Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: anonpip FDK: The Boy in Black (10/?) - 05/08/09 05:48 PM
Given that two days from today is Mother's Day, I can't promise I'll post then (I'm supposed to be going to see my mother and not sure how late I'll get home), but if I don't post Sunday, will do so on Monday.

For now, all comments welcome...
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: The Boy in Black (10/?) - 05/09/09 03:46 AM
Nancy, I can't believe you're letting Lois develop a crush on Paul. Seriously. She already knows the guy is a creep. She even admits it and she's still drawn to him? Has she *no* respect for herself at all? Doesn't she realize he will just whore around even if he's dating her? help huh
“Well, I could call you Smallville like Lois, if you prefer.”
See? See? And she's not even hinting at being jealous. Or is she really unsure on the inside and we just don't get to see it? Maybe even showing some signs on her face and in her voice and Clark is ignoring it?

Steve really is annoying the way he treats Clark only come out and say sorry before he gets knocked over the head by the rest of the gang.

Bo, boy, boy, Monday's going to be a big day, what with both Boy and Falling getting an update. Who's going to be the most evil?

Posted By: GamesAway Re: FDK: The Boy in Black (10/?) - 05/09/09 08:18 AM
The fact that Lois is telling Clark all about Paul ( razz ) and asking his opinion... well, that's good smile /she says hopefully.../

Maddie was positively glaring when she replied. “My love life is none of your business, Michaelson.”

“Ooh, you must be angry if you’re calling me Michaelson,” Steve said and I realized for the first time that he liked goading her
laugh So I'm thinking that there is some possible chemistry between Steve and Maddie.
Maddie and Clark like each other, but it's missing that ... something.

“Well, maybe if you slept more and spent fewer nights kicking Clark out of bed, you wouldn’t be so tired,” Lois said.
Glad to see Lois defending Clark against Steve too.
Good good good clap clap

Can't wait for Monday...
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: The Boy in Black (10/?) - 05/12/09 04:32 PM
Okay, I know I'm late again. Was having internet problems last night and couldn't get on.

Michael - I think it is fair to say Lois does NOT have any self-respect right now. We can't see it, not being in her head, but similar to Clark, she has no idea who she is right now, but has decided the person she has been is not okay. We'll see more of this in the next few chapters and you can expect it to be a lot more chapters before this changes.

Maddie really isn't jealous of Lois, but not as she and Clark are really just friends, just as she's not a jealous person.

GamesAway - Please don't wait too impatiently for Maddie to hook up with Steve. She's a really nice girl and while Steve is okay, he's not nearly good enough for her. And unlike Lois, Maddie has enough self-respect to know that. She sincerely dislikes him, no latent sexual attraction there at all.
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