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Oh this was great!!! I loved how direct lois was in this fic! Looking forward to the next part
Really interesting start, James!

Looking forward to more!
Wonderful srart. A diary hmmmmm...
Nice wink . More soon please!

Now let's see if it'll let me post this...

I, too, like this part. I always appreciate it when Lois takes Clark to task for lying to her!

Now let's see where this is going...

I'm enjoying the story, but I certainly hope you have a very good reason for anhialating Jimmy.

I thought it was a very creative way of explaining the Jimmy change between seasons wink .

Great start, James! clap
Although I feel a little demented for saying it, I love how you explained the change of Jimmies between seasons. Reconstructive surgery! rotflol

This is an interesting version of Lois. I love it that she's confronting Clark about his lie and am impressed that she's also declaring her love so early in the story.

Interesting bit about the diary. I could speculate about it, but I'm usually wrong about these things, especially concerning the stories about time travel. I can't wait to read more.
I totally choked with laughter at the "elementary, my dear hayseed." -- way, way too funny!!

Looking forward to more! laugh
I, too, just read this and laughed my head off. I think my favorite part was this:

They got a plastic surgeon from Germany to come over to do the reconstruction work. He was supposed to be some wunderkind with the flesh. Only a small percentage of his patients ever complained about their appearance afterwards. And even then, he explained it away that it was their inner look that he had seen in them and he had brought it out for the world to see.
The plastic surgeon had seen his patients' 'inner look' and brought it out for the world to see!!!! clap I loved how Lois confronted Clark! And Clark, the lunkhead, kept on lying and avoiding. Wonder how you will resolve this?

Bellarata--You have to admit that sometimes Lois was painted with lunkhead brushes as well. I like a strong Lois.

Shadow--There will be more soon, I just need to get past today's doctor's appointment. cool

CP33--Yes, a diary...

Darth Michael--You keep writing Wedding Crashers, I want to know how it ends!

Carol--I've always had this idea about Jimmy. Glad I finally got to use it.

Beloved--I would never annihilate Jimmy.

BJ--Thanks. Jimmy was going to be a throw away character, but he kept muttering under the bandages, so I will give him more.
I like a strong Lois.
The answers to the diary is in the next two parts.

Lara--Elisabeth thought that was funny too!

Ann--Oh, I hope you like how I resolve it. Clark has a definite reason to lie about the diary, but that doesn't stop others for screwing up the cosmic balance...

Does anyone know if Darcy has seen this yet?

Does anyone know if Darcy has seen this yet?
She has now! smile

You know what? I've never read The Adventure of the Naval Treaty, but considering it's by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, am I correct in assuming it's a Sherlock Holmes mystery? Or is it something else entirely?

I know what the diary's about! (Or at least I have a pretty good idea.) And yay, James, for getting that particular request in there! :-D

SQUEE--I get a four-part fic!
I just read this. great little start! where is the rest? Laura
Perry opted to take an extended vacation for at least a month. Cat decided to quit and went to the French cultural paper Télérama. Lois decided to be a correspondent in London during the interim. Clark went to Chicago to work for the Chicago Tribune, a sister paper to the Daily Planet. Jimmy had gone to Chicago with Clark, but had been in a serious automobile accident about two weeks in and was in the hospital undergoing extensive reconstructive surgery. Perry and Alice decided to change their vacation plans to take in the sights of Chicago and be closer to Jimmy.

The flight from London to Chicago took forever, but Lois didn’t sleep the entire time. She plotted and planned her entire attack.

It was to mask her desire to rip out his heart and serve it on a platter to him.

How did I know that you lied? It’s elementary, my dear hayseed.
LOL “It’s elementary, my dear Watson”

Like all men who have been confronted with that which they have wanted for so long he uttered the first, most original thing that came to him, “What?”

Clever start, James. I hope you’re getting better soon smile

You keep writing Wedding Crashers, I want to know how it ends!
Thanks blush

Anymore yet, James?
Darcy- Yeah you saw it! Yes, The Naval Treaty is a Sherlock Holmes story...It took me awhile to get all aspects of your request to fit in there, so I hope you like it all.

Laura - There will be more. Please see this thread as the reason for the delay...

Michael- Glad you like it.
I have sent the second part off to my Beta...
And the beta reader hasn't even had the chance to glance at it. If I don't get to it tonight, I surely will by Friday. Sorry, Darcy, for holding up the parade.

RL is really kicking us in the behind, but I have finally gotten around to going through the BRed second chapter.

I should be posting it shortly.

W00t! Looking forward to the next part!

I am still in writer's limbo on recreating the third and forth installments, but I am thinking about it.

Teaser:(Totally unbetaed.)
Wells looked at the Peacekeeper like she had lost her mind. "My dear lady, you want to do what?"

Jel-Nor looked at the author in return. "Well, it is either that or..." and she mimed her intentions with her fingers.
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