Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: coolgirl FDK - Ficathon - Be My Friend, Lover (1/2) - 01/11/09 08:37 PM
Feedback goes here.......... goofy



Great job so far, CG! thumbsup

Thanks for *finally* making a kryptonite scene that actually works! I always hated that he recovered from his bout with "the rock" so soon. Oh, and for the fact that his parents didn't show up - that's so much more believable. (I always did wonder where they got the money for their frequent flights . . .)

Please, pretty please post the second half soon! smile

With an adorable mixture of handsomeness and clumsiness, he’d been somebody who always fought with her and yet when required, fought for her. He made mistakes, but was man enough to admit them. He was the only one who’d stood up to her as easily as he stood by her; the only man whom she called every night just to hear his voice before going to sleep... He had sneaked into her heart like a thief without meaning to, and she’d fallen for him without wanting to.
That is an excellent paragraph. I really wish I'd thought of it.

Very sweet and wistful story here... but I really want to see part 2 soonest, you know! smile

This is so heartbreaking!

And I liked how Lois buryied her anger about his secret because of the circumstances. Usually, I tend to believe she would be AT least a little angry. And the "I'll forgive him eventually so I won't be angry" doesn't work for me at all.
But in the circumstance of seeing him so sick, and needing her so much, I can appreciate her putting him first. Especially since this takes place after "The Pheniox."

But like I said, it's heartbreaking the way she feels like there is no hope for romance anymore. It's making me tear up.
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK - Ficathon - Be My Friend, Lover (1/2) - 01/11/09 09:54 PM
I love the title of this fic. I love that Lois is considering the possibility of making love to Clark!

I loved how tenderly she took care of him, too.

But it pained me that Perry had figured out Clark's secret, while Lois remained stupidly oblivious!

I also don't think it's entirely healthy that she is blaming herself so much and hardly being angry at Clark at all. Of course, with her monumental, galactic stupidity, she really has something to blame herself for.

OMG OMG OMG!! *dances up and down* THANK YOU!! This is exactly the type of ficcie I was hoping to read! I love Top Copy rewrites and there just aren't enough of them, darnit! Sorry for making such a specific fic request, btw. But thank you again!

I loved so much of this. i loved the fact that Perry knew and the way Lois found out he was Superman.

“And while you are there at the hospital,” he said, staring hard at her to make his point, “please call me Superman.”
This line gave me chills!!


That sounded just like love.
Awww!! Sounds like love to me! I like how unsure Lois is in this, that she doesn't take Clark's love for granted.

He’d been a great friend to her. He’d saved her life countless times, not to mention that if he hadn’t saved her from a disastrous wedding, she’d have now been the trophy-wife of a criminal.
SOOOO true!!!!

Oh God, she hadn’t thought it was going to be this difficult… She had to stop loving him, she told herself again. It was just sympathy that she felt for him right now… the undeniable urge to take care of him, to hold him until he was better, to love him... like a friend. It wasn’t love. Not love. Not love. Not love.

Maybe, if she repeated that to herself a thousand times a day, she’d start believing it.
Poor Lois! She's so unsure of Clark's feelings when of course, we all know that Clark is madly in love with Lois.

*sighs dreamily*

I can't wait until Lois finds that out!

And this fic even satisfies another of my kinks - hurt/comfort fics.

So again, thank you! Can't wait to read the second part!
Great job so far, CG! [Thumbsup]
Thanks for *finally* making a kryptonite scene that actually works! I always hated that he recovered from his bout with "the rock" so soon.
Thanks a lot. smile I, too, felt that Clark recovered a bit too soon in that episode, and that's how the plot came up.
That is an excellent paragraph. I really wish I'd thought of it.
Very sweet and wistful story here...
Thanks, but believe me, your paragraphs are more touching than this. I loved your Ficathon story. Great to see your FDK. jump
it's heartbreaking the way she feels like there is no hope for romance anymore.
In the next part, you'll find that there's been a total one-eighty-degrees turnabout. I hope you'll like that too.
I love the title of this fic.
Thanks, I think. blush
As for the other comment, Perry absolutely had to know the truth, because that was one of the three wishes of bellarata! I hop I didn't make too much of a muck of it.
Framework4 Thanks. smile
And finally,
This is exactly the type of ficcie I was hoping to read!
I'm so relieved, and glad that you like it. I was really sitting-on-edge-of-my-seat-biting-my-nails kind of worried until I saw your feedback.

And this fic even satisfies another of my kinks - hurt/comfort fics.
<sighs gratefully> Thanks, again. Here I was, wondering if I'd poured too much angst into it. You'd said you didn't want angst.
Hi CG!

You posted clap

“Clark?” she whispered, getting up from the window seat where she’d been sitting for the past three hours pretending to work on her laptop because she couldn’t sleep. Setting her laptop carelessly on a cushioned chair by the window, she walked towards the bed and sat on it, beside its lone, sick occupant.

It didn’t matter anymore whether he was normal or super-powered, whether he wore his work-clothes or the suit, whether he could somersault in the air or walk on the ground, at this moment, here, he was hers. Her Clark.
Talk about possessive Lois laugh

A couple of young, skimpily-clad fashion columnists, both of whom Jimmy had promised to go out with, stood beside his table challenging him to decide which one he wanted.

Lois watched the young man’s ashen face and smiled at his predicament. It seemed Jimmy had finally gotten caught on his two-timing prank. She’d warned him repeatedly, but Jimmy, being Jimmy, had wanted to have a little fun. Nope, strike that, he’d wanted to have a *lot* of fun. No wonder he never got a proper date.
Loving this detail smile

As she waited for the elevator car to come up, Lois thought of how different Clark was from the other men she knew. She had been blind and not seen what a wonderful man he was. Remembering their almost date, she wondered what would have happened if she hadn’t been sick. Would they have kissed? Or cuddled while watching a movie? Or… made love?

Shucks! Where had that thought come from?
Good question, Lois wink

She did not think about making love to Clark Kent!
Nooooo… Ugh uh

Rock? The Rock? They weren’t talking about the wrestler, were they? Or was it the brand-name of a medicine?
Rock – the green pill for the gravitationally challenged.

Why, of course! Clark was going to contact Superman! That’s what he meant by flying to the hospital. And this time she’d get to see how he did it.
Or something…

She loved Clark Kent. Hell, she’d even gotten over her Superman fantasies to be with Clark!

But, he’d never believe her now.
Oops blush

Oh God, she hadn’t thought it was going to be this difficult… She had to stop loving him, she told herself again. It was just sympathy that she felt for him right now… the undeniable urge to take care of him, to hold him until he was better, to love him... like a friend. It wasn’t love. Not love. Not love. Not love.

Maybe, if she repeated that to herself a thousand times a day, she’d start believing it.
Exactly laugh


CG, that’s really beautifully sweet story smile

Sweet premise.

Rock – the green pill for the gravitationally challenged.
rotflol Talk about *Caption*!
CG, that’s really beautifully sweet story [Smile]
Thanks. smile And thanks again, for your betawork and support throughout the story. smile

Oh, I'm feeling so sad for Lois - the way she feels like she needs to hide her feelings for Clark. Maybe because it's so difficult for her to admit that she's in love, it's much harder to see her try to hide that than it ever was to see Clark do so.

Off to read part 2...
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