Lois & Clark Forums
I noticed that SmileyD wrote this response to my challenge but never posted an FDK thread for it. So comments on her story in here please.

Her story: Alone On A Saturday

The Challenge

- Can be G/Nfic
- Must include:
Lois as the main character
500 grams or the equivalent in pounds/ounces of butter
something foreign
a fantasy novel from real life
an airline

- Bonus points for including:
Each of the canon characters: Clark, Cat, Ellen, Jonathan, Perry, Jimmy, Lucy, Martha, Luthor etc.
Each of the comic book characters: Lori Lemaris, Lara Lang, Linda King, etc.
A children's TV Show

Comment away!

Personally I loved it!! :-D It was a lovely glimpse into their lives.

The Little Tornado
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