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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Joined: Apr 2007
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Hi Guys!

I’m sort of nervous about posting this last part. There has been such awesome FDK and now I hope the ending won’t disappoint. You have been a wonderful audience! peep

Many thanks to Mona, Kmar, and Carol, who helped so much in making sure everything works. You're the best smile

Disclaimer: The recognizable characters and settings in this story are the property of D.C. Comics, Warner Bros., December 3rd Productions, and anyone else with a legal right to them, and I have no claim on them whatsoever, nor am I profiting by their use. It’s just the original stuff, that would be mine, written down to bring some entertainment to other FoLC.

Blocks in < > are literal thoughts by the character or telepathic communication.

Rating: PG


In the penultimate part, Lois finally made it out of Lex Tower together with Superman, Zara, and Ching. They ran into Henderson and Perry, who were on their way to arrest Lex, an action that resulted in the murder-suicide of Lex and his blushing bride, Tez.

Part 5 / TOC / Comments


“Let’s put him in the bedroom,” Lois told Ching as she led her guests into her apartment. Superman had faded out again on the way up, giving Lois another shock before she had realized his breathing was even and relatively strong.

“Your bed chamber?” Zara asked doubtfully.

“Yeah.” Lois rolled her eyes. “Unless you want to place him down on the floor in my living room?”

Zara looked at the two loveseats, one on each side of a small coffee table, and then to Ching. “I believe the bed will be more suited to his recovery.”

Ching nodded and followed Lois deeper into her apartment, Superman still propped up against his body. When they reached her bed, Lois motioned Ching to sit Superman onto the soft surface. Then she went to work on the jacket, pulling the garment off Superman’s shoulders. “Well, that was the easy part,” she stated and looked at Ching. “I guess you better get his pants, huh?”

Ching shot her a strange look but laid Superman fully onto the bed and stripped the gray pants off, revealing once again the bright blue spandex.

“Thanks.” Lois afforded Ching a small smile and dragged the covers over the sleeping superhero. She bent forward and pressed a timid kiss on his cheek. “Rest, my hero.” Then she stood back up and noted that Ching was staring at her wide-eyed. “What?”

Ching simply shook his head and went back into the living room where Zara had chosen to sit down on one of the loveseats.

Lois followed him right on his heels and decided to get the ball rolling. “So, anyone want some coffee?”

“Coffee?” the Kryptonian woman asked.

“Right,” Lois mumbled. “It’s a hot beverage,” she explained to her guest.

Zara thought for a moment before nodding her head. “Thank you, Lois Lane.”

Lois sighed. “And just call me ‘Lois’, please?” Her eyes traveled to Ching. “What about you? Want some coffee?”

Ching shook his head and went to stand behind Zara, his arms folded behind his back.

“Suit yourself.” Lois shrugged and went to putter about, preparing the coffee as she started her interrogation. “So, Zara, what *exactly* brings you here, besides rescuing Superman from the clutches of a vile gangster?”

“Kal-El,” Zara started. “We have come to… meet with him.”

“Meet with him?” Lois started the coffee maker and went over to the other loveseat while the machine took care of brewing the dark stimulant.

“Yes.” The other woman seemed quite hesitant. “There is a lot we have to discuss.”

“Such as…?”

Zara sighed. “Kal-El has been away from our people for a long while.”

“Yeah, I know.” Lois leaned back against the backrest. “He made his debut here almost a year ago.”

“A year?”

Lois thought for a moment. “One cycle around the sun.”

“Oh.” Zara seemed surprised. “I see.” She looked back to her companion before focusing on Lois again. “And what has been his… purpose here during this year.”

Smiling widely, Lois answered a bit dreamily, “He flew in and saved the day.”

“Saved the day?” This remark came from Ching.

“Yep. Right from the start.” Lois picked up a throw-pillow and started to play with its corner. “You see, Superman, he used his… gifts to make this world a better place.”

“A better place?” Zara inquired.

“Oh, you know…” Lois got up and moved to the open kitchen. “Stopping crimes. Helping with disasters. Saving people’s lives.” She shrugged. “Superhero stuff.”

“Why did he do this?”

