Lois & Clark Forums
I decided to go ahead and post this in two parts. It's rated PG-13.

I'd like to thank my beta who knows who she is and why I'm not naming her. wink

This story is for Coolgirl. She doesn’t want anyone except Lois and Clark in the story - I hope she still approves... And other than the prologue and epilogue, only one other person is part of ‘the story’.

Some of the dialogue was inspired by “Home Is Where The Hurt Is”, but I put my own spin on it. (This is the episode where Superman is exposed to a nasty virus from Krypton and almost dies. He then saves Lois and his parents from the killer microwave.)


Whispers: The Gifts of Love - Part 1


Clark and Lois stood side by side as they watched the sparkling snow softly fall. Happiness filled their hearts and it showed on their faces.

Clark put his arm around Lois and she leaned on his shoulder. She hoped she could always lean on Clark. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “I love you, Clark.”

Clark whispered, “I love you, too.” He looked up at the sky then back at Lois. “Maybe next year we can celebrate Christmas at our house.”

Lois sighed happily. “Hmmm... I guess there is a lot to be said for family - people who stick by you no matter what.” She turned to Clark and smiled at him. “Just like you, Clark.”

“And you, Lois. I was so scared and you stuck right by me. I’ve never faced anything like that. Maybe it was the kryptonite that saved me...” He enveloped her in hug. “... but I think it was you.” A thoughtful look came across his face. “In fact, I know it was you. I should not have been able to recover that quickly, but I did. I had to. I had to save you.”

“And you did. You saved me, Clark.” She put her hands on his face and drew him to her. She ran her tongue across his lower lip then explored further. The kiss was sweet and soft and seemed unending.

When they broke apart, Clark saw Sam, Ellen, and even Baby Gunderson leaving. He supposed it was time for him to leave, too, and take his parents home. He grinned at Lois. “Still wanna elope?”

Lois gave Clark one of her thousand watt smiles. “You know... Without ‘em, it might be kind of dull.” She’d also noticed that her parents and Baby Gunderson had left. She knew that probably meant Martha and Jonathan were ready to leave, too, but she wanted more of Clark. She pulled him into a delicious, warm, wonderful kiss. When the kiss ended, she nodded towards Martha and Jonathan who were donning coats and whispered, “I hate to say it, but I guess you need to go.”

Clark reluctantly nodded as they headed towards the door together.


The Story

Clark was exhausted. He had been through a terrible ordeal that had almost killed him. He should have been able to sleep. But he couldn’t. He’d tossed and turned and tried, but he just couldn’t sleep. He envied his father who was softly snoring in the bedroom. He knew his mom was also sleeping peacefully.

He sighed and decided to give up. He was going for a walk. He thought about flying instead but in the end decided he’d rather walk. He quickly dressed and then left his apartment.

Except for watching that he stayed on the sidewalks, he didn’t pay much attention to where he was going. He listened to the falling snow as it hit the ground in soft little puffs. Catching some snowflakes in his hand, he wondered at the fact that each snowflake had its own unique shape. It made him think about how blessed he was to have such special abilities that allowed him see each little snowflake. Why did he have such special abilities? He really knew very little about his Kryptonian heritage and he longed to know more.

He sighed and looked around to see where he was. He shouldn’t have been surprised. He was right beneath Lois’ window.


Lois yawned and stretched as she got ready to go to bed. She was so sleepy that she could barely wait to fall into bed.

And she should have been able to fall asleep immediately, but instead she thought of the events of the last couple of days. Clark had almost died. She shivered at the thought. He hadn’t died... and neither had she for he had saved her life. And Clark had told her she had saved his.

She smiled and hugged herself. She wished Clark was here. And with that thought, she went to sleep.


Clark looked up at Lois’ apartment. A little bit of hope began to arise in his heart - maybe she was awake. He was almost dejected as he heard her soft breathing indicating that she was sleeping.

He looked down at the ground and ran his hand through his hair. He turned to go back home.

But as he did so, he heard Lois suddenly gasp. He didn’t know what was wrong but he was at her side in an instant. He enveloped her in his arms. She was not quite awake and so at first stiffened, but at his soft murmurs, she fell into his embrace. “Clark, oh, Clark.”

