Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Lieta Both Sides of the Coin (23/65+) - 02/02/09 11:23 PM
Next part on Friday!

Thank you again Nancy (anonpip), Rel and Michael!

Both Sides of the Coin
Part 23

The next morning, Lois arrived at the Planet alone. When Jimmy spotted her, motioned for her to come over to him. “What’s up, Jimmy?”

“There was another robbery last night...”

Lois stared. “The “Invisible Man”...?”

“You got it... Old guy at the ‘House of Rare Coins.’ He’s now in the hospital, with a crushed windpipe.” Jimmy started to rush off.

“Where’re you going?” Lois called after him.

Jimmy turned but kept moving backwards. “Clark wanted some stuff from the Hall of Records...”

Lois nodded and waved him off. Quickly she went to Clark’s desk. He looked up as she neared and smiled at her. “What did you get?”

Lois smacked his shoulder. <As if you didn’t ‘see’...> She then replied aloud for appearances. “Not much... Morris’ supervisor knew what desk was his but little else...”

Clark sighed. “Poor guy, he worked there for what, twenty years?”

Lois nodded. “Very dehumanizing place... They had a hundred lab techs in tiny cubicles. When he didn’t show up for work, they didn’t even call him... They just replaced him. Anyway, what did you get at STAR Labs?”

“That sample I found is fiber optic... It’s designed to *reflect* visible light as ultra-violet light.”


<It takes light you can see and reflects it as light you can’t...>

Clark winked. “We can’t see UV light.”

<Thanks, CJ... for eavesdropping...>

<Your welcome, Lois!>

“So, with this cloth...”

“You could make a suit that makes the wearer ‘invisible.’ Another thing, it would be a full-body suit...”

Lois’ eyes widened. “So, no prints?”

Clark nodded. “Yep, just like the crime scenes...”

Lois smiled. “Now we need to find Morris so we can know one way or the other...”


That evening Jimmy finally returned carrying a box of papers. Lois and Clark were at her desk. Jimmy approached the desk and set the box down on it. “Here are those files you wanted, CK, all the armed robberies that occurred in Metropolis in the last ten years...”

Clark looked around the pit. “Thanks, Jimmy...” He made sure that they were the only ones there then he took the files and began to look through them at super-speed.

Jimmy gaped. “That’s *so* not fair...”

Lois grinned. “I know! I just have to remind myself that he’s *my* partner!”

Clark sighed. “Nothing. We’re missing something.”

Lois rubbed her forehead. “Well, I think we’ve done all we can for the night... let’s all head home...”

Jimmy grinned and raced ahead to go pick up his car.

When Lois and Clark reached the street they scanned the skies. A storm had moved in, creating an impressive lightning show.

Clark sighed. “Sorry, Lois... I wanted to offer to take us somewhere special... but flying somewhere right now...”

Lois looped an arm through his. “Lucy’s out again tonight... Jimmy’s taking her out to some movie...”

Clark grinned at her. “Is that a hint?”

“How about take-out at my place...”

Clark kissed her gently. “I’ll meet you there...”


Hours later, Lois and Clark snuggled on the floor by her large windows, watching the lightning show. “You comfortable?”

Lois giggled: they were floating a few inches off the floor. “I have a genuine air mattress, what do you think?”

Clark tightened his arms and moved to kiss her, but the moment was shattered by a knock on the door. Clark lowered them to the floor and helped Lois up. She moved to the door while he quickly straightened the room.

“I’m coming!” She looked out the porthole and frowned. <Clark, there’s no one there...>

Another knock sounded and Lois turned wide eyes to her partner. <You don’t think...>

<Open the door... but let’s be careful...>

Lois slowly opened the door and found nothing. Clark stared intently at the doorway. He saw something wavering slightly, like a heat mirage over a roadway. <I can... kind of see him...> Suddenly, the figure disappeared. <But as soon as he moves I lose him... He’s in the apartment...>

Lois let out an exasperated sigh. “Probably just some crazy prank, Clark...”

