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Posted By: Lieta FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (5/30ish) - 11/14/08 06:42 PM
Very sweet chapter =) I still have no idea where you're going to end up with through all of this =P
Originally posted by Lieta:
I still have no idea where you're going to end up with through all of this
Oh, well it seems clear to me, she's going to make us all like Chad, much like SR did with Richard, then she is going to break up Chad and Lois.

How? When? I don't know but you can bet it will be truly evil!
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (5/30ish) - 11/15/08 12:50 AM
That's a lovely chapter, Nancy. I love seeing Lois like this, truly being able to help Clark. And I love seeing Clark like this too, truly sharing his fears and doubts with Lois.

Admittedly though, that doesn't stop me from worrying about Chad.

What a nice chapter. It is such a different take on the L & C universe. Lois being understanding and not getting angry about being lied to (although she was lied to for only a short period), and Clark being open with Lois right from the start.

If Lois and Clark are going to get together, which I assume they will, is Chad going to break Lois' heart? If this is the case, I can't imagine Lois jumping into a new relationship very soon. Chad is the only guy she's been with since she was a teenager.

As you can see, my mind is racing with possibilities. One last question, you were joking about a 21st marriage type thing with Lois, Chad and Clark right? laugh

Can't wait to see where you take things.
Hmm, I'm starting to *really* like your story. Great work so far!
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (5/30ish) - 11/15/08 02:20 PM
Thanks all for the comments!

Sara - Well, the story's just started. You can't expect to know the whole plot yet, can you?

Patrick - I have to admit I do hope you all like Chad. I like Chad and I always hope that others see my characters as I do.

Now as for this evil thing... I did say I sort of liked it and it is preferrable to being described as bad for sure, but I'm not really sure I'm evil. Although, to be fair, Carol said she wasn't speaking to me for a while when BRing this story, so maybe I am. laugh

Ann - Thanks! I, too, like the relationship Clark and Lois are developing. They are becoming real friends and in a way they never did in the show.

As for Chad... well, I'm not sure how you'll feel all the way through and there are certainly some angsty chapters ahead, but I'm aiming for a happy ending for all.

grinch - I can't tell you what happens with Chad (that's what the next 25 chapters or so are for), but I don't really see that Lois and Clark would get together right after Lois and Chad broke up regardless. They are both currently in pretty serious relationships and are building a friendship that would make them feel badly for taking advantage of either of them feeling vulnerable after a break up.

As for the 21st century marriage, I have said I want a happy ending for all, right? Would that not be happy (if a bit weird)? wink

Lara - Thanks!!
Why do I get the feeling that the more we say we like Chad, the more likely you are to have him stick around and have a 21st century marriage? goofy I take it back, I really don't like Chad that much! lol

I'm loving how things are developing and I can't wait till the next chapter.
Posted By: Squirky Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (5/30ish) - 11/15/08 08:52 PM
Don't listen to her - she is evil, haha! Anyone that can make me yell at the computer as much as I have in the past two weeks has to be evil! Anyway, I'm completely enthralled. More, anonpip, more!!

Originally posted by anonpip:
Now as for this evil thing... I did say I sort of liked it and it is preferrable to being described as bad for sure, but I'm not really sure I'm evil.
A: I said it would be evil.
B: Elsewhere I said evil writer.

So just to be clear, I am not saying you are evil, simply that you are taking on the role of the evil writer and that the fate in store for chad will be evil.
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (5/30ish) - 11/16/08 12:27 PM
grinch - Chad is definitely sticking around. While my writing is going at a snail's pace now, I'm currently attempting to write chapter 25 and he's very much a part of the story. My outline has him around through the end of the story. So, I hope you don't dislike him as this story is going to get tiring pretty fast. Well, unless you're a fan of stories staring Lex, too. wink

Squirky - I am not evil! (See Patrick's note) Really I'm not. Of course, I'm going to start taking it personally that two of my betas think I'm evil. At least Beth still likes me.

Patrick - You're right. My bad.

I don't think what I have planned for Chad is evil, but I could be wrong. Certainly, this story won't be too interesting if everyone is happy throughout.

But I'm sure you'll let me know if you still think it's evil as it goes on.
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (5/30ish) - 11/16/08 12:29 PM
Take it personally.

Take it very personally.

You are *evil* personified.

/debates not talking to Nancy anymore - once Chad-fic is finished anyway/

Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (5/30ish) - 11/16/08 05:46 PM
Carol, it's okay if you don't talk to me as long as you keep sending me more UP and OTOH. wink
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (5/30ish) - 11/16/08 05:50 PM
I can do that.

Look for 20 soon wink .

Then I won't talk to you for a while b/c that should finish Nano...

Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (5/30ish) - 11/16/08 06:11 PM
No, no, no, I included OTOH in that. I did! You can't cut me off now. mecry
Okay, I wanted to post all sorts of meaningful comments but then you started telling people about evilness...

So, lets look at this from an observers point of view. *Carol* tells *Nancy* that she's evil. *Carol*, the Empress of Evilness. This really does not bode well. Especially if the two of them encourage the evilness in each other's stories. We're so screwed dizzy More, please?

On a different note. Nancy, it's GOOD to be evil. Really, it is. I wish I were that evil. Is there a school for evilness somewhere? Or is this genetic or something? You know, like the power to thrust your fingers into a person's chest, past the ribcage, and tear out the living, beating heart before you lower the poor guy into a pit of lava and the heart bursts into flames while you're still holding it.

Err, ahm, where was I? blush Oh, yes, FDK: So, Lois doesn't want to lie to Chad. Wonder how that's going to end. To think you might actually turn the wheel just enough to shift the whole Superman-thing from being a Lois and Clark thing to a Chad and Lois thing with Clark being the guy on the outside. Can you spell boooooooom?

On the 21st century note: I don't mind. Really, if it makes them happy, go right ahead.

Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: Breaking Up is Hard to Do (5/30ish) - 12/01/08 09:41 AM
Just to be clear, Michael, I never encourage evilness from Carol. In my opinion, she doesn't need any encouragement.

And I find your description of evil a little bit in conflict with the idea that it's good to be evil. Is it really a good thing to rip someone's heart out of their chest? confused I think you may have the evil gene yourself.

Interesting, another vote for the 21st century marriage. I may have to start taking that idea more seriously.
Originally posted by anonpip:
Just to be clear, Michael, I never encourage evilness from Carol. In my opinion, she doesn't need any encouragement.

Originally posted by anonpip:
Interesting, another vote for the 21st century marriage. I may have to start taking that idea more seriously.
/Nods/ It sure would be a different fic laugh

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