Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: MissyG What's Love Got To Do With It - Part 15 - 10/20/03 06:56 AM
Part 15

Nigel St. John closed the door behind him and straightened out his jacket before turning to face his boss sitting behind the huge desk.

"By that smirk on your face I'm presuming that you have found her?" Lex took a long drag on his cigar and leaned back in his chair.

"You presume correctly, sir. One of my tails found her an hour ago... shopping."

"Shopping? On a workday? It is so unlike Lois to skip work to indulge in meaningless activities."

"I don't think you're going to mind what she was shopping for, sir. It appears that she was ransacking the bridal department at Neiman's, and was last sighted stuffing an expensive wedding gown into a taxicab, then driving off."

"You didn't have her followed?"

Nigel heaved a long-suffering sigh. "She flagged down a taxi faster than one of your corporate takeovers and lost the tail. We are confident that she'll be found again."

"What did you say? She was shopping for a wedding dress?" Lex propped his feet up on the desk, his eyes growing dark with amusement as his assistant's words sunk in.

"An expensive one, in relation to the common department stores. But nothing compared to something you could afford for her, sir."

"Naturally, Nigel." After drawing a long puff of his cigar, he said, "So it seems as though the lovely Lois Lane has decided to accept my proposal after all. Perhaps she is planning to surprise me soon."

"Could be, sir."

"Any indication as to where she spent the night last night? Your people are lacking, Nigel. Fire them and hire more competent ones."

"Already done, sir."

"Very good. Ah, but I suppose that since her thoughts are on our upcoming nuptials, then she can't be getting into too much mischief."

"I wonder when she plans on letting you in on the preparations, sir. It is highly unusual to buy a wedding dress without first accepting a proposal."

"Lois is a highly unpredictable woman. Something I plan on curbing soon. Independence is not a desirable trait in a wife. You'll see."

"Very well, sir." The Englishman cleared his throat before asking, "I know this is none of my business, but have you found any clues as to the whereabouts of Superman?"

"Not a one, Nigel. But as of this moment, the job is yours. Use whatever resources you need to track him down. Expense is no object."

"I anticipated this, sir, and I have some information. I have taken the liberty of procuring the surveillance tape of the wine cellar and have a positive identification on the man who accompanied Superman. His name is Bernard Klein, and he works for Star Labs."

"Star Labs... do I own that one, Nigel?"

"No, sir. I already eliminated that possibility."

"And who is this Bernard Klein?"

"He's a doctor and a scientist. Rather an odd duck, if I do say so."

"So do you think..."

"That he has treated Superman? I highly suspect so."

"Put a twenty-four/seven watch on him immediately. I want to know everything the man does, what he eats, who visits him, etc."

"I have a man heading over there as we speak, Mr. Luthor."

"Excellent, Nigel."


Clark approached the front desk of Star Labs and tapped the desk to get the receptionist's attention. He was uncomfortable coming here as Clark Kent, and it made him uneasy to be associated to a place where Superman had been, even incognito.

It had been a difficult decision on whether to confide in the doctor as to his true identity or just find another way to cope with his being treated as Superman. Superman still existed, and whether or not he had any powers, there were still his parents and Lois to protect from anyone trying to harm him or his own.

And then there was the matter of telling Lois that he was Superman. He knew that he should to tell her, and he would when the time was right. Yet, if he no longer was going to be super, what was the rush? He didn't need the memory of the superhero coming between them, not when they were about to embark upon marriage. Then he wondered if Lois was ever going to love him as Clark Kent. She had declared her love to him as Superman, but he wanted her to love him as Clark. But if his powers had a possibility of coming back soon, then he needed to find out, and that was part of the reason he was here today.

"May I help you?"

"Doctor Klein is expecting me... "

"Oh, yes. He said to send you right on up. Second floor, his lab is to the left of the elevators."

Deciding that taking the stairs was the least visible means of getting to the second floor, Clark was still relieved when he found Doc Klein's lab and knocked on the door.