Clark smiled. “Well, it’s later than I thought it was...”

“Lois Lane? Clark Kent?” A voice sounded out of nowhere.

<That’s *creepy,* Clark...>

Lois moved into a defensive stance as Clark stiffened. “Who’s there?”

Lois frowned. “Jimmy? Lucy? Are you two trying some kind of prank?”

“It isn’t a prank, Ms. Lane...” A disembodied head appeared in the room.

Lois let out a strangled gasp and swayed. Clark quickly steadied her and helped her sit on one of her loveseats. “A little sudden there...” He looked at the head. “Alan Morris, I assume?”

Lois was still staring at Alan as he deactivated his suit.

Clark headed for the kitchen as the head resolved itself into a man wearing a suit that matched the scrap of fabric Clark had found. Clark got a glass of water and returned to Lois while Alan took off his suit. Clark handed her the glass, steadying her as she drank. <You okay?>

<Yeah... If you *ever* tell anyone...>

<No problem.>

Lois turned to her unusual guest. “So, Alan Morris?”

The man nodded. “You... you have to believe me... I *was* the Invisible Robin Hood, but I’m *not* the one doing all these bad things... There’s another invisible man out there...”

<I believe him, Lois...>

<Yeah, but we need more facts...>

Lois looked intently at Alan. “We need to hear the whole story. Can you start at the beginning?”

Alan frowned. “It's very simple, Ms. Lane. I became invisible to become *visible* again...”

Lois frowned. “What do you mean?”

<I think I get it... You fade into the background so much no one notices you anymore...>

<Like his job...>

<Like I used to when I was traveling... If no one really noticed ‘Clark Kent,’ no one would connect him with the ‘miracles’ I performed...>

Alan sighed. “Well, at some point - I don't know when exactly, years ago - I just... disappeared. I went to work every morning, did the same thing. I drifted apart from my friends. Helene and I stopped talking. I guess she lost interest in me. I became so invisible in my own life. So, I decided to do it for real. I started experimenting.”

Clark smiled reassuringly. “Where did you get the idea for the suit?”

He recognized the light of a scientist about to lecture on his specialty in Alan’s eyes. “From a fluorescent light bulb. A fluorescent light bulb turns invisible light into visible light. I reversed the process... It took me fifteen years to build a working suit.” He held out the stiff white material.

Lois examined it closely. “How come I can see it?”

“There’s a switch in the interior lining... Here, try it on.”

Lois carefully donned the hood. Alan flipped a switch and her head disappeared except for her eyes. <Wow... Can you see yourself through my eyes, Lois?>

<Yeah, Clark, this is amazing...>

Clark smiled at Alan. “That’s impressive...”

Lois removed the hood and returned it to its maker. He smiled hesitantly, then his face fell. “Someone must have stolen my other suits...”

Lois met his eyes. “Someone *did* break into your basement...”

Alan went rigid. “Helene? Is she..?”

“She fine.” Lois said instantly. “They hit her on the head, but she’s okay.”

Alan relaxed. “Thank...” He took a deep breath. “Will you help me stop whoever’s doing this?”

Clark frowned. “We’ll do all we can... But it's not going to be easy. Invisibility is an incredible advantage...”

Alan nodded sadly.

<What about a visit from Superman?>

<Well, I could... Or we can tag Jay... Do you really want to?>

<Let’s sit on it for now...>

Clark caught Lois’ hand. “It’s late...” He turned to Alan. “Why don’t you stay at my place? Until all this is settled...”

Alan nodded and headed for the door. Clark turned to Lois and pressed a kiss to her lips. Lois smiled. “I’ll be over in the morning...”

Clark nodded and caressed her cheek before following Alan.


Once at Clark’s apartment Clark readied for bed as Alan sat on the sofa. “I know what you must think of me, just another crackpot...”

