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Posted By: IolantheAlias FDK: Degrees of Separation, 5/? - 02/05/09 08:50 PM
Another great part.

There are Kryptonian-human hybrids that came into being because of the invasion and the behavior of the invaders, although there is no grand conspiracy among them to conquer the Earth. I believe I've found most of them and am searching for the others. I doubt there are many, but I'm personally training the ones I've located to use their abilities so they don't become a danger to those around them. I think you would agree that it's necessary for people with such power to know how to control it."
The premise that the New Kryptonians left children behind is a great one. I really like how you're exploring it through several fics. The topic deserves several fics.

Again, Clark held up a hand. "I'll do my best," he said. "But first you need to learn to control what you can do. Would you like some help?"
A great point. Clark doing what he does best, helping. But here it's not the flashy rescues or the super-powered saves. No, it's basically being a parent. The toughest job in the world, and the most necessary.

He'll be acting as a father to the half-Kryptonians. An important role as probably many of them lack that - Linda Lennox, whose stepfather tried to kill her (in a previous fic), and now Allynda, whose father certainly isn't winning any prizes in the "good role model" department. And yet proper parenting is so important.

"Helping people is what Superman does," Allynda said. She looked very determined, suddenly.

Her mother looked at her and then back at Clark. "I guess it is," she said. "But thank you anyway."
This is great! Probably no one ever thanks Superman - people probably just take him for granted by now. (Although I'd like to think that the people he rescues will do the right thing and express their appreciation, but some, I'm sure, don't.)

"Well," Clark said, "I want to find out about this guy." He produced the card that Tanya had given him. "This is the private detective that Tanya hired to find her ex-husband. He hasn't managed to find a trace of Morris Myers in three years, even though they know where he was two years ago, when Ally escaped."

Lois raised her eyebrows. "That seems kind of unlikely," she said. "I mean, Myers could just be really good at concealing his identity, but it seems a bit suspicious."
Man! These days, with everything available on the internet, a private detective should have no trouble at all finding someone! Unless, of course, 1) the detective is incompetent; 2) the detective is being bought off by the other party; or 3) (ominous music) the government, e.g., Bureau 39, is involved somehow and is covering for Allynda's father.

Of course, now that Lane and Kent are on the case, I expect Ben to be found within the next forty-eight hours.
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: FDK: Degrees of Separation, 5/? - 02/06/09 12:21 AM
It sounds a lot like the detective is being paid by both sides or something, but maybe there are other explanations - blackmail, for example.
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: Degrees of Separation, 5/? - 02/06/09 06:03 AM
Excellent as always Nan.

Love Lois' response at the end as well as Ally's mom's response to Clark as Clark and Superman.

More soon please!

Posted By: Sira Re: FDK: Degrees of Separation, 5/? - 02/06/09 06:42 AM
Wohoo! Lane and Kent doing what they do best! Snooping!

I'm most curious to find out what's up with that private detective. And I'm liking the story very much so far. Tanya's gratitude about Superman defeating Nor, what she's not saying but what is so clear about it. Her gratitude that the one who forced himself on her was taken care of. Just lovely.

Curious and impatient for more. Which basically means it's a really good story. wink

Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FDK: Degrees of Separation, 5/? - 02/06/09 07:21 AM
Yeah, what they said.

This is great, want more!

Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK: Degrees of Separation, 5/? - 02/06/09 10:03 AM
Great story as usual Nan. I'm betting the detective is one of Cash's people. More soon!
Posted By: amberlea Re: FDK: Degrees of Separation, 5/? - 02/06/09 01:34 PM
I started reading this story on the boards even though I hadn't read any of the Dagger series. But then I was totally hooked and had to go find out what happened before this, so I spent a good part of the last week or so reading the Dagger series. I love the premise of this plot - all of the NK children. And I'm hoping for the best for Ben, but it's looking a little iffy right now. That's a scary age for a boy to be under a bad influence.

Superman should just start a "School for Gifted Children" for all of these kids! (wait, wrong comic...)

I love this story, looking forward to more!
Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK: Degrees of Separation, 5/? - 02/06/09 02:56 PM
The family trees are here: Dagger Series Family Trees
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Degrees of Separation, 5/? - 02/06/09 03:05 PM
Very nice part. Looking forward to finding out how much is intrigue and what is a red herring. smile

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