There was no answer, and not wanting to intrude, Clark waited for a minute, then knocked again. When there was still no answer, so he opened the door.

Bernie was at his desk, pouring over some books, and frantically jotting down notes. Papers were strewn about, wadded up balls of paper were randomly scattered the floor, and in the corner of the lab, a bubbling flask, left neglected, was about to boil dry.

Clark cleared his throat in an attempt to get noticed. The scientist, upon hearing him, lifted his head and looked confused. Clark then quickly stuck out his hand. "Hi, I'm Clark Kent. Otherwise known as Kal Esman."

The doctor stared at him for a couple seconds, then responded, "Oh, wow! Glasses. I never would have guessed that they would create such an optical illusion. You look like a completely different person."

"That was the idea, Bernie," Clark grinned. "I had a great costume designer. But this is who I am. I'm just Clark Kent who moonlighted as a superhero. There's a very important reason that I'm here today. I need your help again."

"Of course, Superman. Um, I mean Kal, uh, Clark. Does this involve your lawyer again?" Doc Klein asked, his face getting starry-eyed.

"Sorry, not this time. I'm getting married tomorrow, Doc, and I need a blood test."

The doctor's expression fell, and he looked like a beaten puppy. "It's not Ms. Hunter, is it?"

"It's not."

"Because if it were, I wouldn't stand in your way. She's a wonderful person, and I'm sure you two will be..." Bernie stated nobly.

"Bernie, I'm marrying someone else."

"You are?" Bernie shook his head to clear it. "That's wonderful, Supe... Clark."

Clark laughed out loud, happy to see that the love bug had bitten his friend rather hard.

Suddenly, Bernie got a faraway look on his face, as though he was consumed by something. "Was it love at first sight? Has that ever happened to you, Clark? This has been what I'm researching... ' He waved at the papers all over the place. "She's all I can think about. I haven't slept, or eaten..."

Clark regarded his friend, realizing that he was going through the wonders and pains of falling in love... hard... just as he had over a year ago. He hadn't a clue as to how Constance felt about the doctor, only that she and the doctor had shared a few glances during yesterday's hectic time. Although hers were more of amusement than anything thing else...

"Yes. It was love at first sight. It was the only time I've ever felt that way, and I can't imagine my life without her. Hate to tell you this, my friend, but the feeling gets worse, or better, however you want to see it."

"Wonderful... So how did you feel, when it first hit you?"

Clark thought for a second, remembering how it felt sitting in Perry's office as this small tornado of a woman plowed her way through the door and into his life. Her fire and vibrancy radiated in every movement she made, and he had felt the bottom dropping out of his heart.

"Like an asteroid made of Kryptonite hit me."

"Ah, suitable comparison. Guess Mack trucks wouldn't bother you too much."

"Just like flies, or used to be."

"Fascinating..." His eyes glazed over briefly. "So how long did it take for her to return your feelings?"

Clark sighed. "She hasn't yet. We're best friends though, and whether I should or not, I'm hoping that someday she'll love me that way."

"Whoa! And she's still marrying you? Wow..."

"Incredible, isn't it? Never underestimate the power of friendship. But Bernie, she was thinking of marrying someone else. Then I asked her, and she accepted. This is blowing my mind."

"When is the big day?"

"Tomorrow, and I need a blood test. You see why I couldn't go to anyone else for this."

"Oh, of course. Let me ask you, does she know you're Superman?"

Silence filled the air for a moment. This was one area in which he was not prepared to talk about. He had been battling his conscience over this issue ever since Lois agreed to marry him. Avoiding this subject wasn't helping him make the right decision either. Suddenly feeling the need to talk to someone, Clark cleared his throat and answered, "No. She doesn't know."

"Clark, is that wise? There could be issues if you ever, ahem, got around to... that.

"I know, Doc, and that's my dilemma. Lois was in love with Superman, and he is gone now. I couldn't stay away from her, even dressed in a cape."


