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Posted By: anonpip FDK: The Boy in Black (8/?) - 05/03/09 06:53 PM
Posted By: amberlea Re: FDK: The Boy in Black (8/?) - 05/03/09 09:03 PM
I think you are wise to hide behind a wall!

Just kidding. smile I sort of expected this to happen. But I maintain that Lois is going to get pricklier. And Clark thought she was hard to understand so far!

I love the frequent posts, lately...I may get spoiled!

Posted By: sarahg Re: FDK: The Boy in Black (8/?) - 05/03/09 09:43 PM
ok. so i love how you describe everything thats going on, the date was so cute! but i am mad that it was maddie, and not lois, but i am moving on and accepting that your road to happiness is very long and has many turns. ok. i'm fine. really.
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: The Boy in Black (8/?) - 05/04/09 09:48 AM
As always, thanks for the comments! I do greatly appreciate them even if I respond less than quickly most of the time!

Amber - Lois may surprise you. Well, maybe not...

Sarah - Thanks. I do promise a Lois and Clark relationship long before the end of the story. But there is awhile to go yet...
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: The Boy in Black (8/?) - 05/04/09 11:54 AM
You know what's the advantage for the consumer of fiction? We already are aware of who the main couple is supposed to be, so every time they go for a round in the ring, it's just an expression of unvoiced attraction. But to them, to those on the inside... I think if I saw them in real life, I'd say they should never be in the same room together blush

She shrugged. “No, but we’re girls. It didn’t occur to us.”

“Well,” I said, “it didn’t occur to me either.”

“Really?” I could see her looking me up and down carefully and felt myself start to flush. Why was she watching me so closely? “And you don’t have a girlfriend?” A light came on in her eyes. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean… I mean, it’s perfectly okay.”
goofy (Yes, I know that's not what you where going for, but still, too funny a chance to pass up)

Maddie and Clark where so sweet togehter and OMG I can't believe the story about Maddie's evil twin. Sounds like what Sam and Ellen might do with Lois and Lucy evil

And now they're a couple. You know, without the twin I might be tempted to ask if Maddie is from outer space, too, born into the House of Ra? It would be perfect. Maddie could marry Clark and Lois could get to wear her favorite concubine outfit again laugh

Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: The Boy in Black (8/?) - 05/05/09 12:46 PM
Michael -

here does Lois get the notion that gay college guys are any better than hetero college guys
I don't think I thought of this when I wrote it, but I did when I gave it another read through before posting. But then, this is the eighties when the impression would be that you'd always know a gay man if you saw him - I mean, he'd have a lisp at least, right? wink So Lois was probably quite shocked to realize Clark had "fooled" her.
Posted By: GamesAway Re: FDK: The Boy in Black (8/?) - 05/09/09 07:35 AM
Ok, so with Lois being her usual self, I kind of like Maddie with Clark. Sweet. Of course we know it can't last, but still.. sloppy
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