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#73491 09/02/10 12:55 AM
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Preview of 46

She turned her back on the arena.

On eighteen years of memories.

On a football club she would love until the day she died.

And looked forward to the man she loved even more.

Half an hour later, Lois waited in the shadows of the Sydney Opera House for her groom to come and take her to their wedding.

One hour and thirty-eight minutes.
FDK goes here.



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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Three months ago, Lois would have replied without hesitation that Melbourne was her home and always would be. Now ... she wasn't sure.

Chris smiled. "It can be hard, can't it? I know my mum missed Melbourne after she moved to Adelaide to marry my dad. She made a completely new life - new friends, a husband who loved her, four kids, everything - yet she still thought of Melbourne as 'home'."

Lois nodded. Was it possible to have two homes?
You can def. have two homes. I do and while I live at one longer than the other. I love them both.

Yet I do love each home in different ways. I know exactly what Lois's feeling at this moment. Its a tough decision.

Can't wait for that wedding night!

I really really want to see Lois cat fight with Mayson!

~I Love this tragic sometimes magic awful beautiful life!~
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I'm reading it, I'm really enjoying it, I love Chris, I hate Mayson, and I'm scared of what Mayson will do at the wedding!


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Cat fight? laugh I'm guessing Clark's thinking Linda and Mayson. huh

As the bedroom door quietly shut, Lois scrutinised her unit for any signs of Clark's presence. No clothes, no jacket, no shoes.
And what about two glasses instead of one?

It was Chris.
I did not expect her.

The question was barely out of her mouth when Lois saw two empty cups sitting on the drainer like a public announcement that two people had shared coffee. Lois jolted her head back to Chris.

"Except for one thing - does he play for another club?"

Lois's heart was thumping dire warnings, but she felt trapped. "No," she said, although the word was almost lost in a gulp.

Chris grinned wider. "I couldn't do that, either," she said.
shock Can you imagine, alt-world fic where Clark plays for Melbourne and Lois still barracks for Hawthorn? Should be fun. angel-devil

"Then kiss me, big guy," she said. "And give me a taste of what to expect on Saturday."
Okay, that just sounded really dirty wink laugh /snips further comments before this leaves g-rated territory/

Nine hours and forty-eight minutes to go.
One hour and thirty-eight minutes.
So, 3 more parts till the wedding?

Michael, who is in doubt Lois will make it into the office on Sunday. And not due to happy reasons.

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I go by Michael on the Archives.
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Great part, the tension is building! Nice description of the ferry to Manly. Eager for more.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis
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Great part and I also so did not expect the visitor to be Chris, but how sweet of her to invite Lois to go with her to Sydney!

Definitely looking forward to more (as always)!


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Features Writer
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Can someone PLEASE PUT MAYSON IN A CANNON thank you [img]http://[/img]

I will and always be a big fan of Lois and Clark forever and forever.
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Another awesome part! Is the wedding in Chapter 46? Looking forward to more real soon.

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2A2TV I'm glad Lois's indecision rings true for you. When she decided not to go back to the States with her dad, she honestly believed it was a lifelong decision ... then she met a gorgeous American!


Ann Thanks, Ann. Glad you like Chris.

Michael Thanks!

Can you imagine, alt-world fic where Clark plays for Melbourne and Lois still barracks for Hawthorn? Should be fun.
Clark would probably be very good, and would probably tear the Hawthorn team apart regularly. This would not sit well with any Hawthorn fan. But you're right, it could be fun!

Michael, who is in doubt Lois will make it into the office on Sunday. And not due to happy reasons.
Would I do that to Lois? I don't know where you get these ideas, Michael. huh

Thanks Artemis. The Manly Ferry is, IMHO, a must-do if you visit Sydney.

DW As you'll know from part 46, I needed Chris and Lois in Sydney together. Thanks!

lovesuper A cannon? Uhhmmm. Could be messy. Thanks for the suggestion laugh

Elizabeth The wedding is in 47. cool Thanks for your FDK.


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