Kerth challenge #1

Lois sighed when she came above water. She was taking a bath to relax from the nightmare today. She almost married the biggest criminal in the history of Metropolis. She took a bit of foam in her hands and blew it in the air. A little foam landing on a rubber duck that stood on a corner of her bathtub. It was a little yellow rubber duck with a rose in his mouth and a card under its wings, a card with the letters for my friend. She had been giving the duck the name Flash due to his flashy red sunglasses in his beak. It had been a gift from Clark. Her mind drifted to the man she called her best friend and to the way she had been treating him. She should have to know that Clark had told the truth from the start. She closed her eyes again. Her eyes shot open again, “Clark!” she whispered, She had totally forgotten the appointment she had with him, wasn't it her time to send the story before tonight's deadline? The phone brought her back to reality, she would call Clark later hoping he had written a story, otherwise this was going to be the first time she would not make the deadline.


“Hi Lois, It is me.” sounded from the other side of the line

“Hi Clark, I was just thinking about you.”

She could hear a grin on the side of the phone, “ That is nice, Lois. Did you also think about our story?”

Lois was silent for a while she knew it had been her turn, how could she forgot the freaking deadline, “Damn it, Clark, I totally forgot about the story. I know I have not been myself today.”

They had an agreement with Perry and the editor of the star that the famous Lane and Kent could write for them freelance until the Planet was rebuild and back in business.

“I thought so. That is why I send the story to the editor of the Star in your place.”

Lois let out a deep sigh of relief, “you are a lifesaver, you know that Kent and Thank you for everything you did for me, I will never doubt you again.”

Clark smiled on his side of the phone line, “goodnight Lois!”

Lois smiled, “goodnight Clark, my friend.”

* once a Lois and Clark fan, always a Lois and Clark fan *