Ching’s question stopped her cold and she turned around, a scowl on her face. “What do you mean, ‘Why did he do this’?” she asked angrily. Ching didn’t seem willing to elaborate further, which only incensed Lois more. “He’s helping people because he’s a good person.” She had started to walk back towards the loveseats, her right index finger raised menacingly at the Kryptonian. “You know, I have *no* idea how things work on *your* planet, but here on Earth, *some* people do things just out of the goodness of their hearts.” A new thought entered her mind. “Is that why he left Krypton? Because he couldn’t deal with a planet full of unemotional, infighting egoists?”

Zara raised her hands. “Please, ‘Lois’, that is not it.” She paused, obviously looking for the right words to appease her. “Kal-El. The reason that he is here, it was not his choice.” She held up her hand, preempting Lois’ next outburst. “And it wasn’t ours.” Her voice became sad. “He was sent here so he would be safe. Only now his absence is endangering our own world.”

“How?” Lois whispered as she gripped the back of the loveseat opposite from Zara.

“You remember my assumption about the unions in your world?”

Lois nodded, her mind absorbing every bit of information she could get on Superman’s ‘family’.

“In our society, political stability is ensured by unions between ruling houses.”

“That’s archaic,” Lois couldn’t help but mutter at the thought of arranged marriages. It was bad enough when you made your own bad choices, but to live without even the *chance* to make the right choice? She mentally shook her head.

Zara ignored her comment. “It has ensured stability on our world for generations.” Her eyes became downcast. “Only now, there are only two suitable candidates for the thrown of Krypton.”

She paused, and Lois straightened herself. “Well?”

“One is Lord Nor…”

“You mean the creep who *sent* the *killer* after Superman!?” Lois exploded, her arms waving around in agitation. “How can a *criminal* be a suitable candidate for the throne of your world?”

“Because it is his birth-right.” Lois thought she could hear the defeated sigh. “Through his lineage, Lord Nor is second in the line to the throne.”

“Aha!” Lois exclaimed. “*Second*!” She started pacing. “So, he doesn’t really have a chance for the throne at all, right?” Lois turned towards them. “I mean, I assume the first in line would be the better candidate, right?”

“Yes,” Zara confirmed.

“This remains to be seen,” Ching muttered at the same time.

“Ching!” Zara silenced him. “You see, nobody on New Krypton would want Lord Nor as our ruler. Except for his followers, of course. Men just as corrupt as he is.”

“Now that’s a concept I’m familiar with,” Lois quipped, thinking of various dictatorships on her world. “But I guess that doesn’t matter, since you apparently have a better alternative.”

Zara nodded.

“So, why are you here?” Lois’ fingers traced the backrest of her loveseat as she paced behind it. “And why are you looking for Superman…” She stopped and turned to Zara. “And why is this Nor trying to have him killed?” Lois’ eyes grew wide as the missing piece fell into place. “Unless he’s the one standing in his way…”

“Yes.” Zara rose to her feet. “Kal-El. He is the legitimate heir to the throne of Krypton.”

“You haven’t just come to meet him, have you?” Lois asked weakly as she felt her knees soften. She quickly went around the sofa so she could sit down again. “You’re here because you… you want to…” She couldn’t suppress the lone sob. “-take him with you…”

“Yes.” Zara now stood next to her, and Lois looked up, refusing to let tears enter her eyes. “It is his destiny.”

Lois choked back another sob. “And he would be a good choice, right?”

Zara didn’t answer, but Ching chose to add his opinion. “Kal-El has shown that he lacks inner strength. He has allowed himself to be captured, and look at him!” The Kryptonian pointed towards her bedroom. “The way he dresses. That is not a leader.”

Lois snapped. “Now wait just a second, *Buddy*!” She jumped up and marched towards the Kryptonian at full speed. “Superman is the most caring person I’ve ever known. He’s not a leader? He doesn’t *want* to lead. And tell me,-” Her eyes blazoned as she pushed her right index finger into his face. “-would you *really* want a man who uses his powers to subject those weaker than him to his will? Is *that* the person you’d want as a leader? Because from what *I* understand, you could just as well have Nor and leave us alone!”