Clark grinned. “Not at all... My brother’s got a doctorate in cosmology... Now *there’s* a field where you look crazy...”

Alan considered him. “You don't have any idea what it's like. People pass you by, and they look right through you. They never see the part of you that you want them to see.”

Clark held his gaze. “You might be surprised... I did a *lot* of traveling after college... In many places I was just another ignorant tourist no matter how much I tried to actually talk to people... They just assumed all I wanted was a souvenir. Also, that brother I mentioned? We’re twins.” Clark snagged a picture of him and CJ in college. At the time they had worn the same style glasses, shared their clothes, and helped each other cut their hair... in the same style. “There were always times one or the other of us felt swallowed by the other growing up... and people tended to treat us as a unit...”

Alan was looking him with a new respect. “I guess... you do know...”

Clark grinned at him. “Yep. Anyway, let’s get some sleep...”


Clark was jarred awake rather rudely the next morning.

<Cal! Mom and Dad have a... collection... of Superman... things!>

Clark groaned softly and rubbed his eyes. <Good morning to you too, Jay...>

<We have to think of some way to limit this...>

<What about that agent I told you about?>

<What about him?>

<He has experience handling trademarks and copyrights and distribution and marketing for famous people...>

<But an *agent*?>

<We could approve what goes on the market...>


<We could even have the proceeds set up as a charity...>

<Now *that* I like... Let people’s idolization of ‘Superman’ pay for things they would never dirty their hands to do...>

<Me, too... Tell Mom and Dad ‘hi’ for me!>

Clark rolled out of bed and began to get ready for the new day.


At the Planet Lois and Clark were in the middle of a cluster around the television. The ‘Invisible Man’ had broken fifteen men out of prison. They were dangerous enough to warrant a curfew for the city.

Perry looked grim. “Great shades of Elvis, an army of invisible criminals...”

Lois sighed. “Something even Superman will have trouble with...”

Clark let out a long sigh before the two headed over to Lois’ desk.

<We have to figure this out, Lois...>

<I know, Clark... it’s getting out of hand...>

<And Alan’s cleared: he was with us when this happened...>


They pulled out the files Jimmy had found for them and began to look through them again. Day bled into afternoon and the partners hadn’t found anything.

Lois finally laid her head down in frustration. “This is impossible. Even after eliminating all the armed robbers still in jail or accounted for somewhere else, we've still got hundreds of suspects... we can’t eliminate enough...”

Clark squeezed her shoulder. “Let's go over it again. First, he robs a jewelry store, then a rare coin shop... any similarities?”

Lois frowned. “Jewels? Collectors items? Precious metals?”

Clark’s eyes widened. “But... not *all* precious metals...”

Lois stared at him, then scrambled for an inventory list. “A gold ring with emerald stones, gold chains, gold brooch, gold coins...” She met Clark’s gaze.

“Gold... He steals *gold*...” Clark grabbed for the stack of files and pulled one out. “‘Golden Boy’ Barnes, the guy Eduardo had that wanted poster for...” He handed the file to Lois.

She scanned it. “He and his gang all went down for the last job they pulled. Several of them are names of the escapees!” Lois flung her arms around Clark. “We got him!”

Clark reined himself in. “But how do we find him?”

Lois frowned. “He’s going to strike again... here!” She pointed at a name on the file. “The Metropolis Gold Repository... Where they were busted before...”


Lois and Clark returned to his apartment. There they found Alan still sound asleep on the couch.

<Poor guy, I don’t think he’s slept in a week...>

<Well, let’s see what we can come up with before we wake him up...>

<I’ll make some tea. I’ll meet you on the balcony.>

<Ok, Clark.>

Lois was leaning on the railing when Clark joined her. “That was quick...”

Clark grinned. “Heat vision helps...” He handed her a cup.

She took a sip. “Mmm, this is nice...”

