Chapter 1:

It was a day like any day in Metropolis, the usual crimes solved by their hero in tights, Superman.
Lois was looking at the desk of her partner, Clark Kent at the editorial office of the newspaper the Daily Planet, her partner had vanished yet again with some strange excuse, she was used to that by now, she didn't care really as long as he managed to bring in the scoops and the exclusives with Superman she was happy enough to accept his reasons, that alone was strange for a reporter like Lois Lane, she had questioned the reasons at the start of their partnership but stopped from the moment that she noticed that managed to be in the right place, at the right time.

Clark was more than her partner at work, he was Lois' best friend, one of the few friends she had really, she trusted him as much with her life as she trusted Superman.
She even started to admit to herself that she was falling for her partner and best friend.
The only thing holding her back was her fear to give her heart again, caused by the whole Luthor disaster.
She was dreaming about her partner and about Superman when her phone snapped her out of those thoughts.
“Lois Lane,” she answered still a little dreaming.
“ Miss Lane, this is Bobby Bigmouth.” told a voice on the other end of the line.
Bobby Bigmouth was one of her snitches

“ What can I do for you Bobby?” reacted Lois, now on full alert.

“ I have information on why Superman wasn't able to save Lex Luthor.” boomed through the phone.
“ You got my full attention, what do you have for me,” asked Lois hoping for the scoop that could earn her, her Pulitzer.
“ Not over the phone, meet me at our usual alley and don't forget my dessert this time.”

“ Alright, alright I will be there as soon as I can, it better be something useful.”

“You will not regret it!” said Bobby before breaking off their conversation.

Meanwhile in the alley behind one of Metropolis' best restaurants.

“ I did it she is on her way, now give me the money,” Bobby said at the mysterious man in front of him.

“ Sorry I don't want any witnesses!” laughed the mysterious man before he shot Bobby down.
The mysterious man took his place into the shadows, that way he could ambush Lois easily.

“ I will stop those Utopia's once and for all and I will become the legend and those heroes will be nothing more than a footnote in history, I will finally rule the world!” laughed the mysterious man from his place in the shadows.

His waiting was rewarded though when Lois came running into the alley without her partner.
Her bags hit the floor when she saw Bobby laying there in a pool of his own blood.
“ Bobby?” she ran towards him to check his pulse when she felt a gun at her back.

“ No need to check his pulse miss Lane, I a sure you, Bobby is dead.”
Lois flinched, she knew that voice anywhere.
“ Tempus!” the fear noticeable in her voice.

“ Very good Miss Lane, don't bother call for your big friend, I sent him to China.” laughed Tempus

“ Now if you please take a seat miss Lane, we are going for a little trip and don't try anything foolish I could easily kill you now and be done with it, but what is the fun in that, I first want to play a little game and make those pathetic heroes suffer.”

“ Heroes?” It was the only thing she had managed to ask him.

“ Oh don't worry you won't be alone for long! You will get company soon enough!” he said while he took place next to her on the time machine.

Los Angeles 1820.

Victoria was sweeping her porch and was talking with Diego who was just about to leave when the sky lighted up a few seconds. Diego's horse Esperanza startled together with Felipe's Pinto.
“ It is all right girl it is over now.”
“ What was that?” asked Victoria to her best friend Diego.

“ I don't know Victoria, it is not our typical lightning and it hasn't rained in days, I never saw anything like it. Maybe I can look it up in one of my books though,” answered Diego before he rode off with Felipe on his heals.

A little out of the pueblo they slowed down again.
“ I have a bad feeling about this Felipe! I don't know what it was but it can't be good. Let's keep our eyes open, I have a feeling Zorro will be needed soon.”

Meanwhile in an abandoned farmhouse deep in the desserts from Los Angeles...

“ Where are we?” asked Lois

“ You will know soon enough, there are two Utopia's that prevent world domination in the future and there are two heroes who need to be illuminated to rule it all, your Superman being one of them.”

“ Who is the other one?” Lois her voice was filled with fear but she needed to know, maybe it could give her a clue of where she was.

“ Never heard of the legendary Zorro, the fox of the night, my dear.” laughed Tempus evilly

“ Don't you my dear me,...” Lois stopped to think of what Tempus just told her, “ wait a minute, did you just say Zorro, the legendary fox of the night? That means,...!”
Lois was shocked by the outcome of her thoughts she was trapped in Zorro's time, trapped in the 1800's.

“ I knew you were a smart woman, Lois! Now be good I will need to go to the next village to see if I can get some supplies or better some who can work for me!”

Meanwhile in Metropolis 1993

Clark Kent came running in the editorial office of the daily planet, he was looking for Lois.
“ Jimmy, where is Lois?”
a young boy with brown hair turned to him from his place at his Computer.
“ I don't know CK, she runs out meeting one of her informants, Bobby Bigmouth but that was hours ago.” Said Jimmy, noticing how pale Clark had become. Clark was about to turn around but Jimmy made him stop in his tracks, “ What is wrong Ck?”

Clark turned back towards Jimmy, “ They found Bobby Bigmouth, dead!” that alone shocked the young man but he managed to ask, “ What about Lois?”

Clark shook his head, “ no trace of Lois, I was hoping to find her here! I need to get a hold on Superman. If you find any trace of Lois, Jimmy, call me on my cell phone, I am going to look for her!”
Jimmy nodded, too startled to say anything more.

Clark started his investigation the alley that they usually used to meet with Bobby, the same alley where Bobby was found hours ago.
He carefully x-rayed every spot with care when his X-ray fell on a handbag, covered by some garbage bags, he knew that handbag it was Lois'!

He spinned around, wearing the famous Blue, red, yellow suit.

Superman searched the city for hours, but with no trace of Lois, he listened carefully for her voice, but he never heard her.

He landed down on the porch of his flat, Spinning back into Clark, hoping that her handbag gave him some clues. He wouldn't stop searching until he found her.
A knock on the door stopped his search for a minute, he walked towards the door and saw an older man with glasses and derby on his head.

“ Can I help you, sir?” asked Clark towards his strange visitor

Who is the man on Clark's doorstep? Will he be able to find Lois in time and what about destroying the legend? Is Tempus going to rule the world? Stay Tuned for the next Chapter

* once a Lois and Clark fan, always a Lois and Clark fan *