Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Vicki FDK: Flashback (1/6) - 04/06/09 02:54 PM
I don't see a feedback thread for this, so I will start one.

I LOVE this story! I was laughing out loud as Lois attempted to 're-create' her earlier persona. The scene at the bank, especially, was just wonderfully fun to read. goofy )

I am anxiously waiting Part 2 - can't wait to see what happens next.
Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK: Flashback (1/6) - 04/06/09 03:11 PM
Well, Lois didn’t realize it but the time line was blown that first moment when Clark overheard her at the press conference.

Right here:
“Oh, Clark! You really were a babe in the woods, weren’t you?”

She had meant to keep her musing to herself, but she realized that she had spoken the thought aloud, at least to Super ears, as Clark’s eyes instantly met hers and a frown briefly creased his brow before he resumed his carefully neutral hero face.
Any chance of preserving the exact time line was blown.

Poor Lois! She’s trying so hard to maintain the image but she doesn’t realize that Clark is monitoring her via hearing the whole time. And, of course in the end she blows it anyway where, in her oxygen starved state, she calls him Clark…

Sometimes you just have to admit that no amount of effort will put the genie back in the bottle. I hope Lois just accepts that things are different and makes the best of it.

Very nice part.
Posted By: bellarase Re: FDK: Flashback (1/6) - 04/06/09 05:54 PM
oh wow, what a great first chap! I love this kind of fic - it really shows how much the characters of Lois and Clark evolved over the seasons.

Can't wait to read more!
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Flashback (1/6) - 04/06/09 08:15 PM
Whew hoo. I was happy to see this today. Love it. More soon. Keep it going. I am glad Clark is a smart cookie!
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK: Flashback (1/6) - 04/06/09 10:07 PM
I love time travel fics (although I can't start thinking too hard about the inherent paradoxes, because my brain gets all twisted up in a knot).

So far this is really enjoyable! And of course you left us hanging (literally) on the edge of the big reveal! What's Future Lois going to tell Past Clark? I think it'll be a relief to him to be able to confess all to her - but won't he be blown away by the knowledge that they are to marry?

Ah, yes, I'm cheerfully looking forward to your opening of that Can O'Worms.

Please post more soon!
Posted By: Jenni Debb Re: FDK: Flashback (1/6) - 04/07/09 02:55 AM

I am finally catching up with reading the MBs again and posting some fdk.

Love the start of this sequel and look forward to seeing how you're going to put this straight. I enjoyed seeing Lois trying to behave like her younger self. I'm thinking that must be a pretty difficult thing to do.

Maybe she'll confide in Clark. smile

Hopefully, I'll get back to reading and leaving fdk on a more regular basis.

Yours Jenni
Posted By: grinch525 Re: FDK: Flashback (1/6) - 04/07/09 06:29 AM
Great start for this sequel. Can't wait to see how you resolve things.

I love the progression of Lois pre-Clark to post-Clark. Although Lois is still Lois, 10 year prior or later, the influence of Clark is so apparent, that going back to who she once was, is like becoming another person. If Lois confesses that she and Clark are indeed married, I wonder what that will do to the future...I'm sure you'll figure something interesting out.
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK: Flashback (1/6) - 04/07/09 11:32 AM
I keep reading and loving this story (or sequel). It's a great story, both in future and past version. thumbsup Lois is trying very hard, but her efforts have already failed. Clark knows that something odd is happening and she won't be able to convince Superman that he didn't hear her right. I'm dying to know what will happen now that all bets are off. hyper

Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Flashback (1/6) - 04/07/09 02:44 PM
Oh, yes, that's *soo* great clap
“Oh, Clark! You really were a babe in the woods, weren’t you?”
And the whole bit about Lois reacting the wrong way to Clark and Superman devil

Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: Flashback (1/6) - 04/09/09 07:19 PM
Her comment at the press conference is so affectionate when it comes from her and he hears it as so disrespectful; to him it seems like a reminder that he's in way over his head. He doesn't know how quickly he grows into the Superman persona and he definitely doesn't know how close he becomes to Lois. Reading this from her perspective and guessing his is very appealing.

Once she's learned to trust, going back to distrust is extremely unappealing. Likewise, once she's developed a close group of friends and a confidante, she doesn't want to go back to solitary life. Yet, she has too much at risk to make changes. An excellent job of putting her into a position where she unwittingly spills the beans.

I'm looking forward to reading more.

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