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Great part! thumbsup Good for Lois.

“What about your memory?” he challenged.

“Don’t worry. I’ll write the appointment down in my journal and I’ll take my journal with me to dinner tomorrow night. Nothing will be forgotten.”
eek She better take the journal with her.

More ASAP, please.

MAF hyper

Maria D. Ferdez.
Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age.
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No time for much feedback, but I loved the list, especially this:

7. Check the expiration date on your milk. I meant to do this last night but I was too tired to get out of bed.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~
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Oh yay another part!

The list was just great! I had a great laugh on the number that she cut her hair.

Clark, I'm still saying, in the words of the NBA, let the truth be told!


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Too much to quote, but I found her memories of his voice urging her to breath to be very moving.

Also, I loved the list, especially...
3. You cut your hair, don’t freak out
not sure how much to trust Star? She obviously doesn’t know you that well if she gave you a plant.
6. Call the drycleaners, your light blue suit is missing and you probably dropped it off there before this all started.
7. Check the expiration date on your milk. I meant to do this last night but I was too tired to get out of bed.
Mortified at himself, he shook his head. His mother would probably threaten to beat him if she knew he was thinking about intentionally spying on Lois... Not that he hadn’t done it before.

That had been different, though. They hadn’t been a couple before.

But they weren’t a couple now, he reminded himself.

He tore his eyes away from the building and looked down at the radio
I love this. Shame on you, Clark! Oh, wait; that's right, he didn't do it.

“Six it is. See you soon. Oh, and don’t expect me to bring flowers.” He chuckled lightly and hung up.
He may be smarmy, but he is funny every once in awhile.

‘Mr. Sonar Ears’
I couldn't have said that one better myself. wink

Then, too, there was her dinner with Dan tomorrow. It really bothered Clark, more than he cared to admit. And part of his irrational brain said if she was going to have dinner with Dan that he wanted to have dinner with her, too.
I love how you write him to be a jealous little boy.

Nice segment.


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Oh, yay!! laugh

I know everyone's said so already, but that list is just so funny! Absolutely priceless!! The expiration date on the milk almost made me spill coffee all over the desk. ROFL! As if that's got anything to do with the rest of it. hahaha! I'm giggling like mad! lol

They couldn’t be together, and he was going to have to tell her that.
Please, please, please!! Can someone kick him? Someone who's strong enough so that it would actually hurt *Clark* and not the other party... Please?

“Okay. I’m ready when you are, but first I want to swing by the Planet. There’s something I need to clear up with Perry.”
eeep... Clark's going to be in trou-ble!

Lois’s heart jumped in her chest. She tried to control her breathing and calm the beating of her heart, but it was impossible. She bit the inside of her lip as she waited semi-patiently for him to continue.
oooh... she is going to be so disapointed when she finds out that what she thinks he wants to ask most probably isn't that at all... cause I doubt Clark's become less dense in a matter of hours... right?

“I’m sorry I missed your call yesterday,” he continued smoothly, “I was out... So, *is* this a social call? Please tell me it is. Please tell me that you’ve come to your senses and dumped that lackluster partner of yours... or better yet, he finally ran off and never came back.”
I'd love to break his jaw. Oh what a relief, *that* man is *not* invulnerable!!!

“Then you won’t mind if I come to dinner with you tomorrow night,” he suggested.
Duuuude! you're either with her or without. Make up your damn mind! You can't have your cake and eat it too... (sorry... he's dense and it irritates me! lol)

I can't wait to find out what happens that night... I've got a feeling sparks are going to fly and it might not be the pretty kind either. hehehe!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies
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Okay, Clark, you're not fooling anyone but yourself (and you're not doing that too well, either). So give it up and admit that you and Lois HAVE to be together.

Great part! Funny and sweet and torturous as always. I loved the list, too!

Can't wait for more! clap

"Lois Lane is Clark Kent's Superman." - Brian Miller
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blush Dang! I posted as Elisabeth.... mad (at self)

not sure how much to trust Star? She obviously doesn’t know you that well if she gave you a plant.

6. Call the drycleaners, your light blue suit is missing and you probably dropped it off there before this all started.

Mortified at himself, he shook his head. His mother would probably threaten to beat him if she knew he was thinking about intentionally spying on Lois...
Shame on you Clark!

That was it. That was her answer. Clark *had* proposed to her!

She looked back down at the bottle in her hands. The pills were a golden honey color. They looked almost good enough to eat. She bet if she punctured one and tasted it that it wouldn’t taste anything like honey.
You just ain't whistling Dixie there, Lois. There are reasons that capsuled medicine is capsulated!

Clark sighed in frustration. He could have died happy if he’d never seen the man again – never heard his name mentioned again. But he knew he couldn’t fault Lois for continuing to bring him up. She couldn’t remember anything that had happened the past month – so Dan was probably still pretty fresh in her mind. Which was fine, so long as she continued to remember that she had emphatically shown him the door.
Loud SNORT!!!

Imagine if he actually had to *see* her with another man.

