Chapter 26. My, how things have changed in the past few chapters. I hope you are enjoying the change of pace. You are now about 78% through the story.

Several songs in this one. I bet many of them are unfamiliar to you. But I know there is one in this list you would recognize if you knew the song actually began with the words I quoted. Personally, I didn’t even know the song started with those words, but after listening to Nat King Cole’s rendition, I can’t imagine the song without them any more. They make it so much more meaningful.

Papa Loves Mambo - More would be familiar with Perry Como's rendition I'm sure.
If I Give My Heart To You - Originally sung by Doris Day
Answer Me My Love
To the Ends of the Earth - A most appropriate song in these circumstances, I think.
I Am In Love
Fly Me To The Moon - The one you causing you to think, "Wait. I didn't see that one in the story." Yes you did wink. If you only listen to one of these songs, pick this one. Its fabulous and is now my favorite rendition of the song.

Given the happy-go-lucky tone of some of these, its probably best that Clark isn’t singing them but merely using the lyrics from them. wink

"Oh my gosh! Authors really do use particular words on purpose!" ~Me, when I started writing a book.