"Yeah, love. But I want her to love me for me. Is that too much to ask? If Superman is gone forever, should I tell her?" Clark raked a hand through his hair and threw back his head, staring at the ceiling. "He was only a part of who I am. I'd like to think that I'm more than just a cardboard cutout. That's one thing I've realized over the past couple weeks."

"Kal, I don't know you as Clark, but I'd like to think I've grown to know you as Superman, even in this short time. If Superman is only half the man that Clark is, like you said, then she is not missing out on who you are inside."

"So what are you saying, Doc?"

"I'm by far no expert in the love department. I've been in this lab and focused on scientific facts most of my life, but until yesterday, I've never known the euphoria of being in love. My personality has been pushed aside for decades as I've researched, studied, and experimented my way around the science world. All I know is that I would do anything for Ms. Hunter just to have her know me for who I am."

"Doc, you don't have a duel identity."

"But I only show the scientist side of myself. I'd like to think there is more to me then just facts and experiments. I mean I've never had the desire to show anymore of myself to anyone... until now."

"Bernie, you have been more a friend to me than almost anyone I've ever known. That's why I have come to you today and revealed my identity. I trust you. I've been raised with the idea that if anyone ever found out about me, that they would dissect me like a frog and sell me to the wolves."

"I suppose Lois is your best friend?"

"Of course, she is."

"Then why haven't you trusted her enough to tell her?"

Clark shut his eyes for a moment; the longing building up in his heart to tell Lois who he was... or had been, but the memory of the look in her eyes as she clung to Superman pulled him back to reality.

"Because I want her to love me for who I am."

"She does, you know. If she is marrying you, she loves you. Superman was only a small part of you."

"In some odd way, Superman wasn't the cartoon character in a cape that I thought he was for the past year. I feel like a vital part of myself is gone; I'm going to miss him."

"We all will, Superman, but I think I understand how you feel because I want Constance to know more about me than just the mad scientist and researcher."

"So, have you asked her out?"

Bernie's face grew pale and his hand resting on the arm of the chair began to visibly shake. "I could never do that."

"Why? Is there a problem?"

"It was terrifying just working with her yesterday. I'm going to end up doing something dumb or clumsy, and she'll end up thinking I'm inept and stupid."

"Bernie, you're a doctor."

"Okay, socially inept and stupid."

Clark frowned at Bernie's insecurity, then thought for a moment. "Here's what we can do. I can't run around town in a suit and cape anymore, and I still will need to stay in contact with her in case this lawsuit against Luthor gets ugly. Will you be my liaison between us? You'll be seeing her for perfectly legitimate reasons... and it won't be about anything scientific."

"Oh, my! Oh, my!"

"I can even arrange a lunch meeting..."

"Oh, my!" he repeated, grabbing his head in panic. In an instant, he stopped, and a determined expression came over his face. "Okay, Clark. I'll do it."

"That's the spirit! When I get back from our honeymoon, I'll make some arrangements."

"Great... I think."

"You'll be just fine..."

"If I don't faint from sheer terror." Bernie shot Clark a weak smile, while motioning to his exam table. "Let's see about this blood test..."


Clark emerged from Star Labs an hour later with the news that there had been no change in his condition and with his blood test results in his wallet. There was enough time to make some arrangements for their weekend honeymoon before meeting everyone back at his apartment.

His mother had been put in charge of flowers, some simple food, and finding a small church for the ceremony. Clark had no doubt that she would have everything arranged to perfection.

They were supposed to meet Perry for dinner and give him the news. Lois had called Jimmy but had to leave a message. Neither one of them had been in contact with him in weeks, so they weren't sure if their young friend was still in the city or had moved. They were hoping that Perry would be able to shed some light on his whereabouts.

Tomorrow morning he would get the marriage license at city hall. Since it was a Friday tomorrow, hopefully his mom would have found a nearby church that was available on such short notice. Perry had told them a while back that he was an ordained minister, and they were hoping he would do the honor of marrying them.

