Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Crazy_Babe Revelation Clark's and Lois' Story (1/1) - 11/16/08 09:43 PM

Lois handled the news pretty well even though she didn't have much time to process it.

Looking forward to seeing more fic from you in the future.
Posted By: Lieta Re: Revelation Clark's and Lois' Story (1/1) - 11/16/08 10:42 PM
Loved the adaptation of ATAI and I liked how you wrote both sides of the story =) Makes me wonder if Clark would propose though and how Lois would take it in this scenario =P
Posted By: Laurach Re: Revelation Clark's and Lois' Story (1/1) - 11/16/08 10:58 PM
Just adorable! Loved it. laura
Cute tales. But I really hate that episode. The whole freezing thing and we have no choice thing.
Posted By: cp33 Re: Revelation Clark's and Lois' Story (1/1) - 11/17/08 04:38 AM
Awwww! I enjoyed the two different versions of the same story. I thought Clark was wrong not to tell Lois the truth before he froze her.

Please give us more stories.
Much fun! My favorite part of both stories was,

"I am Clark." <pause> "Okay."
Posted By: TOC Re: Revelation Clark's and Lois' Story (1/1) - 11/17/08 08:54 AM
Thanks for vastly improving on ATAI, Nancy. But I agree with Patrick that I hate that episode. Clark's behaviour is reprehensible. How can he put Lois in mortal danger in order to save his parents? Because she asked him to? Newsflash, Clark. Lois isn't responsible for what you do with your superbreath. You are. If you caught someone committing a crime and this person said that someone else had ordered him or her to do this bad thing, would you just say, 'Yes, fine, you didn't do anything wrong, you can go?' I don't think so. If we think that other people should be responsible for their actions, why shouldn't Superman be responsible for how he chooses to use his super-breath?

But Lois didn't die. No, she didn't. Does that mean that from now on, Clark can deliberately put people in mortal danger in order to save them? Or better yet, he can put people in mortal danger in order to save someone else?

Or is it only okay to put Lois in danger? Because it is all right if she dies? I mean, she is Superman's girl, so that makes it okay if he deliberately risks her life and accidentally kills her while doing so?

This reminds me of what a super-stupid Swedish psychiatrist said about a Swedish man who had eaten up his girlfriend: "We must set him free, because you just can't keep a person locked up indefinitely. But it's all right to set him free, because he is not a danger to the general public, only to women who fall in love with him."

As for ATAI, it wasn't enough that Clark risked Lois's life. He also did so without sharing his secret with her first. And then he proposed to her, again without telling her who he was. Because he wanted her to love him for who he really was. In other words, he wanted to make Lois fall in love with plain old Clark Kent who isn't Superman at all, only to have to disabuse her later of the notion that Clark Kent isn't Superman at all. The word 'lunkhead' describes Clark's behaviour in ATAI about as well as the word 'largish' describes the universe!

Thanks for making Clark share his secret with Lois before freezing her, Nancy. I think he needed to shape up more than he did, though, and I think she got over her anger at him too quickly.

Posted By: anonpip Re: Revelation Clark's and Lois' Story (1/1) - 11/17/08 06:33 PM
Thanks everyone!!

Crazy_Babe - I think I see Lois as having processed things quickly primarily as it was an emotional filled day. I just see her moving through everything at a rapid pace.

Sara - In my head, Clark wouldn't propose as soon, but that's simply as I wasn't happy with when he proposed in the show. It felt like they had barely started dating and he's asking her to spend the rest of her life with him? I get that she just showed him how much she cared, but it still seemed very fast to me.

Thanks, Laura!

Patrick - Thank you! I never said I liked the episode either. I don't actually. The only redeeming part of it at all was Lois' willingness to give up so much for Clark. But for me, the biggest problem was that Clark let her do that without reveiling his secret. I can forgive him for not telling her many other times, but I just can't understand his letting her risk her life for him without letting her know who he was. I mean, doesn't that show that she loves Clark even more than agreeing to marry him?

cp33 - Thanks! I have to admit, I wasn't sure about showing both stories as they are so similar, but I wanted to see both their thoughts and Carol said she thought this was better than trying to merge them in some way.

AmyPrime - That's my favorite part, too! I just picture Lois all sleepy and easy to mollify.

Ann - Like I said above, I agree. There are lots of problems with this episode, I think. I'm not sure how I feel about Clark's having frozen her (provided he was honest with her first). I just think I might be sort of upset if I begged and pleaded with my husband to let me do something for him and he refused.

