Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm FDK: Backwards - 06/13/09 11:17 PM
/me hides


Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK: Backwards - 06/13/09 11:21 PM
You can't end it here!
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: FDK: Backwards - 06/13/09 11:22 PM
I agree. You need to post more; pronto.
wildguy wildguy wildguy
Posted By: caincrazy Re: FDK: Backwards - 06/13/09 11:55 PM
No way you cant end it there, this could turn into a great long story.
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Backwards - 06/14/09 01:09 AM
/drags Carol out of hiding to receive FDK and... um... stuff/

So, together with the first line, the disclaimer, and the title, I figured this was a complete role reversal and an adaption of GGGoH. Well, turns out it's not. Not does it change anything of the real FDK:

[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]

huh laugh
Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK: Backwards - 06/14/09 03:03 AM
[Linked Image]
wildguy Tar\'d, Feathered and run out of town on a rail wildguy

peep If you are not going to do more with it may I suggest it belongs in the challenge section
Posted By: mishmishat Re: FDK: Backwards - 06/14/09 04:08 AM
I agree, you can't just stop there. I need to see where this story goes..

So post more, please? :rolleyes:
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: FDK: Backwards - 06/14/09 05:17 AM
Definitely want more!
Posted By: Karen Re: FDK: Backwards - 06/14/09 06:38 AM
LOL. Quite interesting. And I agree, more!
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Backwards - 06/14/09 07:05 AM
Got to have more! I want to see Lois and Clark go walking hand-in-hand down Tank Avenue at dusk, smiling at the schools and revealing embarrassing junior high moments to each other! I don't care what your lazy muse thinks, this is a great start on something really good!

I've come to the conclusion, Carol, that you are incapable of writing anything bad. Please don't break your winning streak. Even if you put this one off until you finish the mixed-up universes stories, there is too much promise in this beginning to abandon it.
Posted By: Tank Re: FDK: Backwards - 06/14/09 08:44 AM
You know that they say you should always leave your readers wanting more. I think you've succeeded.

Basically, Carol is just leaving it to each gentle reader to take this story wherever they want to see it go.

Tank (who says if by chance Carol would like to write more in this particular Universe he would certainly not be adverse to reading it)
Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK: Backwards - 06/14/09 11:46 AM
Originally posted by Tank:
Tank (who says if by chance Carol would like to write more in this particular Universe he would certainly not be adverse to reading it)
He's only mellow because he got a street named after him. As soon as that wears off he be grabbing the hot tar.
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Backwards - 06/14/09 02:41 PM
Um, that was really the premise for a multi-part extravaganza, right? Right.

Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: Backwards - 06/14/09 03:21 PM
Whee! Look at that!

Iolan - sure I can. Right?

Queenie - hmmm...

Cain crazy - we'll see...

Michael - no not a complete role reversal. Thought about that but didn't end up that way...

Framework - we watched HBOs John Adams and saw something similar [including... the guy stripped naked before they tarred and feathered him - DH was the one that made me rewind...]

Mishmishat - we'll see...

Marcus - that's good right?

Karen - wink Great to see that you posted!!

Terry - Have I ever told you before that you've totally made my day? Because you did when I read that! And that's good cuz I don't feel like I'm helping much on Mountaintops... I think I may actually put SED on the backburner as much as I hate doing that because there doesn't appear to be much interest [which is fine and I write what interests me anyway though FDK doesn't hurt at all wink ] but also because the muse has just FLOWN. It's not going anywhere slowly, it's just not going anywhere at all, period - was hoping that posting would help jump start it but not so far... We'll see...

Tank - hehe - thanks!

Patrick - it's actually a real place. Hmmmm... In looking it up, I've been giving credit in the wrong place. I've been saying it was James, but no it was Dandello in this post who mentioned Neodesha as a standin for Smallville. I sort of ran with that - in Neodesha, Tank Avenue does run right past the Jr/High Schools. When I saw that, I knew it made the perfect Smallville template and I've used it since then!

JD - um...

Okay seriously - as I was writing it and fully intending on posting it as a 1 parter other threads of plot started going through my head so... it seems likely that part two will show up sometime soon... Still debating exactly where I'm going with it and if I'm going to beta or fly by the seat of my pants with plot holes big enough to drive through and all that just because it's fun wink .

Thanks so much everyone - you've made my day!

Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: Backwards - 06/14/09 04:41 PM
Usually I'm a fan of the shorter story which leads the reader to want more. Not so in this case since there isn't a resolution of any kind. In fact, it feels as if the conflict is about to be introduced instead of it just being resolved. Sorry Carol, but you've only written an introduction here. It isn't a complete thought. I know it's fun to be "evil" every now and then, but this isn't an example of that. Instead, it's just a tease.

Posted By: Blue-ROMan Re: FDK: Backwards - 06/26/09 01:40 AM
Good beginning, I noticed right away that you didn't mention last names, so the end twist was a little predictable, but sometimes a little predictability is just fine, looking forward to reading the rest of the fic as soon as possible.
Posted By: rkn Re: FDK: Backwards - 07/08/09 08:46 AM
I managed to make myself not read your story until it was completed because your stories are so great I go crazy waiting for the next part! dizzy This is a great start. I have to stop typing and get onto the next part now!
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