Hi FoLCs!

This is Kerth Quiz #8 - Best Original / Supporting Character

Instructions are blatantly copied/linked from last year’s Kerth Quizzes (or even further back than that).

SPIFFY DISCLAIMER THINGY! All the stories featured in this quiz qualify for the Best Original / Supporting Character Category, but this quiz is not a stamp of recommendation for nomination. There are other stories which qualify for this category, but this quiz only covers 10 randomly chosen ones.

Recommendations for other eligible stories are *very* welcome and encouraged!

QUIZ RULES: Two points for getting the story and author from the quote; one point for getting it from the excerpt. Specify which is which, or you'll automatically get one point instead of two. (Also, don't forget to mention which number you're answering.) Open hard drive and archive, *don't* forget to snip the excerpts in your replies, and don't forget the spoiler space when you post in the replies thread. Plus, shiny gold stars for those who recognize their own stories (which, sadly, is harder than it looks, but mostly in the Epic and Long Story Categories though).

The DEADLINE for entries for this quiz is Wednesday, February 11, 2015, by 11:59 p.m (Pacific Time Zone).

More elaborate quiz instructions can be found here .

Please post your answers HERE .

Good luck!





















“I just wish there was a superpower for parenting.”

It was easy to be Mr. Gold, his cursed identity, the man who’d never known Belle — easy until she appeared, and then he couldn’t be anything other than Rumplestiltskin.

“The stockings were hung by the fume hoods with care / In hopes that Saint Nicholas soon would be there,” Dr. Klein chuckled to himself, adapting his favorite Christmas story S.T.A.R.-Labs-style.

“I hate Utopia!”

“This certainly doesn’t look like Maui. Are we even on the right planet this time?”

“Well, I’ll be. Superman and Ultra Woman, now Kam-El and Ultra Woman 2. Wait’ll the sarge hears this one.”

She might not even have acknowledged it to herself, but I knew the truth. She had a crush on me.

“When you live on the streets, your feet are the most valuable thing you’ve got. You’ve got to take care of them.”

“Chéri, if I can teach the strongest man in the world to waltz, I can teach you!”

QUOTE #10:
“I just want everyone to forget that Margaret Johnston ever existed.”























Kara’s heart ached for the parents she had never gotten the chance to know. But her senses took in her father’s heartbeat, warmth, touch, and scent, and all the other little signals that defined him; she relaxed into his embrace. Zor-El and Alura were right: this was her father, holding her. Her mother was waiting for her, back in Metropolis. She might have been born on Krypton, but she belonged here, on Earth.

Everything she’d learned about her heritage, about her abilities, about her family, hadn’t changed who she was. She was Kara Zoe Kent, age eleven.

She might not be sure what that meant yet, but she had plenty of time to figure it out.


“Make sure everyone knows these strangers aren’t to know anything about our world and magic and — well, you know, anything. Oh, and keep Leroy away from Granny’s altogether, all right? You never know what he’ll say and he might just decide to come right out and confront them directly. I don’t know how soon I can get them out of here, but the sooner Billy and Tillman can get their car fixed, the safer we’ll be. Tillman!” David stopped mid-step, rubbing a hand over his face. “Right, better make sure Hansel and Gretel don’t hang around their dad too much — Hansel’s liable to spill the beans faster than — “


Normally, Dr. Klein avoided office parties, with their requisite quotas of interpersonal interactions and — shudderingly — small talk, like the plague. Actually, to be frank, he would be much rather work with the plague (aseptically, of course). Yersinia pestis was a rather cute little bacterium, for an opportunistically deadly pathogen.


It started as a fist twisting Tempus’s stomach. As the rage spread through him, it changed to a burning, and was white-hot when it reached his brain and scoured him of his naiveté, leaving behind a cynicism unknown to the world for generations.

If this is what the SM 3000 brought him, it should never exist. The original Superman must die early. Lois Lane would belong to Tempus.


Clark trailed off as an odd sound reverberated through the room and a large blue box appeared in the space between some desks. Clark jumped to his feet and hurried over to it. Lois did likewise. Just as they reached the box, the door in one side opened and two people stepped out. One was a man wearing a tweed jacket and bow tie, and the other was a twenty-something red-headed woman in a leather jacket and short skirt.


“Didn’t Jon tell you? We decided on a Star Wars theme because they are working on a new movie, chapter VII. Jessie is going to be C3PO and Jim is dressing up like R2D2. Lucy and Sam are going to be Ewoks. Sean is going to be Chewbacca. Even Aunt Lois and Uncle Clark are dressing up. Aunt Lois is going to be Princess Leia and Uncle Clark is going as Han Solo. Jon is going as Luke Skywalker and I’m going as Jaba the Hutt. I’m too fat to be a Jedi or a storm trooper.”


It is morning again. I didn’t find any sleep last night. I wish that I could say it is because of the cage I’m in, locked away like a mangy beast. But even though I can feel the presence of the bars during every second of every minute of every hour that I’m stuck in this prison, it is the thought of Lois that has kept me awake all night. Lois, rejecting me. Lois, saying no to me. Lois, marrying a man who’s not worthy of her. But soon, all of this will be behind me forever. I will not suffer to see Lois wed to another. And I take solace in that thought while I await my release from this desolate existence. It should not be long now.


“Saving my life not enough?” Charlie asked. “Then this is payment for taking care of Rufus while I was laid up in the hospital.” The older man grinned. “Besides, I didn’t buy these. There’s places where you can get clothes if you need them.”

At Clark’s look, he said, “Don’t worry. They’re clean. I know the good places.”


Anxious decision danced in her eyes, the color of which seemed to flicker between brown with delicate microscopic flecks of gold to a dark chocolate that reflected her own desires. “Bernard, by staying tonight my darling I … I will never return home. I must go. As you say, we are mature people; we must not let our desires take first place.” She took in a deep, shuddering breath and then said, “We must give ourselves time, for this desire to grow and bloom into something far stronger and more precious than a single night’s fleeting passion.”

Bernie sighed and pulled her to him, he would have to wait a little longer to be with his future wife.


Lois took a breath and tried to squeeze a few drops of appeasement into her voice. “Just tell me, Clark. If we’re going to be together, let’s get this done now. Let’s not be like Jane and Shane and have it erupt at the worst possible moment.”

You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie. wink