Lois felt a hand on her shoulder. “Lois,” Zara spoke, “please. Lieutenant Ching is simply trying to make sure I make the correct decision.”

Lois squinted and glared at the man in front of her before turning to Zara. “You? How is it *your* decision? I thought there was a lineage to be followed.”

Zara looked down for a moment. “Kal-El, he cannot rule alone. The throne of New Krypton requires the union of two houses. The House of El and the House of Ra.”

The big picture suddenly became clear. “You’re to become his *wife*.” It wasn’t a question.

Zara nodded. “It is our way.”

“And you’re going to take him with you.” Another statement.

Zara nodded again.

“You know, he has never told me that…” Lois turned away muttering more to herself than to her guests. “But I guess it makes perfect sense…” She bent down and picked up another throw pillow. “He has always been so distant. He has never allowed me to become truly close to him.” She punched the innocent piece of decoration and whirled around until she faced the Kryptonians again. “I don’t really have a choice, do I?”

Zara shook her head. “No, I am afraid not. And neither do I.”

She snorted. “You know what? I really need that coffee right about now.” Lois turned towards the kitchen and got two cups from the cupboard. “You still want one, right?” she called over her shoulder.


“You really do know how to pick ‘em, don’t you, Lane?” Lois muttered to herself while she grabbed the nonfat creamer and the sweetener. “First you find out you’re about to marry into the mob, and *then* you lose Superman to a woman who isn’t even from this world…” She sighed and pasted a smile on her face. “You know, a month ago I would have thrown you out on your ears. Superpowers or not.” Lois smirked. “And I *did* send you on your fanny earlier today.”

“Excuse me?” Zara asked.

Lois started to add creamer and sweetener to both cups, thinking the Kryptonian would have to trust her judgment either way. “Well, the thing is, I had quite a crush on your future husband.” There was a gasping sound, and Lois valiantly tried to suppress a smile. “Yeah, but don’t worry. He made it perfectly clear that I had no chance with him.” A tear tickled in the corner of her eye. “He just never told me why…” Lois rubbed against the unwelcome wetness and then picked up the cups, walking back to her guests. “So, here’s your coffee.”

“Thank you.” Zara accepted the cup and sat back down before she started to sip the steaming liquid.

“Hey, be careful!” Lois exclaimed. “It’s still…,” she trailed off as she saw her taking bigger sips. “-hot. But I guess that’s not an issue for you, hmm?”

Zara looked up, her eyes showing her confusion.

“Invulnerability?” Lois prompted, retaking her earlier place opposite form Zara.

Zara shared a look with Ching and then turned back to Lois, smiling. “It appears so.”

“So, how is this going to happen?” Lois asked next, blowing on her own coffee a bit before she started to take small sips.

“What is going to happen?” Zara asked, her confusion evident in her voice.

“Right. Alien…” Lois put the cup down. “How are you going to take off from here? Do you have a ship, or are you just going to have Scottie beam you up?”

“Our ship is waiting for us on the other side of the river,” Ching stated.

Lois nodded. “How did you get here?” She eyed them critically. “You obviously don’t know how to fly, yet.”

“We walked.”

“But that must have taken *hours*!” Lois exclaimed.

Zara elaborated, “It allowed us to become more familiar with your world.”

“Makes sense…,” Lois mused. “But you can’t walk back with Superman.” She became more animated. “Unless you wait until he’s fully recovered?”

“No, I do not think this will be opportune,” Ching disregarded the option. “Every day we are away from New Krypton allows Lord Nor to instigate more intrigues.”

“Ching is right.” Zara leaned forward. “We have to leave soon, now that we have found Kal-El.”

“So, what do we do?” Lois asked matter-of-factly. Now that she had decided to let Superman go, she didn’t want to make it any more difficult. Either for her heart by keeping him around, nor for his people by delaying their departure.

“The roof of this building, it is flat, yes?” Ching asked.

“Yeah, why?”

“Our ship, it is small, and it is equipped with a cloaking field. I could land it on this building, and we could take Kal-El to the roof.” She would have sworn that Ching looked smug at this boast.