That thought wasn’t at all pleasant. He’d have to move again if that happened... when that happened. That’s all there was to it.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to see her happy. He wanted that more than anything – safe and happy. But he couldn’t – he wouldn’t – just sit back and watch her with another man. Watch her be held by another man. Watch her kiss another man...
Didn't think about that the last time, did ya, you big DOPE!

As you can see I loved this section....


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This is OT, but your little capsules remind me...

My Dr. asked me to give baby Katelynn garlic to help her get over a virus. We didn't have fresh, so we popped open one of those little pills and served it up in a nasty applesauce mixture. The girl likes it hot!!!

Recently, I ran out of taco seasoning in the middle of some bulk cooking, so I read the ingredients and tried to make up my own. I only added a little, but a little goes a lo-o-ong way. My seven-year-old fussed and complained, finally deciding, "Mommy, if you were in a throw-down with Bobby Flay, you'd win." Katelynn ate every bite without batting an eyelash. She ate seconds that night, too. Those little pills can be addictive, I suppose.

the real me this time, as you can see by my lack of cape and the pair of glasses

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Love the list that Lois leaves for herself.

Lois rushed into his arms, her lips finding his in a passionate kiss. As his mind fought to determine just why this wasn’t a good idea, his body took over and his arms wrapped themselves around her of their own will.
Yes! About dang time.

lisa in the sky with diamonds
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I loved the opening of this chapter.

Darkness. A freezing void. Lois wanted to breathe but the air wouldn’t find her lungs. She tried to scream but no sound came to her lips.

She was going to die. Or she already had.

But then...

Heat. An indescribable feeling of warmth. And a voice...
Love the juxtaposition of cold and heat, or better yet, cold and warmth.

“Live,” it commanded her. She tried to open her eyes, but found she couldn’t. She felt the warm touch of someone’s hand on her own, and then the soft caress of lips brush against hers as air was forced into her lungs. They protested the invasion, wanting to accept the life-giving air, but were not yet ready to do so.
I love this even better. Note the contrast between the gentleness and the tenderness of the warm touch of Clark's hand on Lois's, and the soft caress of his lips on hers, and the frightening intrusion, borderline violation, of the air that was forced into her lungs. And yet, that "violation" is the only thing that can save her, and she wants to be saved.

“Come on, Lois. Come back to me.” The voice begged her. “Fight, Lois, come on, fight.” It was like she was trapped in a thick fog, but even through her blindness, she recognized the voice... Clark. He sounded so frightened.

‘I’m trying, Clark!’ her mind screamed at him as she began to fear that this would be the last time she ever heard his voice. She clawed her way further through the fog.
"She clawed her way further through the fog" - have you ever been out in really foggy weather and tried to clear away the fog by clawing your way through it? The idea of being trapped in fog, of being absolutely forced to try to escape it, but having no other weapon against it than you nails - that is just so horrible. And at the same time, it's so uplifting somehow that Lois would be determined to fight the fog with any means at her disposal - even if it's just her nails.

“Don’t you die on me, Lois. Now come on, don’t give up.” His voice seemed to quiver.

‘I’m not! Clark, I’m trying!’ It seemed as if she could see a bit of light through the fog. Was that good or bad? She had heard about people ‘moving towards the light’...
Good (and scary) question, Lois.

“Come on, breathe, Lois. Breathe!” Clark commanded her, his tone thick with desperation.
What perfect choice of words - "his tone thick with desperation".

She tried to will herself to open her eyes. Breathe! Move! Cough! Something...

She felt the weight of his head against her chest. “No...” His voice was barely even a breath and yet it was so full of pain.

He thought she was dead.

She exerted every ounce of strength and spirit that she could find inside her... and then her panic increased. The breath he had pushed into her lungs was escaping – she wasn’t able to hold onto it.

She coughed.
The life-affirming glory of a cough, a wonderful tribute to Lois's spirit and Clark's love, urging her on!

This entire part was harrowing and so moving. I loved it. And I'm so glad that Lois remembered something new, too. Maybe I'm too optimistic, but to me this looks like this could be the first tiny baby step towards recovery for Lois.

Like everyone else, I loved the list, and like almost everybody else, I thought the checking of the expiration date of the milk was the funniest item of them all.

Throughout much of the rest of the chapter, Clark was such a lunkhead. Unfortunately, for non-LNC reasons, I'm so willing to believe that he really is a lunkhead. (Oh, I'm so willing to believe that he can be the hands-down most wonderful guy ever, too, but I'm always willing to believe he is prepared to be a lunkhead.)

I got particularly furious at him when he didn't want her to have dinner with Scardino, even though he himself had decided that he couldn't be together with her any more. Actually I think I got almost even angrier when he kept himself rather aloof from her, and yet wouldn't tell her what the problem was! The idiot!

Okay, ladies, keep dishing it out! I wonder, will Lois learn anything important from Scardino? Or will her dinner date with him be most useful in that it's going to force Clark to confront his own jealousy and realize that he absolutely doesn't want to break up with Lois? Maybe, just maybe, he could even change his mind about it?

