Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm FDK: Backwards II: Return to Metropolis, 6/19 - 07/13/09 02:37 PM
FDK goes here smile .

Tomorrow's post - late afternoon, early evening...

Did I mention my husband is going to the All Star Game without me tomorrow?!?!


Hmm, sounds like a bad hubby goofy

"Truth or Dare," he answered. "Winner of each hand gets a truth out of the other person or the loser has to take a dare."

"No stripping?" she asked cautiously.
Now, Clark isn't that sneaky. Oh, wait, that's city Clark we have here. /wags finger menacingly/

She tossed her cards into the pile. "Shuffle while I think." She regarded him through narrowed eyelids. "First truth. Who was your first kiss? Real kiss. Not second grade playground kiss. And describe it."
I was lying on a bed in a farmhouse turned BnB?

He groaned. "Lisa. I was sixteen. We went to the homecoming dance. She disappeared. Found her making out behind the bleachers with Joe."
LOL ...sorry blush

"He works at the Planet." Clark thought for a minute. "Tell him that Perry needs an Elvis costume first thing in the morning and that he has to find one. The white sequined one."
That's bad. Worse than my idea :p

"Truth," Lois said, curling her legs up underneath her. "So we did first date and first kiss. First time you and a girl... you know. Not *too* much detail but some."
Surprise dizzy

Carol, did I ever mention that I have a special affinity for poker/T&D fics blush

I love this story and it's prequel, had to read it in one sitting to this point. drool
I'm so glad my faith in you has been rewarded, Carol! smile

And by the way, I think we should start a club or something - people who get left out of major baseball events. My best friend got to go to a World Series game when it was here in Houston.

Truth or Dare poker just might be more interesting than strip poker...

Ah, don't be jealous about your hubby....it'll be hot, the beers will be overpriced, the lines at the hot dog stand will be incredibly long, there'll be no room in the bathrooms....why would anyone want to go to the All-Star Game?

(***AARGH! He's going and you're not? AARGH***)

All right. (*deep breath* /me tries to calm down at the thought of missing the All-Star Game when someone else gets to go/ *deep breath*)
All right. Let's go to the story.

And this chapter is a lot of fun, Carol! Flirtatious banter, suggestive remarks, and the classic unresolved sexual tension.

Of course, in this situation, I can't help but remember Darth Michael's smokin' hot and incredible nfic, Don\'t You Dare which sets new standards for Truth Or Dare poker games. Michael was too modest to mention it directly, so I wanted to be sure that everyone knows how excellent it is.

I'm very interested in seeing your take on that situation. Each great author approaches the same situation differently and interprets it in his or her own inimitable way.

Waiting eagerly for the next chapter!
Quick flyby as I watch the HR Derby [am an hour behind].

Forgot to mention his tickets come with the food/soda buffet... but not beer I don't think but he doesn't drink anyway...

Teehee! I love how open Clark is being with Lois. No hiding in shadows, beating around the bush. Just 'take me as I am.'

drool drool drool

Bring on Part 7!
Originally posted by IolantheAlias:
Of course, in this situation, I can't help but remember Darth Michael's smokin' hot and incredible nfic, Don't You Dare which sets new standards for Truth Or Dare poker games. Michael was too modest to mention it directly, so I wanted to be sure that everyone knows how excellent it is.
/clears throat/


Erm blush

Thanks so much for the mentioning, Iolanthe. This is just WOW.

Michael, handing back FDK-thread to Carol
Hey everyone! Thanks!

Michael - would I really do that? Make that backwards too? I've written another poker/truth/dare game on the archive... No strip poker though...

Fly girl - So glad you liked it!

Amber - I'm in the club... Let me know where to sign up!

Iolan - thank you! As I said, I've done the truth or dare poker thing before where it was the focus of the fic but it's not here smile . We'll move on...

HG - I love it too!

Part 7 coming up shortly...

Perfect timing, Carol hyper And it's funny how it was again the last check of the boards before I turned off the computer for the night. Much better time, though :p

And read it. Was valuable research clap

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