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Posted By: TOC FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (6/30ish) - 11/16/08 08:16 PM
Nice chapter, Nancy!

Maybe I've been worrying that Lois would be tempted to be unfaithful to Chad, and that is why I appreciated this sweet morning scene:

“Good morning,” Chad said as he crawled into bed the next morning.

“'Morning,” I replied sleepily. “What time is it?”

“About seven,” Chad yawned in my ear.

I had another fifteen minutes before I had to get up and I scooched backwards until we were spooning.

But then poor Lois has to answer questions about Clark:

“Did you have a good night?” Chad asked me and I felt myself stiffen slightly at his words. I had promised Clark I would not tell Chad, but it was weird to have a secret from him.

“Clark stopped by,” I said. “He's… having some trouble adjusting to life here.”
Poor Lois! I wish she could tell Chad.

And then Clark comes by. There were many details there that were lovely, such as Clark teaching Chad how to chop vegetables super-fast without chopping his fingers off. And wow, Clark told Chad that he can speak three hundred languages? Personally I think that is a super-human ability. Maybe that was a way for Clark to start Chad thinking, and help him figure out on his own that Clark is Superman?

But I think Chad's reaction to Superman was not what Clark had wanted. Chad seemed to idolize Superman, which must make Clark uncomfortable. And Chad talked about using science to find out what makes Superman tick! That must have scared Clark a lot. Then again, maybe Chad has a point?

“He's a person, Chad. Not a science experiment,” I said, trying to keep my voice light and somewhat teasing.

“Of course not,” Chad said, seeming to come out of his daydream. “I'm not talking about tying him up in a dark room and giving him an anal probe or something. More like random experiments to answer questions he has. I mean, don't you think Superman has all sorts of questions about this, too?
And the fact that Chad works as a doctor makes it possible for him to understand what it might be like to be Superman and have to save everybody.

Chad is obviously such a nice guy, and it was great seeing Chad and Clark become friends and spend time in the gym together. And I loved seeing Chad tease Lois and eat some of the pretzels he had given her! sloppy

Posted By: Lieta Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (6/30ish) - 11/16/08 10:41 PM
Very cute =) But when do we meet your Rachel? =P
Posted By: Squirky Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (6/30ish) - 11/16/08 11:54 PM
I can answer that for her - soon, I promise! smile
I'm a bit puzzled. I thought that when Lois asked Clark if he wanted her to keep the Superman secret from Chad, Clark said no. But, in this chapter, Lois can't tell Chad or does she want Clark to tell him. Did I get it wrong?

With Lois as loyal as she usually is portrayed, I can't imagine her being unfaithful especially when married. That's why I thought Chad would have to die. But, since I'm going to have be patient and wait to see what happens to him (evil or not), I won't drive you crazy and continue to speculate.

I too loved the morning scene! I love that keeping a secret from Chad is bugging Lois. It shows the bond that they have. You said that Lois and Chad have been together 10 years, how many years have they been married?

Clark seems isolated and lonely. Perhaps he needs a pep-talk from his parents or a visit from Rachel. You aren't going to have them go on a double date though right? If so, then I think I agree, you are evil!

Can't wait till the next post.

Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (6/30ish) - 11/17/08 06:46 PM
Thank you!!

Ann - I assure you - this Lois is completely devoted to Chad and I can't imagine her ever cheating on him. I have to say, it's not so much that I can never sympathize with adulters, but I have trouble with it, so I don't think I could ever write a story where people cheat on someone they love as it would be hard to get inside their head. I can't even imagine writing a story where someone cheated on someone they no longer loved. Even then I don't understand - why not end the relationship rather than destroying it with such a huge offense?

I'm glad that the Chad idolizing Superman thing worked. I was a little afraid that people would start questioning Chad's motives, but he isn't evil or out to get Superman. Just curious.

Thanks about the pretzel scene. I was eating chocolate covered pretzels as I wrote it and I could so see Lois eating a bag all afternoon and not realizing it. (Maybe because I could see myself doing the same thing, and I'm not half the chocolate fan Lois is. I only eat them by pouring a few out so I can't eat the whole bag at a time.)

Sara - As Kelly has said, very soon. I think she might make an appearance in the next part. Since this story is first person Lois, and Rachel doesn't live in town, we do see much less of her, but she'll be around a fair amount considering how far away she lives.

grinch - Clark did say Lois could tell Chad his secret, but he was clearly uncomfortable with it. So the compromise they came up with was Clark becoming frineds with Chad so he would feel comfortable sharing his secret with him eventually.

Lois and Chad have been married a little less than five years. This chapter ended in November 1993 and Lois and Chad celebrate their fifth anniversary in March 1994.

A double date? I'm not sure what the answer to that is. I guess, I'd say no, but I'm not sure everyone would agree. Chad and Lois invite Clark and Rachel over for dinner when she visits. Does that count as a double date?
The teasing between LnC2 was so cute.

On this 21st century note. It could perhaps be a problem that Chad has such a schoolgirl-crush on Superman. I mean, just remember how Clark was all worried on who Lois loved, Clark or Superman. So that would obviously have to be resolved before they can become a happy triplet goofy

Is there a bomb-icon somewhere? Or perhaps a Doomsday-clock?

Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (6/30ish) - 12/01/08 09:43 AM
You're right. The crush would need to be dealt with, although I think it settles into a healthier interest at some point. I think... Hmmm... it says something about how bad I have been about writing recently that I can't really remember what happens with this.
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