Hmmm! I hope the big lunkhead will get slightly punished for his stupidity. And I hope Lois will get better, and better, and better, and then I hope she will figure out things and bring this story to a satisfying conclusion! smile1


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notworthy Another fantastic part!

She was so stubborn sometimes...
Look in the mirror, Clark.

Lunkhead is the perfect word for him. As much as I hate Dan Scardino, I hope Lois gets involved with him. It would serve Clark right.

Of course the involvment should be short--very short!

Waiting anxiously for the next part and hoping that Clark won't be such a lunkhead in it.

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Duct tape is silver.

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Ahhh keep Scardino away! :p He's so icky! Love how Clark is getting all jealous and Lois is learning more and more.


Superman: I hear you've been looking for me.
Lois: All my life.
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Hello everyone! Hope your weekend finds you well!

Hi Maria! Thanks for the fdk! Glad you're enjoying it.

Hi there Nancy. I must confess that the list came about as an inspiration from Sue (thank you Sue). I told her about my original idea for the journal and she said there should be some kind of list too - of the most important items for first thing in the morning. Sue mentioned that on her list we should have her check some leftovers or something in her fridge. Then, the other morning, I got my milk out of my fridge and poured some on my cereal (without smelling it first - like my normal little paranoid self usually does). I went to take a bite and thankfully the smell finally hit my nose before the spoon touched my lips. Yuck!!! So that's where the idea came from. <g>

Hello Jen! Thanks for the fdk. Yes, the bump for the concussion will eventually go down, but the hair will never change. <g>

Thanks for the fdk Elisabeth!

He may be smarmy, but he is funny every once in awhile.
I totally agree. laugh

Hah, glad you liked the 'name'. wink

Hi Lara! You are still hung up on that 'punishing Clark' thing, huh? Well I told you that Sue keeps some green Kryptonite in her closet... if she'll let you borrow it, then you can punish away. <g>

"Less dense in a matter of hours"... Ha ha ha! No I'm afraid he may get more dense before he gets less dense. wink

I'd love to break his jaw. Oh what a relief, *that* man is *not* invulnerable!!!
Eeek! Okay, I'm not a "Dan lover" but I may have to warn him away nonetheless. laugh Thanks Lara!

Hi Jessi U -- "torturous as always"? Sue and I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. goofy Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Elisabeth...err...I mean James. goofy I love all the "snorts". Ha ha. So glad you enjoyed this part so much.

Hi there Lisa. Glad you liked the list.

Yes! About dang time.
Hee hee. Just wait till the next part...

Ann!!! Thanks for all the comments. I'm glad you liked the contrast. And yes, I have been in really dense fog before - so thick you could almost cut it with a knife...err, fingernail. <g>

I hope the big lunkhead will get slightly punished for his stupidity.

moving on...


Thanks Ann!

Hi symbolicangel!

quote: She was so stubborn sometimes...

Look in the mirror, Clark.
Hah! I'm so glad someone caught that. Definitely the pot calling the kettle black, eh?

Of course the involvment should be short--very short!

Hi Jackie! "Icky"? Ha ha! That cracked me up. goofy Thanks for the fdk!

Thank you everyone! I'm glad you're all enjoying it.

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the list came about as an inspiration from Sue (thank you Sue).
Yes, Sue is good for inspiring things even when she might not know it… You know, the turkey is on and Dings!! And such…. She inspired a whole section of my latest fic. wink

And yes, I have been in really dense fog before - so thick you could almost cut it with a knife...err, fingernail. <g>
I was once caught in a fog so bad that I wondered (or floundered) around a parking lot for over an hour trying to find my car - or any car for that matter. On top of that it was icy cold out. I had visions of people finding me frozen to death. It was pretty scary, and I’m glad we don’t have fog that bad where I live now. That was in Utah, and I understand that it was even rare there.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~
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I started reading this after I read Tank's story because he said it was inspired by this one and it was really good so I thought this one should be good too and its awesome. Its angsty and funny at the same time. Im one of those evil people that likes to see Clark mentally tortured I also love a jealous Clark so needless to say Im in heaven with this story. I cant wait 'till the next post. hyper

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<DJ throws a kiss Tank's direction sloppy > If you're reading this note -- thank you, Tank!

A new reader! Yeah! Hi Ambar. Mentally tortured Clark and jealous Clark... I'll try to indulge you. <g>

Glad to know you're 'in heaven'. I hope you enjoy the next part. I hope to have it out in a couple of days.

Thanks again everyone!

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Hi, DJ! razz

“Are you going to come over for dinner...?”

“Oh. Yeah,” he stumbled and then he threw her a crooked grin. “But why don’t I cook for you?”
I'm looking forward for this dinner. hyper It must turn out interesting, if Clark doesn't put his foot in his mouth, that is. :rolleyes:

Well... when is next part?


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15
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Hi Andreia! I wondered what had happened to you <sniffle> laugh

Hah! I love your little icon that's pulling its hair out - that is too funny. <g>

I'm sorry about Dan. You'll have to suffer some more of him...

Dinner will be served very soon. I hope you all enjoy it. I hope to have the next part posted sometime tomorrow. <crosses fingers>


-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.

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