Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm FDK: Backwards II: Return to Metropolis, 3/19 - 07/10/09 01:18 PM
FDK goes here.

Not sure what time tomorrow. We'll see...

Did I mention I've started III? And it has a title already? And there may be a glimmer of a thought on IV?

Silly one shot...

Thanks smile .
Carol, I love, love, love the conversation about why Lois came to Metropolis. She's a strong, independent woman who can stand on her own two feet, and I love that Clark knows that and he reminds her of it, too. Lois Lane was never in danger of fading into Clark Kent's shadow, but she would have been in danger of fading into Superman's if she had been 'with' him.

Lois Kent needed that reminder that she is not just here to be Superman's girlfriend. In other words, Superman is the only personality so bold and strong that he is in danger of overshadowing even Lois. It says a lot about Clark Lane that he won't let that happen.

On the Nate Lane issue, yes, I think that is exactly how he would feel about the money. It was the candidness of actually talking about it that threw me off a little, but that's just because I know old money people. Once I remembered that he didn't grow up in that culture it didn't feel so 'off'. Which is to say, it's not necessarily out of character for him; I just had to change my preconceptions of "rich grandpa." Hope that makes sense.

Romp on! thumbsup
Did I mention I've started III? And it has a title already? And there may be a glimmer of a thought on IV?
/*serenade*/ Have I told you lately that I love you....

Heh, Lois is way more adjusted than I expected.
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooo help

She moved away from him. "Okay. Let's get this over with."


"Meeting the venerable Perry White and getting my butt handed to me and being offered a job writing obits for a few months until I find some really juicy story and prove myself." She sighed. "And I'll take it, gratefully, because it means I'm working for the Daily Planet."
So, are you going to present Mad Dog Lane in a dogshow or is she going to bite, not bark her way to the top?

She sighed. "Fine. Let's go."

wildguy spider

Nice part, Carol.

She ran her hand over one of the capes. "When do I get to see it on?"

He shrugged. "Next time you're dangling over a cliff?
Clark will learn soon enough not to give Lois ideas!
Great part! Looking forward to the meeting with Perry!

No idea what the rest of my day is going to be like except that I need to clean house and possibly go to Sam's to get new cell phones [and groceries while we're there] so I'm going to do this now while DH is in bed again [he got up to go to a men's breakfast, kids were still asleep when he got home, I didn't sleep while he was gone [though I didn't get up either], so guess who got to get up with the kids?].


HG - Am glad you like it. Thought it might occur to her that she's just following a guy which isn't entirely the case. She wouldn't have necessarily followed him to... Smallville Iowa for instance - I don't think anyway.

JD - awww... I love you too!

Michael - Maybe eventually, but I/II are about 70K words total. I don't see III being any longer than either of these. OTOH was 400K words when all said and done [and still /sigh/ not sent to Labby].

FH - hehe - don't think he *gave* her the idea... she's already done it once...

Amber - JUST missed you on IRC last night - was typing hi when you left frown . Last night was Parent's Night Out here - 4 hours with 8 1-2 year olds... One meeting with Perry coming right up...

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