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Posted By: TOC FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do 33/37 - 03/21/09 01:24 PM
Oh no!!! Oh no!!!

Okay, maybe it wasn't that bad, but honestly, things were going so well - and then, bam....

The LnC stuff - the Lois and Clark stuff, I mean - was quite lovely here. I loved this:

“I'd look better with the black tie, wouldn't I?” he asked with a smile.

“Um… you'd stand out less,” I offered.

“In a good way,” he grinned.

“I don't know. You'd be less Clark, I think, so no, not in a good way,” I told him as he led me out the door.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! And how true!!! clap

So how can anyone blame Lois and Clark for kissing each other? They didn't mean to. It just happened. But for Lois, that kiss seemed to signal catastrophe.

I nearly ran home, tears streaming down my cheeks. When I first crossed the street I had heard Clark calling after me. I heard him apologize. But I couldn't stop running. I didn't want to see him. Talk to him. What had I done? Or had he done? How could we have done that?
Oh no!!!! Lois, please don't react like that!!!

But that wasn't the last shock of this chapter...

My litany of thoughts were brought to an abrupt halt when I reached the top of the stairs and my doorway was in view, though.

Standing there, with a suitcase in hand, was Chad.
Chad?!?!?? Now? Here? Where's the 'I'm fainting' icon? shock

Looking forward to the next chapter, admittedly with some dread....

dizzy ... did... dizzy

You sure do cliffhangers, Miss Evil, don't you?

Posted By: grinch525 Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do 33/37 - 03/22/09 07:40 AM
jawdrop I think all fic writers need to state the following oath before they are allowed to post stories:

"I, [repeat name here], do solemnly swear not to post cliffhangers that will give my readers near heart attacks, and then wait more than a WEEK to resolve them. Such activity causes unnecessary stress and I will do anything in my power to prevent this from occurring."

So, can't comment on the chapter, cause I'm still recovering from heart palpitations. Lois and Clark kiss (I totally wasn't expecting that), Lois freaks out and the hope of a relationship between them could be out the window, Chad returning with a suitcase...

Come back Nancy, come back! Saturday is way too far away for the next installment.
Posted By: ethnica Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do 33/37 - 03/22/09 03:08 PM
hyper Please! grovel
Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do 33/37 - 03/24/09 11:11 AM
Whoa! get back here...

enjoying it immensely.

Hmmm, what if Chad has decided to come back? Would he and Lois simply get back and live happily ever after or will she start having second thoughts?

Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do 33/37 - 03/24/09 04:31 PM
Thanks everyone for the feedback!

Ann - I'm so glad that Lois and Clark's attraction is coming through. I know it probably isn't that difficult for this to come through since this is a Lois and Clark board, but what you described is exactly what I was going for. They have been growing steadily closer over time and so while Lois is still firmly mentally and emotionally tied to Chad, that doesn't mean she isn't also attracted to Clark. More that neither she nor Clark would really be aware of this attraction.

Yep, Chad came back. I have to say, it wasn't that long ago that I was saying I wasn't sure what I was going to do with this fic. I basically had everything up to here laid out, but then I couldn't decide what happened from here and it seemed like I would change my mind nearly every day. Basically, even at this point, all I knew was that Lois was going to have to make a difficult choice, but I wasn't sure what that choice would be.

Michael and grinch - I know that was a somewhat evil cliffhanger, but I'm planning to post the next part tonight, so I'm not that evil, right? I can't recall if this next chapter ends with a cliffhanger at all, but there are no major ones left, so even if it does, it's much smaller than this.

ethnica and AnKS - Thanks! Give me a couple of hours to clean up the next chapter. Not that everything is resolved in chapter 34 (I mean, there are 3 chapters left after that), but I think things will feel a little less cliff-hangerish. I hope...
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