Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm FDK: Backwards II: Return to Metropolis, 4/19 - 07/11/09 09:35 AM
FDK goes here smile .

Not sure what time tomorrow. Probably evening.

This is just too easy confused Where's the heartache, the tension, the unresolved issues, the danger? clap Now all we need is the au de sweat sock.

"Is it going to be any more exciting than our last wedding night?" she asked with a raised brow.
Good question. And they did first get married in Smallville and then on a nice honeymoon in da big city.

She sighed. "Maybe I'll just stay with you and send you down to get me something... pretty later." She rested her head on his shoulder and suddenly wished that this was the real thing.
It can be, Lois. You just have to nudge him a little and he will stumble right over the event horizon.

Michael, starting to realize that the only thing better than daily short posts would be daily *long* posts huh
Awww, sorry I missed you on IRC! Sounds like you had an exciting evening! wink

I wasn't expecting Perry *and* HiM in the same part! I love how Perry had been following her work.

Good use of the top banana line. smile

And I definitely have to second Michael on the daily long posts comment!

LOL!! It's the honeymoon suite already. I also got a kick out of Clark's top banana crack and Perry's assessment of Lois. I agreee with Michael that Perry has been watching Lois for awhile.
Okay Carol, as much as I am enjoying the light fluff and smooth ride, I'm wondering when the angst is going to hit. They're heading to the honeymoon suite, and Clark isn't totally "super" yet. It's got me a little worried about how they're going to get out of the mess that they will undoubtedly get themselves into. It should be interesting!
Hey, FOLCs, this is Carol, remember? Light, fluffy, a "romp-y ride?" What angst? What danger? What problems?

Actually, I'm kinda waiting for that stuff too. And is Lois ever going to tell him exactly what Jor-El told her? When will Lois get hit with the delayed stress of killing someone? Even if Trask needed to be whacked, she's the one who did it, even if it wasn't her intention. And that's not something a country girl can just shrug off.

Something's got to pop soon, even if it's Lois in a slinky nightgown and Clark in shock because he wasn't expecting it. You go, Carol! Bring on the torment!
Hey guys smile .


Michael - yeah, Perry's had his eye on her for a while I think. And yep I sure did um plan the whole Smallville thing yep. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Amber - hehe - the banana line was actually added in a bit later but I had to find a way to use it wink .

Mel - keep wondering! /innocent whistle/

Terry - HEY! I resemble... er resent that remark wink . Honestly - it's a fun romp. And no - no slinky nightgowns anytime soon but... oh, wait no. Not going to tell you that wink .

What?!!! No slinky nightgowns?
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