Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Lieta FDK: Lessons: 1/2? - 11/17/08 10:50 PM
I'm loving this little series...

Originally posted by Nan:
She should have been embarrassed, but the only thought that crossed her mind at the moment was the fact that the mystery was solved. The suit did, indeed, come off.

I love this Lois =)
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK: Lessons: 1/2? - 11/18/08 12:20 AM
I want more! What's going to happen next? The very essence of a good story! I want to know what happens next.
Posted By: cp33 Re: FDK: Lessons: 1/2? - 11/18/08 08:11 PM
Oh I like this very much. Please post more soon. Poor Clark he is so lost.
Posted By: Sara K M Re: FDK: Lessons: 1/2? - 11/18/08 08:39 PM
Ordinarily I don't like mid-first season rewrites when Lois finds out.

I think it forces Lois and Clark together faster than would be in character for either of them.

But I really think this one is so sweet. Lois knows, but didn't want Clark to know because she's not sure of his motives.

But then he gets amemisa and she is forced to help him anyway, while dealing with the impact that he did try to save the Earth. All the same, trying to help a friend.
Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK: Lessons: 1/2? - 11/19/08 12:18 AM
Very nice. I love the reversal of the usual "keeping the secret" problem. smile1

Posted By: Lisamaree, the Evil Kiwi Re: FDK: Lessons: 1/2? - 11/19/08 01:39 AM
Ohhhh - A nan fic.... *bounces up and down in delight* smile1

You never disappoint nan. I love the 'role reversal'... and I can't wait to see how you resolve this...

Waiting eagerly for more!!!
Posted By: Jenni Debb Re: FDK: Lessons: 1/2? - 11/19/08 03:13 AM
Hi Nan,

I was so happy to see another story from you, and it lived up to all my expectations.

Lovely premise, and I can't wait to see what happens next. smile

Yours Jenni
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: Lessons: 1/2? - 11/19/08 06:00 AM
Nan -

this is going to be exceptionally exciting FDK.

Ditto others wink .

I read this the other day and thought I'd commented but then realized I hadn't and it's too early to be real coherent wink .

Rest soon please!
Posted By: Keladry Re: FDK: Lessons: 1/2? - 11/19/08 10:21 AM
She should have been embarrassed, but the only thought that crossed her mind at the moment was the fact that the mystery was solved. The suit did, indeed, come off.
rotflol I nearly spit my morning tea all over the monitor I was laughing so hard.

So there's going to be more up soon, right? grovel

Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Lessons: 1/2? - 11/19/08 11:53 AM
Great fic, Nan jump Lois knows and it's Nightfall. Can't wait to see how you'll handle it this time wink

Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Lessons: 1/2? - 11/19/08 08:19 PM
That's really interesting, Nan. I always like fics where Lois knows. It's fascinating to think of her watching Clark/Superman from a distance, trying to figure him out.

What I wonder about is Clark's reaction to her, previous to the Nightfall incidence. In the show, so much of the confusion and heartache happened because Clark was totally smitten by Lois, whereas Lois was totally smitten by Superman, and Clark resented Lois's Superman fixation, and Lois disapproved of Clark's jealousy of Superman.

I have to wonder, along with Lois, why this particular Clark chose to keep his civilian identity. I think I have to agree with Lois: it has to have been for reasons of privacy. It doesn't seem likely to me that this Clark was smitten by Lois, and that he kept his Clark identity because he wanted to court Lois as Clark. Surely Lois would have noticed it if Clark was so in love with her?

Well, this fic is called Lessons. I guess that in the next chapter, Lois will teach Clark a lesson about who he is, and then Clark will teach Lois a lesson about who he is. smile

Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK: Lessons: 1/2? - 11/19/08 08:32 PM
Great! A Nan story. Looking forward to more.
Posted By: bellarase Re: FDK: Lessons: 1/2? - 11/20/08 03:45 PM
I seriously love the way you write!! This is one of my fave eps so I'm loving this twist to it!
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