Here are a few of my stories in the works that I hope to finish and begin posting some time this year:

Investigate: Fluff Interlude: Interlude between the 6th and 7th Acts of AU series, Investigate. A collection of scenes detailing Lois and Clark entering a new stage of their lives. Parenthood.

Investigate: Entrust: 7th Act of AU series, Investigate. Years after Act 6, Lois and Clark are parents and the world is a different place, but a dangerous threat is secretly growing and will become known soon. Is Earth ready to learn the ultimate secret? Are the Kents ready to share? Will they have a choice?

A Picture's Worth: A picture’s worth a thousand words. What if Lois hadn’t stopped Jimmy in time from taking pictures of Superman after Metallo had defeated him? What would the aftermath and consequences be? An AU of Metallo, season 2, episode 10.

The Late Mr. Kent: Lois begins an investigation into an American journalist who was killed while exposing an arms smuggling ring in the Congo. Coupled with that, there's also a flying man performing rescues around the world.

I'm not sure how my muse will do this year. At the moment, life is hectic and my muse isn't cooperating, but I still hope to make progress and kick my muse into gear.