having two that last a lifetime...]

HG - IIRC is if I recall correctly [or remember]. Is that what you're looking for? I did manage to get BIII Ch 2 finished yesterday and then 3 and 4 just... floooooowed [though Kathy's making me edit them :p - she's right of course but still.... /whine and foot stomp/]

Thanks again!
Hey - I've never seen "Extreme Home Makeover". Do they always blow up the old home?

It seems a little overkill when they could just tear it down. Of course, just tearing it down wouldn't be all that exciting TV, though. I have to admit the explosion was curiously satisfying.
LOL! No. They take them down all different ways. I think this is only the second explosion. They burned one. I think most of them are just knocked down with bulldozers or pulled off with them - anyone else know?

And yes it was satisfying wasn't it? The barn was pretty cool too but not as cool as the house.

They're also in the middle of nowhere which means they can do something like an explosion rather than in a neighborhood where they couldn't. The Hamptons have 5 acres and lease 10 more. Surrounded by farms etc. Their application video is on that site too and you can see how cramped they really were.

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