Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: HappyGirl FDK - Forward Part 6 - 04/22/09 01:49 PM
Yay! I finished it! Which I never would have done without all your encouragement.
So, what do you think? Is is a satisfactory ending? (No, Laura, they're not headed straight to Vegas for your nice little nfic romp. But you can take the older ones to Florence if you insist.)

One little opinion poll here: When it goes to the archives, should it go as one long story in three parts? Or three stories posted as a triolgy? I could post them all in the same week to you don't really have to take a break between them. Opinions one way or the other?

Thanks again! You all rock!
Posted By: LabRat Re: FDK - Forward Part 6 - 04/22/09 01:52 PM
As I understand it from what little I've read in the comments folders, each story is in itself incomplete.

If that's so, then as far as the Archive goes you'd have to combine them into one file and submit it that way as - unlike a lot of other fanfic websites - the Archive doesn't upload stories in parts, but only complete stories. smile

LabRat smile
The Lois and Clark Fanfic Archive
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK - Forward Part 6 - 04/22/09 03:21 PM
Be happy, HappyGirl! This is a very sweet ending to the whole time-flip thing. And like Lois said, it's also a new beginning. I liked how Lois saw just why she never connected Clark with Superman. It wasn't just the hair and the glasses, it was the whole package. Clark is a great guy, but he's just a guy. Superman is a hero, and who'd connect Clark with a hero?

Great story. Or is it stories? Doesn't matter. Whether you load them in sequence or all in one file, these belong on the archive. They're very good. And now your muse needs a brief rest before providing you with your next magnum opus.

/taps wristwatch

We're waiting, we're waiting, we're waiting...
Posted By: GamesAway Re: FDK - Forward Part 6 - 04/22/09 04:10 PM
Aaahh. Sweet. I am sitting here with a great big soppy smile, and I feel great! I love happy endings (or happy beginnings - or whatever)
Thank you so much for a lovely story.
I like the idea of the 3 parts of a trilogy, with their own titles, as you posted it here. But, it doesn't really matter, and I look forward to reading it on the archive website, whichever way you save it.
ps. looking forward to the next one...
Posted By: robinson Re: FDK - Forward Part 6 - 04/22/09 04:37 PM
Excellent. You are a wonderful writer and I thoroughly enjoyed the trilogy. Wonderful waffiness and you handled the Trask thing beautifully.

I hope you post a new story soon. I like your style
Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK - Forward Part 6 - 04/22/09 04:56 PM
Oh, just great!
. Honestly! If they really wanted to find that hunk of poison, they should try blacking all the windows, turning off the lights, and just looking for the green glow!
That was great! I always wondered that.
Keep on writing!
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK - Forward Part 6 - 04/22/09 08:35 PM
Just adorable. very nice ending. Laura
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK - Forward Part 6 - 04/22/09 09:06 PM
Great story! I loved how you tied up the loose ends, the Trask situation especially.

I also liked that you didn't take the easy way out and have the young Clark and Lois's memories wiped out by H.G. Wells. Clark's comment about "It almost seems like cheating" was so appropriate. They don't know what's going to happen now, and anything can happen!

It's good that Lois knows the secret now - she won't have to go through the frustrating bit of Clark disappearing and coming back with some lame excuse!

Good job on Trask. I wonder if that tape will stand up in court? Probably so, since there are at least four corroborating witnesses (Martha, Jonathan, Lois, and probably some Trask henchmen.) I don't think you'd want Superman to testify in court if he was hovering above and using his super-hearing. That's just kind of...um...too Big Brotherish, and would make any right-thinking person a little worried. Better to restrict the testimony to those who were there in the room, right?

And in this fic, Trask doesn't know Clark's secret. I liked his angry rant, about "the half breeds" - little does he know! (wink wink)

All in all, exciting, well-put, and great fun to read!

My opinion: post as one large story. The cliffhanger endings in the separate parts would be entirely too tantalizing.
Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK - Forward Part 6 - 04/22/09 09:07 PM
This has been a delightful fic. smile1

Now, as to submitting to the archive… I am guilty (just a few months ago) of posting a trilogy as three parts that is really one continuous story. (My “Door Slams” series.) I think it works as three stories but it could have been combined into one. My advice is to submit in the way that feels best to you. However, if you do choose to submit in three parts, make sure to note the relationship in the descriptions.

Posted By: HappyGirl Re: FDK - Forward Part 6 - 04/22/09 09:43 PM
You guys rock! I got some terrible news right after posting this afternoon. Now I'm back here and you all made me smile. I needed that.

As for the archives, I'm thinking one story in three acts. The whole thing would be titled Forward but in the body of the story we'd have --Act One: Foreshadowing-- or something like that.

Thanks again for the encouragement. I haven't written fiction since high school (and my oldest is in high school now, so that tells you how long ago that was) and I've never written anything this long. I wouldn't have finished it without all you lovely cheerleaders. thumbsup
Posted By: AmyPrime Re: FDK - Forward Part 6 - 04/23/09 06:02 AM
I love the titles, so you need to keep them around. You plan of calling them "Acts" sounds like a good one.

The part with Pete and Rachel was great. (As was everything else.)
Posted By: Jenni Debb Re: FDK - Forward Part 6 - 04/23/09 07:30 AM

I did enjoy this trilogy very much, and found the ending delightful.

I look forward to reading it when it shows up on the archive, and one good long read sounds great to me. Yet, I also agree that retaining the separate 'acts' would be a great idea. It would give a reader a place to take an obvious break, if they needed one.

Mind you, I think many readers will be so enthralled, they will probably read all the way through at once. wink

Yours Jenni
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK - Forward Part 6 - 04/23/09 01:56 PM
A very satisfying ending. Great story, Happy girl smile

Posted By: HappyGirl Re: FDK - Forward Part 6 - 04/23/09 07:38 PM
Originally posted by Terry Leatherwood:
And now your muse needs a brief rest before providing you with your next magnum opus.

/taps wristwatch

We're waiting, we're waiting, we're waiting...
So this is Terry's way of saying "You're only as good as your next story." wink
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK - Forward Part 6 - 04/24/09 12:40 PM
Nice last line.

I think this should be three chapters in one long story on the archive. Bob's three stories had a more definite ending point than your's do. They feel more like one story.

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