Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Ultra Woman FDK: Forget Paris 6/? - 11/18/08 09:06 AM
YAY! Finally there isn't half a world separating them! smile1

Andreia smile
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Forget Paris 6/? - 11/18/08 10:24 AM
GO CLARK! hyper

Gotta run to the printer downtown. Be back for a few comments tonight.


HAH, I knew they didn't really have plans. Cat's so evil in the best way. Cat's a lot sharper than we generally see...of course she would notice what Lois really thinks of Clark...it's such a girl thing.

He didn’t want her to be miserable...
Oh but ya secretly do at first, lol. Not maliciously of course, but I equate this to ahem, someone's, new relationship ending in shambles last month, and that's all I'll tell of my soap opera'ed life.

“I came here to see you. I miss you, Lois.”
This was my GO CLARK! cheer.

Great part!
Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: Forget Paris 6/? - 11/18/08 12:30 PM
I've been peeking at this story in spite of my inability to handle suspense. Good for Cat. Now let's just hope that Clark doesn't blow it.

Glad to see you back DJ.

Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Forget Paris 6/? - 11/18/08 12:49 PM
Marvelous part, DJ. Lois getting drunk was so good. Now, if I can just figure out why Claude hasn't taken advantage of Lois. She was obviously expecting it, what with her getting drunk in front of him and everything goofy

You had me worried there for a moment with the Clark-evening-scenes happening before the Lois-evening-scene, script-wise. But I'm quite sure that the timing worked out just fine in the end.

What a new side of Cat, too. Might want to send her to Paris. She and Claude might be great together.

And then Clark showed up in Paris clap And he teases her. clap

Michael, who will wait sort of patiently for part 7.
Posted By: SJH Re: FDK: Forget Paris 6/? - 11/18/08 01:04 PM
Lois.Lois. Girl- we need to talk.
Posted By: XX-Lizz-XX Re: FDK: Forget Paris 6/? - 11/18/08 02:02 PM
Originally posted by Shadow:
GO CLARK! hyper

Yehh woohoo !! Go Clark, go to Paris, make Lois forget how miserable she's feeling!! and when Cat came into the story I'd aspect she'd anything like this! Go Cat!! well, she's eaving any way... so...
Waiting for the next part...
-xxx- Lizzy
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: Forget Paris 6/? - 11/18/08 03:44 PM
"Or you'll do."

Fantastic dialogue.

who was also worried about the time difference
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Forget Paris 6/? - 11/18/08 06:42 PM
SJH said:

Lois.Lois. Girl- we need to talk.
Me too! Lois, I don't understand you. What's wrong with you girl? You go on a date with Claude - with Claude??? Have you totally lost it, or have I totally misunderstood your relationship with Claude? Was he a really nice and sweet guy, totally A-okay, and you were just unnecessarily p****d at him when he helped himself to a few notes on your story? And you agreed to go out with him now because a part of you wants to get back with him? I can't remember ever being so mystified by your behaviour before! dizzy

Well, Clark to the rescue! And I even have to give bonus points to Cat for telling him that Lois was in love with him and asking him to fight for her. And he did! Yay! So if I started by quoting SJH, let me end by quoting Jen:


Okay, maybe I should add a P.S. where I quote Elizabeth:

Fantastic dialogue.
Posted By: cp33 Re: FDK: Forget Paris 6/? - 11/18/08 07:20 PM
Actually I think it is yea Cat! She got Clark moving. I am so glad that he is in Paris with her. Now bring them both home together.
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Forget Paris 6/? - 11/18/08 10:26 PM
Adorable and I applaud Claude and Cat for behaving! Looking forward to their night out. Laura
Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK: Forget Paris 6/? - 11/19/08 12:08 AM
It's very nice to have them in the same city again. clap

I was pleasantly surprised at Cat but it's really not surprising that she knows that Clark is a lost cause. I'm impressed with Claude. I didn't know he had it in him.

Now, if only they will communicate now that they're together.

It's comming together very nicely and I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Forget Paris 6/? - 11/19/08 04:54 PM
Hi everyone! wave

Andreia, Lois & Clark mess up the meeting? Why, whatever are you worried about? devil Heh. Nah, I'm sure there are plenty of parts that you will enjoy in the next part. smile Thanks for the fdk!

Jen! Hee hee... yes, you do secretly want that at first. wink Even our golden boy, Clark. *hugs* Poor Jen! Sorry to hear that about your RL relationship. But I'm glad you're enjoying the story. Thanks for coming back with comments.

Nan! Hi Nan! hee hee - yay for peeking. smile And thank you for the welcome back. I missed everyone! Thanks for the fdk.

Hi Michael. LOL - glad you enjoyed drunk Lois. That came from way, way back when Sue S. and I were both talking about how fun it would be to write a drunk Lois, and we both decided to do it. I don't know if you've read her story or not... It's a vignette, I believe - called Last Call Casualty... If not, look her up, it's good. smile At the time, I had started writing this story and had included the drunk idea in this story. I had you worried about the timing huh? Heh. Ooooh, Cat & Claude - interesting. wink Glad you enjoyed the teasing. I always loved Lois & Clark's banter. Thanks!

Heh, SJH, where were you when Lois needed you? LOL. smile Thanks for the comment.

Hi Lizzy. Yes, Cat is leaving anyway... so she had no reason to be mean. But somehow I could just see her sharing the "obvious" with Clark. smile Thanks for the fdk.

LOL, Elizabeth. Glad you enjoyed that line. It was one of my favorites. smile Thanks for the compliment.

Hi Ann! Well, like I said, we don't really know what happened with Claude & Lois. We have the basics of one side of the story but don't have any "details". Which makes it really fun to play with. Heh. And thanks for the P.S. smile

Hi cp33. Yes, they are together... in Paris... and more of that soon. smile Thanks.

Hi there Laura! Hee hee. Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it. It will be an interesting outing, I promise.

Hi Bob. Yes, communication is good. Talk. They need to talk... but will they? We'll see. Thanks for the fdk. Glad you liked it. smile

Thanks for all the comments everyone! C-ya soon!

-- DJ
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Forget Paris 6/? - 11/19/08 05:24 PM
Sorry to hear that about your RL relationship.
Chuckle, quite the opposite. Matt's relationship ending in shambles means I now have a date for my friend's wedding in January, so it worked out well for me. goofy

Looking forward to the next part!
Posted By: robinson Re: FDK: Forget Paris 6/? - 11/19/08 06:44 PM
Great part. I absolutely loved their dialogue. It was fun, waffy and flirty. Looking forward to the next part hopefully real soon.
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Forget Paris 6/? - 11/20/08 09:40 PM
Oh, well that's a horse of a different color, Jen. wink

Hi robinson! Nice to see a comment from you. Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the banter laugh Fun, waffy, flirty - that's what I was hoping for.

Thanks again everyone! wave

-- DJ
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