Lois & Clark Forums

Great start. thumbsup

You went back time? confused
This is about the other Lois and Clark, but before Lois trip? confused

I'm lost. hyper
Yay! Elle is posting! laugh

I like where this is going! thumbsup I like the set-up, I like Lois' scene with her mom. And poor Clark, stranded in L.A.

He's gonna need a place to stay . . . wink

I have only one complaint. Why Caltech? eek Send it to USC! [Linked Image]

Seriously, though, I think UCLA is a more likely candidate for that sort of research. Or possibly a private company.
"Realistic", huh? Hmmm...

Why do I have this feeling that a more accurate title might be Swear to God, This Time We're Going to be Utterly Evil? laugh

Ah, well, the "ride" should be interesting... wink

YAY! Elle's back!!! smile1 We've missed you!

Okay, much as I really do want the next story in the West Wind series, I also want more of this! I remember the first section for some reason - did you post it before? - but the rest is new to me, and it's excellent. razz

So I'm going to sit back and enjoy the ride - and hope that it's going to be nicely bumpy but eminently satisfying as well. goofy


Wendy (who really likes the Pam quote that Elle has as part of her sig!)
/me wonders what is thinking evil-in-training Elle wink

More!! smile1
Dr. Klein is a geek, capital G-eeek. OF course
he would sent something to Caltech...
Smile when you call Caltechies geeks.

Caltech is a great research institute, but not much known for chemical research. There are far more likely places.

A wonderful start! goofy

I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next.

Tricia cool
It's too realistic LOL. I want to beat up Lois' mother. Glad to see this story is back up and roaring.

I loved this! Your Lois is a pleasure to read and spot on. And what a great dilema. Clark grounded as Superman.

Can't wait for more,

Great setup, Elle, and delighted to see this back again. Thanks for reposting - my appalling memory for details needs the jog now and then. <G>

Poor Clark, he is in a pickle, isn't he? But can't wait to find out how he gets out of this one.

Help, Klein! <g>

And poor Lois too - if Clark doesn't find a way back soon he might just find violent murder done at his apartment. goofy

More, please! Soon as you can.

LabRat smile
great start
glad you're back

This is just as good as the first time I read it. (I would've *sworn* that I'd left FDK when I read it, but obviously not.)

I can't imagine Ellen simply 'giving up' on the wedding planning. I suspect we've not heard the end of her. smile

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