That's not to say I disagree mind you - just that I'm not sure. I might also be upset if he felt that his parents' lives were more important than mine.

However, I do feel like even if he does, he should only do that after he has exhausted ever other possibility, and I never got the feeling that he made any attempt at that.

As for Lois' anger, I saw this as she had had a pretty emotional day and her anger at Clark just seemed insignificant compared to almost losing her life, and his parents almost losing theirs. It just helped put things in perspective for her - and she realized that while she was angry, she didn't want to let this become a big fight that could break them up.
Posted By: bobbart Re: Revelation Clark's and Lois' Story (1/1) - 11/17/08 08:14 PM
I loved these. clap

There are just SO many times that I have felt like yelling at the screen, "Clark, you stupid @%$@#, tell her NOW!" (I also spend an inordinate amount of time saying things like, "Don't do X, do Y.")

This episode is a prime example of one of those. I like your reconstruction so much better.

This reminds me of what a super-stupid Swedish psychiatrist said about a Swedish man who had eaten up his girlfriend:
Is this for real? Are we talking cannibalism here? Please tell me that is not the case. Please.
Posted By: TOC Re: Revelation Clark's and Lois' Story (1/1) - 11/17/08 08:49 PM
Actually, yes. The man had eaten parts of his girlfriend. He was found criminally insane and locked up in a mental institution. After about ten years his psychiatrist set him free, on the grounds that you can't keep people locked up indefinitely. But, you know, this cannibal probably won't eat anyone else unless another woman falls in love with him, in case he might well eat her...(and he has been described as a dapper, polite man in his late fifties or early sixties...)

Posted By: Zoar3 Re: Revelation Clark's and Lois' Story (1/1) - 11/17/08 09:11 PM
Aw, very cute!

Framework, I completely agree with you!

Posted By: anonpip Re: Revelation Clark's and Lois' Story (1/1) - 11/18/08 08:29 AM
Thanks, bobbart and Zoar3!!
Sweet smile Loved the slap and it makes me itch to actually break her hand someday. Don't know how or why, but getting Lois so mad that she snaps and Clark doesn't have the time to react... blush

Posted By: anonpip Re: Revelation Clark's and Lois' Story (1/1) - 11/24/08 08:04 PM
Thanks, Michael!

And I vote for OTOH for the slap. wink
Posted By: carolm Re: Revelation Clark's and Lois' Story (1/1) - 11/24/08 08:09 PM

And she did smack him here a couple chapters ago...

Posted By: anonpip Re: Revelation Clark's and Lois' Story (1/1) - 11/25/08 06:45 PM
Sorry, Carol. I think more slapping is needed. I mean, he is still being stupid, right? And I even gave you some suggestions for the most recent chapters, right?
Posted By: carolm Re: Revelation Clark's and Lois' Story (1/1) - 11/25/08 07:55 PM
Well, yeah he's stupid - but he's Clark - he *defines* lunkhead right?

And in the parts you've been reading there was that Bad Thing, and then another Very Bad Thing and the reaction of other people to that Very Bad Thing and then a Could Have Been Bad Thing and the Might Have Not Been a Totally Bad Thing. That doesn't help someone get over lunkheaded stupidness. And none of those Bad Things were his fault in the slightest... just life... He probably could have reacted a bit better but...

Carol [who wonders if anyone else will read this besides Nancy wink - now back to your regularly scheduled FDK thread...]
Posted By: anonpip Re: Revelation Clark's and Lois' Story (1/1) - 11/25/08 08:00 PM
I wonder that, too - if any one reads this. And as you know, I don't consider the bad things excuses. Your Clark is bad. Sorry.
Posted By: TOC Re: Revelation Clark's and Lois' Story (1/1) - 11/25/08 09:05 PM
Your Clark is bad. Sorry.
He is bad, and he knows he is bad, and he's struggling with himself to be better! I like it!

[Linked Image]

Loved the two side stories... superb and terrific!!

thumbsup clap
Originally posted by anonpip:
I wonder that, too - if any one reads this. And as you know, I don't consider the bad things excuses. Your Clark is bad. Sorry.
Read it smile And I concur laugh

Posted By: anonpip Re: Revelation Clark's and Lois' Story (1/1) - 11/26/08 03:25 PM
Thanks, AnKS!

Ann - I agree Clark is struggling to be better, but I still don't think a slap could hurt. Or two, or four...

Michael - Be patient. I've trying to sneak a slap into a later chapter of OTOH. I just have to figure out how to do it without Carol noticing. Maybe I'll offer to post for her over the weekend or something... evil
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