“Hmm…” Lois worried her lip. “You would still need to get back to it first.” She jumped up and marched over to her cupboard, searching through the drawers. “Ah, there it is!” Lois turned around, holding up a map of Metropolis. “Ching, do you think you could pinpoint your landing place on this map?” She unfolded the map on the coffee table.

“Yes. But why…” Ching had started to study the outlines of the landscape.

“Because if you can show me where it is, I can call you a cab and have you taken to it.”

“A cab?” Zara asked.

“Yeah, it’s like the police car we used to get here.” Lois grinned. “Only you have to pay for it and the driver has never heard about traffic regulations.”

“I understand…,” Zara said quietly.

“Here.” Ching pointed towards South End, across from Hobbs Bay. “I landed the ship in an area where a large amount of scrap metal was located.”

“Hmm, a junkyard?” Lois studied the map. “Yeah… That should be it. Jenkins Road Sixteen over in New Stantson…” She looked up at her guests in surprise. “That’s almost seven miles from Lex Tower.”

Zara and Ching looked at each other and shrugged almost imperceptibly.

“Okay, tell you what,” Lois said as she went to the phone. “I’ll call Metro Cab and have them take you there.” She paused and looked back at Zara. “Will I ever see him again?”

The Kryptonian’s face fell and she shook her head. “I am sorry. I do not believe so.”



Lois walked into the bedroom after she had seen Ching to the cab. Zara was still sitting in her living room as Lois had asked her for some alone-time with Superman so she could say goodbye.

Her friend was lying on the bed, the covers pulled over him but he stirred when she sat down next to him. “Hey, you…,” Lois whispered when he opened his eyes after a minute or two.

“Lois…” Superman’s voice was coarse and a perfect match for his pale skin. “Where am I?” She gripped his hand and he tried to sit up. “Luthor!” he exclaimed suddenly, his eyes wide in horror.

Lois rested her left hand against his shoulder, pushing him back down. “Is dead.” She could see his face falling a bit at that and scowled. “You’re not sad the creep is dead, are you?” she asked him more forcefully than she had intended.

His fingers tightened around hers. “Every life is precious.”

She shrugged and tried to keep her disgust for her ex-fiancé from surfacing. “He tried to kill you. He has blown up the Planet. He was a criminal. I’m sorry, but I can’t…”

“It’s okay, Lois.” He looked away as he settled back down. “It’s just the way I was raised.” His eyes found hers again. “How…? How did he die?”

“He jumped from his balcony on Lex Tower.” She caressed the back of his hand. “There was nothing you could have done.”

“And you…?” Superman’s voice faltered. “Did you…? Were you two…?”

Lois suddenly understood. “No. I didn’t marry him. Never even made it in front of the altar.” She smiled a listless smile. “I had something more important to do…”


Now her half-smile turned into a real one, and she leaned forward to press a kiss on his forehead. “Saving *you*,” she told him when she pulled back.


She stopped him with a finger to his lips. “Don’t say it. I understand now that *us* has been a fantasy. I had no idea who you were. You tried to tell me and I wouldn’t listen. Well, I met someone today who has opened my eyes to the truth.” She sniffled. “And it’s okay. Really. But I’m still going to miss you.”

“I’m not going to stop being your friend.”

“Thanks.” She squeezed his hand. “And I’ll be *your* friend. Forever.” A quick smile came to her face. “But I’m still going miss you up there,-” She nodded towards the ceiling. “-flying around and saving the day.”

“I’m not done saving the day,” he quipped back.

“No, I guess not.” Her voice hitched. “But it will be different, I guess.”

His eyes cleared a bit. “My powers…”

She shook her head. “You have been pretty out of it.”

“Oh…” He turned his head to his side. “Well, now you have your ordinary man.”

Lois froze and turned his chin back to her. “Superman,-” Her eyes bore into his. “-you will *never* be an ‘ordinary man’. It doesn’t matter if you’re here or on Krypton.”

“Or Kansas…”

<What?> Lois decided to just go with it. “Yeah, or Kansas.” Then she froze. “Clark!” She slapped her forehead and felt the heat rising in her cheeks. “You still need to talk to Clark.” She looked at her watch. “But I doubt he’s home yet.” She sobbed. “I’ve made a mess. Again.”