While hailing a taxi in front of Star Labs, Clark failed to see a dark-haired man snap a photo and watch him drive away.


"Mother, if you're there, pick up the phone." Lois tapped the desk impatiently, almost hoping that she could leave a message instead of actually talking to her. Knowing that she tried to get in touch with her mother would suit her just fine. She didn't need her mom messing up her plans or the ceremony tomorrow.

Lois was just about to hang up when the line was picked up.

"Lois? Are you still there?" Ellen sounded breathless.

"Hi, Mom. I just thought I'd let you know that I'm getting married tomorrow," she stated blandly, and waited for the explosion to begin.

"Tomorrow! Lois, don't you know I'm leaving on a cruise tomorrow? I've had reservations for months."

"You do?" Lois grinned to herself. Better to deal with Mother after the wedding had taken place and then tell her she'd married Clark instead of Lex. Wouldn't be much her mom could ruin then.

"It's the last thing I could extract from your father. There isn't any refund policy either. I was hoping when you married that there would be a few months to plan. How could you do this to me?"

"Mother, you can plan a reception for all your friends when you get back. We're not doing anything extravagant. We're just having a very small, private wedding."

"How small?"

"Only three other people – this is not going to be a huge social event."

"Well, that makes me feel a little better. You promise that I can throw you a huge party afterwards?"

"Yes, mother. Not too large, please." Lois wondered if it were a requirement for her and Clark to actually be there. If her mother was true to form, then at the least Clark would be optional.

"We'll see. I'll have two weeks on the cruise ship to plan the whole thing. It'll give me time to extract more money from your father."

Lois rolled her eyes. No telling what her mother would come up with, but at least she wasn't going to be there tomorrow to object, or to cry, or to try to make her feel guilty.

"Have a good time on your cruise, Mother. Just don't go overboard with the party plans."

"Be sure to give that handsome groom of yours a kiss for me. I'm proud of you, Lois. You've made the right decision."

Yep! She most certainly made the right choice. "Bye, Mother." Lois smiled to herself as she hung up the phone. This unsavory deed was done... or postponed. Though her mother was sure to blow a gasket when she found out it was Clark she had married. But she had bought herself some time at least.

Lois looked around her apartment and began to throw some things in a suitcase. At least she'd have Clark by her side the next time she faced her mother.


Martha tucked a sprig of baby's breath into Lois' hair, then stood back to admire her future daughter-in-law.

"Aren't you the picture of loveliness, honey?"

"Do I really look okay? Is this too much?" Lois turned around slowly, and in spite of her nervousness, she loved the gentle feel of the silk brushing against her legs and how it made her feel so alive, so feminine.

"Not at all. Clark is going to love you."

Lois stopped in mid-twirl and bit her lip in fear. "Oh, Martha! He already loves me! You must think I'm a horrible person to marry your son when I don't feel that way about him!"

"Lois Lane," Martha said firmly. "Get that out of your head right now. Clark was practically floating on air all morning. But honey, he knows how you feel and wants you anyway. You're making my son happy, and as long as you're happy with the arrangement too, that's what counts."

"I will try," she choked, trying to keep the tears from ruining her carefully applied make-up. "That's all I want to do."

Martha handed her a bouquet of deep burgundy roses. "You are the best thing that has happened to my son, and I'm so happy to have you for a daughter-in-law. Be happy, sweetie. Whatever it takes for you to be happy, grab it and don't let go."

Lois brought the flowers up to her face and smelled the heavenly fragrance of her wedding bouquet. "I'm not letting him go."

"You don't have anything to fear from Clark, honey." Martha smiled, then kissed her on the cheek. "It's time, dear."

Martha watched as Lois dabbed at her eyes with her free hand, the boldly stepped towards the chapel doors. One of these days when the timing was right, she would be happy to share with Lois the meaning of burgundy roses. But for now, the secret meaning of 'unconscious love' would have to be kept to herself.

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