“Honey. Lois. What’s wrong?” He smoothed her hair lovingly.

“Oh, I had a bad dream. I... it...” She shook her head and couldn’t finish what she had started to say. She pulled him close. “I’m so glad you are okay, Clark.”

“Me, too, Lois. Me, too.”

Lois finally let go of Clark and pulled back to look at him. “Clark. We almost lost each other - and on Christmas Eve.” She looked hopeful. “Stay with me tonight.”

Clark swallowed hard. “Umm... I... I’m not sure I’m ready for that, Lois. Especially since... well, you know.” He began rubbing his hands together nervously.

Lois smiled at him. “Yes, Clark, I know that you are a vir... a very, patient man.” She giggled. “But that’s not what I meant. I just want you to hold me and... and...” Her tone of voice changed to no nonsense. “...keep me warm! It’s freezing in here.” She rubbed her hands up and down her arms.

“Yes, it is.” Clark looked around and spotted the thermostat for the heat. It was cold in her apartment. “It appears that your heat isn’t working. You should probably call...”

Lois gave Clark a lopsided grin. “Now why would I want to do that when you can keep me perfectly warm?” She pulled back the covers on the other side of the bed and patted it invitingly.

Clark worried his lip for a moment and then decided. He pulled off his shirt and climbed into bed with Lois. He gave her a quick warm-up with his heat vision, then pulled the blankets up over them and pulled her into an embrace.

They were chest to chest, separated only by Lois’ thin sleep shirt. Lois snuggled up to Clark and fell happily asleep. Clark thought he might die because he was so... so... close to Lois. He swallowed hard at the deliciousness of it all. He pulled her closer and then fell into a blissful sleep of his own.


Lois awakened a short time later and watched Clark sleep. He was smiling and she thought she might know why since she knew *what* woke her up.

Clark was having such a wonderful dream, but then in his dream, someone was watching him. No, no... that wasn’t right. Not with *this* dream! He opened one eye and then the other and looked at Lois.

She grinned at him and lightly kissed his lips.

“Hmm...” He smiled against her soft, inviting lips. “That’s nice, Lois.” Then his eyes were wide open. “Ummm... uhh... umm... I’m sorry... Umm...” He started to inject some space between them.

Lois brushed her fingers against his cheek. “You don’t have to apologize. It’s a perfectly natural thing to happen to a guy, and I was rather enjoying...”

Clark groaned and flopped over on his back. Lois laid her head on his chest. And he promptly went back to sleep. She muttered to herself, “Hope he doesn’t do that when we’re married.”

She sighed as she remembered that she hadn’t gotten Clark a Christmas gift yet. And where was she going to get one now?

Suddenly she raised her head off Clark’s chest when she heard a noise in the kitchen. Someone surely wouldn’t be brazen enough to break in when there was someone home, would they? She softly arose from bed and grabbed the Louisville Slugger that she always kept at her bedside. She tiptoed towards the kitchen with the baseball bat raised in attack mode. She suddenly stopped as her mouth fell open. Whatever in the world...

The plump man with the long white beard put his hand on his hip. It seemed quite uncharacteristic to Lois. She shook her head. What was she *thinking*. Uncharacteristic? She didn’t even know this person.

“You, young lady, are supposed to be in bed asleep. You aren’t supposed to see me.”

“Uh... I’m not a little girl, you know.” She shook her head again. She swallowed hard. “Why... are you here?” she squeaked.

“To rescue you.”

“Rescue... me?” she stuttered.

He held out his hand and in it appeared a miniature silver black pyramid of curious workmanship. The metal ebbed and flowed. “This is for Clark. From you.”

The object floated of its own accord and Lois saw visions of Krypton. She also heard many things but all she understood was the name ‘Kal-El’. Her mouth opened in awe.

The man looked at her and laughed heartily. “I’m not sure why you wanted such a thing for Clark, little lady, but there it is!” He turned away from her and started to shimmer.

Lois cried, “Wait! Who are you?”

“I think you know, Lois.” He winked and blinked and then in flash, he was gone.


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