“Don’t.” Lois felt Superman pull her hand to his mouth, pressing a small kiss on her knuckles. “Clark will understand.”

“But… But he’s your best friend and now that you’re…” She couldn’t complete the sentence.

“Clark has known for a long time that this was a possibility,” Superman elaborated quietly. “He will understand.” Playing with her fingers, he continued. “And he still has *you*.”

“But I have been so horrible to him,” Lois pressed out before a tear slipped out of the corner of her eye. “And he has been right.” She let go of a quiet sob. “The whole time. And he never gave up.”

“He loves you,” Superman told her quietly.

“I know,” Lois mumbled.


Clark felt himself drift, only anchored by Lois’ voice and her hand firmly clasped in his. He still couldn’t believe that Superman was gone. Ever since his first encounter with the Green Poison he had feared this would happen. And now, apparently, it had. He had been in Luthor’s cage for more than a day, constantly exposed to the radiation.

And yet, he felt free. The responsibility of being Superman was gone. He was just Clark Kent. Or he would be once he could go home and change. And Lois hadn’t married that monster, had, in fact, seen behind the mask. Now, if only she would love him as Clark as much as he loved her.

“You know,” Lois’ voice drifted to him. “I should get a few lines from you.”

“Hmm…,” he murmured absentmindedly.

“About your farewell…”

He opened his eyes and saw her smile.

“After all, I wrote your introduction…”

“Lois,” he told her softly, “You *invented* my introduction.” He smirked. “I’m sure you can find the right parting words…” He winked. “And if you have trouble with the touchy-feely stuff, I’m sure Clark will be able to help you.”

“Hey!” Lois pulled back a little before she softened again. “Yeah, you’re right. And I guess it is only fair that he gets a say, too.”

He smiled at her and drifted back to sleep.


It wasn’t long after that when Zara stepped into the bedroom. “Lois?”

Lois startled a bit and turned towards her guest. “Hmm…?”

“Ching has arrived.” Zara looked toward the living room. “He will be down shortly.”

Sighing, Lois pulled herself to her feet. “I guess this is it, then.” She walked back into the living room and opened the door as she waited for the male Kryptonian to return to her apartment. Suddenly there was a big lump in her throat.

She didn’t have to wait long as the dark-clad man emerged from the stairwell and strode past her into her apartment. “Milady,” he addressed Zara gravely, “there is news.”

Lois closed the door and waited for Ching to relay his message to Zara. “Several of Lord Nor’s followers have been noticeably absent. There also seems to be fewer members of his household guard visible.”

“It appears our time is running short,” Zara said as she looked back towards the bedroom. “We have to secure the throne before Lord Nor can make his move.”

Ching nodded and strode towards the bedroom, returning a minute later with Superman, still asleep and cradled in the other man’s arms. When Lois hiked an eyebrow, Ching simply stated. “This is more practical.”

Lois nodded and opened the door, letting Zara and Ching into the hallway before she grabbed her keys and pulled the door shut. They took the stairs and soon Lois found herself staring at the empty rooftop. “Well, where’s your ship?”

“Cloaked,” Ching stated matter-of-factly before Zara reached out and a doorway appeared out of thin air, complete with a short gangway.

Lois tried to peek inside but she could only see a few struts that accentuated a softly glowing surface. “So, that’s a U.F.O…”

Zara turned towards her. “Thank you, Lois Lane.” She bowed slightly. “New Krypton will always be in your debt.”

Lois nodded as she could feel the tears prickling in her eyes, and she quickly stepped forward and cupped Superman’s cheek. “Goodbye, Superman.” Then she turned back towards Zara. “Take good care of him,” she told her sternly.

“We will.”

Ching simply nodded towards her and stepped inside the ship, taking Superman’s sleeping form with him.

Lois turned away to wipe a tear from her eye without them noticing and when she turned back, she saw Zara standing in the doorway, staring back at her. Then the gangway dissolved and the doorway vanished, leaving only an empty space behind. “Goodbye, Superman,” Lois whispered again before she turned towards the stairwell. Her fantasy was over. It was time to get her life back on track.


Lois continued to walk through the streets of Metropolis. Her feet carried her to the ruins of her former workplace and she looked up at the spot where the Daily Planet globe used to hang above the entrance.

