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Posted By: Sara K M FDK: A Box of Swiss Chocolates (13?) - 11/15/08 12:11 PM
So what do you guys think of part 13? Oh and do chocolate candies filled with mint count as "green chocolate" Michael? Rkn thought that was interesting. Although I will remind you Kiley isn't affected by Kryptonite. (Not that she likes the stuff, because of what it does to her father.)
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: A Box of Swiss Chocolates (13?) - 11/16/08 12:20 PM
I'm still not sure about Larry. I know what he said, but it seems like a sudden shift of attitude. I'm still giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Kiley surely isn't doing herself any favors by wearing her heart on her sleeve. It's disproportionately important to her what he thinks about superheroes. Most people don't care as much as she does, and it makes her look odd.

Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: A Box of Swiss Chocolates (13?) - 11/16/08 01:21 PM
I'm with Elisabeth. Larry's about-face on Superwoman is a bit suspicious and I worry that Larry's going to catch on to Kiley's secret if she keeps dashing off to be Superwoman in front of him and always making it clear how important it is to her that he likes them.

I fear that if Larry is no good, Kiley putting herself in a very dangerous situation.
Posted By: Sara K M Re: FDK: A Box of Swiss Chocolates (13?) - 11/16/08 04:55 PM
Hello Elisabeth and Nancy. I should probably wait a couple of days, since I know I've got more readers who usually respond. (Michael? Green chocolate?)
But I'm bored, so I figure I'll respond to you two right now. If I get anyone else in the next few deys, I can come back.

Elisabeth - Glad you're still reading, but I know your busy with Nano.
Nancy- Thank you for the comments.

Since you guys said basically the same thing, I'll respond to both at the same time.

I can see why you think Larry is changing his mind too quickly, especially given his passionate speech in chapter 10, but I will remind you that he hasn't exactly CHANGED his mind yet. He's just thinking about it. And that's all I should say on that.

And I will agree that Kiley IS wearing her heart on her sleeve when it comes to Superwoman around Larry. This does seem odd when I've written her as someone who tends to control her emotions. (Not blowing up at Aronld, the Superwoman "stoic face", she doesn't usually cry, etc.)

But I think Larry tends to bring out more of her emotions to the surface, without her realizing it. Remember it the beginning when she blew up at the cashier because he wasn't Larry? And of course she has strong emotions about Superwoman and the rest of her family, so their going to come out even more readily.
Glad Larry concluded some of the bias was Lex-based.

I admit I was a bit surprised by the bakery. I expected them to use far less machinery and more handheld molds and stuff. But that's just from bits and pieces I've seen in the odd 10-minute documentary.

I did expect all sorts of things to happen when Kiley showed up as Superwoman. Nice to see things didn't blow up in her face smile

Posted By: Sara K M Re: FDK: A Box of Swiss Chocolates (13?) - 11/17/08 06:32 PM
Hello, Michael. I'm glad that the reasons why Larry is questioning his superhero bias works for you.

And I'm glad you were pleased that nothing bad happened when she changed in to Superwoman. Kiley was as well.

The machines from the bakery are all from stuff I found on the internet. Pictures can be found here chocolate machines and here
I think whether they're handmade or not is probably a personal preference to the owner, as well as how big their operation is.
Certainly smile

BTW: Did you notice the metal-detector in the list cool

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