Clark, wearing the Superman costume, held up Lois in his arms. They were in the sky because they were flying, and he enjoyed holding her up this way. “I love you,” Clark said to Lois.

“I love you too,” Lois said to Clark, and pushed her mouth onto his face. This action made Clark very happy. He enjoyed Lois, and her face, and he very much enjoyed the times when she would touch his mouth with hers.

“We are over the Daily Planet now,” Clark said to Lois, because having looked down, he noticed that they were indeed over the Daily Planet, where they worked. “We should go to work.”

Clark lost altitude until his feet touched the roof of the Daily Planet, and then he stood on them. Lois stood on her feet too, now that they were no longer flying in the sky. Lois’s face frowned. “I do not want to go to work…”


“Clark, what on Earth are you reading?” Lois asked, peering over his shoulder at the screen. His lip was curled into a horrified grimace, yet he seemed unable to look away.

“I don’t know,” he whispered hoarsely, “but it’s 85 chapters long and labelled ‘Erotica'!”