Here she had had her greatest successes. Here she had found good friends. And her best friend. Clark. He had confessed his love for her and she had asked him to fetch her Superman. And he still had done his best to prevent her marriage to a criminal.

She shook her head. Her best friend! If only she had been *his* best friend as well. She swiped at her eyes, tears threatening again. She really needed her best friend right now. She needed to tell him how sorry she was for the way she had behaved. She needed someone to hug her.

Slowly, Lois walked towards Clinton Street, her mind continuing to reevaluate the past month since the Daily Planet had closed its doors. Perry had said he would find a way to have them reopened, so maybe she could even get her partner back. And then, maybe even his friendship.

The stairs to Clark’s apartment seemed steeper than before. Or maybe it was just that she was getting closer to facing her partner… her best friend… Clark again. Provided he would still talk to her. Superman had told her that Clark loved her. But was that before or after she had behaved so abhorrently?

Lois reached for the door, knocking quickly before she stood back while she gnawed at her right thumb. She hadn’t been this worried since she had interviewed for the intern position at the Daily Planet. Her first meeting with Perry White…

The door swung open and Lois was faced with her former boss. “Lois?” He sounded surprised. “Why don’t you come inside?”

“Hi, Perry,” Lois mumbled timidly. “Is Clark here?”

“Uh… Lois…” Perry scowled and eyed her skeptically before his face cleared. “Jimmy and Jack aren’t here. They needed a timeout after the stress of the past days, so it’s just us.”

“What?” Lois felt like she was missing something.

“So, how is Clark?” Perry asked, his concern clearly audible in his voice. “I didn’t want to say anything in front of the others, but he had looked pretty out of it before you took him home.” He placed an arm around her shoulder and led her into the apartment.

“Home?” The strange feeling continued to build. She really *hated* to feel this way.

“This morning?” Perry settled her onto the couch. “After you managed to get him out from whatever Luthor had done to him?”

Lois felt like she was floating in empty space. Had Perry lost his mind or had she? They had rescued Superman this morning, not Clark. She had taken Superman back to her apartment, not Clark. Superman and Clark were not the same person. They didn’t even *look* the same. Except for the hair color, the strong chin, the muscular body, the same eyes… Yes, that was it. Clark and Superman were *not* the same person, because that would mean she had just sent her best friend off to marry some alien princess on an alien world where an alien sociopath would be preying on him.

“Perry?” Lois asked with a shaking voice as she looked at him. “Are you trying to tell me that you have found out that Clark and Superman are the same person?”

Her former editor nodded. “Seeing him in Nigel’s suit gave the game away. I think Henderson knows, too.”

“Oh, crap…”


Clark was beginning to wake up again. The last thing he remembered was being in Lois’ apartment – in Lois’ bed – while she told him he had lost his powers. Only now he was somewhere else. The bed was harder. The lights were colder. And there was a strange humming-noise in the background. He propped himself up on his elbows and looked around. He seemed to be inside a cabin of some sort. He noticed a door. “Hello?”

A moment later a strange woman appeared. She was clad in black with red and blue accents adorning her wrists, neck, and down the front of her robe. Her hair was of a lighter brown than Lois’ and she was a bit taller. “Are you feeling better, Kal-El?” she asked, and he thought he could hear concern in her voice.

“You know… my name.” His mind reeled. Only his parents knew his Kryptonian name. “Who are you?”

The woman eyed him for a moment before she answered. “I am Zara of the House of Ra. Your… wife.”



To be continued in the – as of yet unnamed – sequel…


SymbolicAngel’s wishes smile

Three things I want in my fic:
1. Revelations!!! Lois finds out that CK=Superman, and so does someone else.
2. A love triangle involving L & C (Superman doesn't count! LOL)
3. L or C thinking the other is dead for a brief time (No TOGOM--something new)

Preferred season(s)/holiday [if applicable]: No Christmas! I'd love anything in seasons 1 or 2.

Three things I do not want in my fic:
1. Christmas
2. L & C getting married/having kids
3. Dan Scardino

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, our favorite show, life, and more! (It’s almost like the IRC days of old again!)

I go by Michael on the Archives.
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