“It’s Lapsang Suchang. Mom used to make us tea and raisin scones when either of us was feeling bad. Years later, I had them for high tea at the London Savoy, but it never tasted as good as hers...”

Lois looked at the sky. “When we were little, Lucy and I would play a game... We’d ask each other: ‘What would you rather be able to do: fly or be invisible?’”

Clark smirked at her. “And you chose...?”

Lois grinned. “Invisible.” Clark faked a hurt look, causing her to giggle. “I wished I could walk through all those closed doors. I guess I still do...”

Clark wrapped an arm around her. “Those reporting instincts...”

Lois poked him. “Should I even ask you?”

Clark laughed. “Flying, being able to go anywhere I chose... Traveling was amazing... And being able to visit Mom and Dad or CJ and Rach whenever I wanted was great, too... but...”

Lois nuzzled his neck. “It got... boring?”

Clark squeezed her. “I wouldn’t say boring... Maybe I just needed someone to share it with...” He kissed her.

A while later Clark pulled back. “Stay here tonight... I know Lucy’s out of town... You know I can sleep anywhere. You can even have the bed.”

Lois smiled at him. “Thanks, Clark...”


The next morning Lois and Clark shared coffee in his kitchen while Alan still slept on the couch. A noise from the balcony made Lois frown. <Clark?>

<It’s me, Lois...> CJ slowly walked into the room, dressed as Superman.

Lois smiled. “Hello, Superman...”

CJ glared lightly. “Hello, Ms. Lane...” He noticed Alan. “I was wondering if you two might have found anything on this ‘Invisible Man’...”

Clark joined her, “The man on the couch is the inventor...”

<You’re kidding...>

“...but he’s not the one behind the robberies.” <Nope... Sorry, Jay...>

“I can’t believe my eyes... Is that, Superman?” Alan had finally woken up.

CJ slipped back into character. “Good morning, Sir, I’m here to see if we can stop the invisible robbers...”

“Oh! I’m Alan Morris... I made the suits... Can I help?”

CJ smiled. “I hope so... But first, Mr. Kent, Ms. Lane, do either of you have any idea who’s behind this?”

Clark nodded. “A man named Barnes... He has an obsession with gold and we think he’ll go back to the Gold Repository where he and his gang were busted in the first place...”

The phone rang and Clark quickly answered it. “Hello? Oh, hi, Mom... Yeah... Listen, we’re on the verge of breaking a case... Can I call you back?... Thanks!” He hung up. “Anyway, that’s all we have on Barnes...”

CJ nodded. “Now, Mr. Morris, can you tell me how the suits work?”

<I could see... something when he was still, Jay, but as soon as he moved I wasn’t able to make out anything... I didn’t try x-ray though...>

Alan quickly explained the idea behind his suit.

CJ frowned. “I wonder... Is there any type of field emitted by the suit or is the refraction only along the material of the suit itself?”

Alan blinked. “It’s the suit itself...”

CJ grinned. “Then I have an idea...”

Lois raised a brow. “Oh?”

<Don’t leave us in suspense, Jay...>

“What happens to clear glass to make you see it?”

Lois frowned. <Cut to the chase, Professor Capeboy...>

Clark, however, grinned, “It gets dirty...”

CJ nodded, ignoring Lois, said “It would be even better if I could get a powder of some sort that would interfere with the suit’s capabilities, something either electrically or optically active...”

Lois sighed. “What powers a fluorescent bulb?”

CJ stared at her. “Electrical excitation of Mercury vapor which produces UV photons which are then channeled though a phosphorescent material, which lengthens their wavelengths into the visible spectrum...”

Clark grinned. “Could you find a phosphorescent material to turn them into human light bulbs?”

CJ grinned. “I just might...” He rushed out.

Clark turned to Lois and Alan. “What do you say we go stake out the Gold Repository...”

<Your brother is such a nerd, Clark!>

<I heard that, Lois!>

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